The protests are working. The richest man on Earth is falling apart.


Gotta start going back to the classics, he’s such a fragile snowflake
Could we go with an even more classic move of stuffing him in a locker? Or giving him a swirly?
The world's richest dull normal manchild has the lQ of a gnatzi.
Sorry God, I know you created this man; and who am I to argue with the divine? But if you care about all the rest of your creations, please get rid of this evil fucker asap. Thank you.
Inside, outside, in a gazebo... I'll watch it anywhere. 😉
Not a single fuck to give
Should we call him a whambulance? He's crying about losing a few billion while he's getting ready to pull food off of people's tables, medical care from seniors, and social security. Leon Skum can go fuck himself I hope it hurts bigly
no sympathy

hey, we should pound VISA to get them to drop any insane scheme involving payments on X
Even his “drug” induced daily existence is feeling the effects of our boycott and resistance. Tighten the screws, fellow Americans! Tighten the screws.
Excellent. He thoroughly deserves to watch his empire slip away through his withered fingers.
He should fall apart he’s a netball
He’s reaching a level of hatred around the world that is as rare as it is dangerous for him. The hatred spreads all around the world, across it for the flat earthers who still love #Ketamelon. He’s in jeopardy wherever he goes.
In my perfect world Elon would be reduced to speaking at Proud Boys retreats for $75.
Now I'm asking myself... why are the proud boys a part of my perfect world?
Because you can't make a realistic world without racists and sexists. It's be a better world, for sure, but, history has proven that bigotry will never go away. So, the ideal realistic scenario is that they're so far out of the mainstream a washed up former billionaire is the best they can get.
Get out of my head!
Sorry, the signals must have crossed. I'll tune my dial more carefully on the future.
In our current world, the "Proud Boys" name officially belongs to a black church. If Elon wants to speak in front of a black congregation, let him. Just remind him to watch his Ps and Qs lest he piss off his audience.
Because the world has fallen so far into chaos that even that seems like a nice escape.
75? That can buy several meals. He deserves less. :))))))
Maybe, but the damage to my community has already been done, and I don’t see any of it being undone any time soon. So while this is good news, I’m afraid I can’t cheer very hard at the moment
How will he ever survive with only 300 Billion
See a Tesla ... Key a Tesla
No sadness here from me! Good job World, keep up the good work! 🌎🚫💸🤡🚙
Karma has come and it is beautiful
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Nobody believed me last month when I pointed out this is a distinct possibility.
God, I thought he would be gone by now. What is he hanging around for? GET OUT ELON. WE WILL NOT STOP PROTESTING EVER.
Donnie will save him! 🤡
Yikes AI is scary when it can mimic voices like that.
Queue the end of free speech.... 3, 2, 1..,.
For sure and that tech will only improve 😬
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And, it looks like sneaking looks at people's private personal and financial info is not real popular:
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He predicted his own end.
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The Trump/Elon tag team duo are really at the cutting edge of male fragility.
Let’s speed it up
The sooner the better.
Goes to show you can’t be a complete dick without some blow back.
Who or what will deliver the Le Coup Final?
Musk should be worth Zero. Trumpers protested in Trump Towers ALL RED lol.
I will believe this when they are mopping up his gelatinous remains from floor of his bathroom.
Maybe he'll start offering Federals workers horses for sex... 🤣
Keep up the pressure! Muskrat thinks of regular people as subhuman, playthings to be fucked with and laughed at. Take him down. Make his life miserable.
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There’s some wicked people coming to the 🇺🇸from S. Africa. How about a bill that would keep them from coming here and dismantling our constitutional rights?
I feel like renaming DOGE to DODGE should be funny. Department of Defensive Government Evasion?
Let's hope he falls apart before he destroys the federal government and the US economy.
Bankrupt. Let’s see Tesla bankrupt
And even more good news for the Nazi
I'm having such a bad day. This made me smile. Thank you.
Burn it to the ground!!
I just read if it drops to $114, he is forced to sell off all of it. I hope that is true 🤞
I Imagine a large amount of it is bought by loans with the clause of selling when it drops to a certain price to pay back the loans.
Elon could always get a job donating his sperm to sperm banks.
👏👏👏💯 great
The Tesla Chain Saw Massacre
Best news this month so far along with the smackdown dump’s atty got yesterday from the CA & MD Federal judges!!
What other billionaires can we help take down (already canceled Amazon prime)
Bezos and Zuckerberg
I dumped Facebook and Amazon.
I understand Grimes and another conquest of his were openly talking about his botched penile surgery. Let’s start calling him Frankenloin.
🤣🤣🤣 I guess he got a neurod!nk implant! 🤣🤣🤣
His frail ego will break soon, keep amping up the pressure.
not falling apart fast enough.
He wasn't really ever wrapped all the way tight to begin with,
Dear God, I"d prefer to watch #ElonMusk die on the outside.
Thanks God, best to you and yer whole family (I guess it's just the one kid, right?) anyway, best,
Keep stabbing him with the truth!
When does that carry over to the outside?
That's what I want to watch.
And we can't stop when it's working we have to follow through to the end.

Our only real weapon in capitalism is our collective capital and how we wield it.
More !!! We need more billionaires panicking !!!
I call that BS

A narcissistic dude like him does not even realize the water he is walking on still is wet and deep so he could drown
Yes please 🙏
We can do better.
I hate to disagree with God, but Elon doesn't have enough self-awareness to realize he should be dying inside.
As usual, bullies are so thin-skinned, they love to dish it out, but they collapse when anyone pushes back. Hey, Elon: guess what? Today, I deactivated my Twitter account, which I started in 2009. 🤣🤣🤣
More. I want him to suffer more. I want him to experience poverty firsthand. I want him to understand what it's like with us mortals. I want him to beg for help from the agencies he's trying to destroy. This will be a satisfying penance.
Karma needs to put in her red patent cha-cha heels and fucking get busy
The PEOPLE giveth and the PEOPLE taketh away.
He’s going to regret ever getting associated with Trump. It’ll be too late, the damage will be done.
Fair market value for Tesla is roughly $56 a share.

It trades at a premium due to Musky’s lobbying & PR that he’s a genius. He’s not.

Call & email your reps to cancel ALL subsidies for this billionaire who doesn’t want to pay taxes & wants to be the only (Socialist) recipient of our tax dollars.
The Man Who Fell In Worth . 🎹🎸
Cry Harder, Muskrat! 😭😭😭
We make him ! We break him
Hopefully he will take care of this problem with a lethal dose of Ketamine or gateway on to the Fentanyl Cocktail. It would be nice if the entire MAGA KKKult went down like Jim Jones and his followers did.
And impressively quick. He really is the best at dumb shit.
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I'd feel bad for him, but empathy is the fundamental weakness of Western civilization, according to Elon Musk
Special K croc tears
i’m sure he will be fine, with all the gov contracts canceled with vendors and provided to his companies these past couple of weeks
I hope his outside catches up with his rotten inside ASAP.
He's a vile POS.
Cancer on two legs.
He does not have ONE single redeeming quality.
This needs to continue 💪🏻
What can we do to make Incel NAZI Elmo Lush spontaneously combust? 😁

#AuditIncelNAZIElmo #DefundIncelNAZIElmo #DeportIncelNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
Image by: by StayCoolEnterprises
Not mine. But stickers available on etsy
Crying to his mommy and Trump. Boo hoo 😢
When you lose your soul for trading it in for all that money, that's what happens.
Soon, he won't be the richest man in the world and lose all the credibility.
Firstly, I am a dedicated advocate for Mental Health. That being said I strongly believe that Elon stated he suffers from mental health issues, and since he is going into our personal files, the American people have the right to know his mental health record.
Sniff! I hope I passed the audition! 😀
Make sure to milk his tears, they help season an excellent potato soup
Fuck that Nazi asshole
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His hubris got him in trouble. He didn't have a clue what he was doing and used a sledgehammer while he did it. He's hurt, but not down yet. He needs to see that he needs to get out of the government.
Squeal on Elon, squeal on… just joined.
Oh boy, he's about to FO.
Not that I care, but I’m sure the alleged ketamine abuse isn’t helping matters for him emotionally, either.
I wish him the worst. He belongs at a CIA black site.
Not enough keep protesting
Crying like a titty baby
He probably just needed a ketamine bump
I mean... I'd rather watch him die on the outside. ~<3
He’s not very smart if he couldn’t see this coming. Elon musk is a stupid little man
I’ve said it before; I’ll say it again: Elon’s “genius” is questionable at best, but his lack of critical thinking skills are not.
All he has to do is stop being a piece of shit & I will personally cease all of my protestations about one of the worst public figures in north america.

It's easy. Just stop fucking around.

Just stop.

Nobody WANTS to spend their energy being nasty and mean, but he forced it through disrespect.
Then there’s this . Morgan Stanley sets Tesla at $120 target price(!!)😂😂😂
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May Elon Musk not even be able to afford dirt to eat.
Forgive me God, I stole this.
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The bottom guys are actually nice guys.
The top..not so much.
Funny he says empathy is ruining the world but wants everyone to feel bad for him and support him. Eat a dick loser. I'm glad he's stressed, crying unsure of his future welcome to the America you are creating.
Fuck Elon…
The sooner the better
Good. Maybe a Ketamine OD will finish off the Nazi.
I am not religious but I pray for that every night.
Hey that’s sort of on my bingo card! 😂 I had that he gets a terminal illness but ehh close enough
Break him
This is so amazing we need to take down more and more billionaires! 💪
Shoot that straight into my veins
Wait what?
Aka …Finding Out 🇺🇸😉🆘
Heh. Any news on how DonOld is reacting to the takeover of Trump Tower Manhattan?
Awe .. poor widdle guy. Did we hurt his feewings?
Keep boycotting

You are so much more powerful than you think
picture elon as so poor that he lives on the streets

still doing ketamine

begging for money with a paper cup

denied healthcare
denied food stamps
denied welfare


he can be the jesus figure magas want

suffering for the rest of the world

and leaving us the hell alone 🫵
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That’s too nice a tent for him. How about a tattered cardboard box that stinks of mildew and cat piss
if i knew how to do memes, I absolutely would!
A box is too good for him as well. Let him sleep in the gutter.
He will just go back to South Africa and beg money from his Nazi mother and apartheid father.

we need to bankrupt them too
Finish him!
Now if he can just 💀 for real that’d be great
Call to action, please share!
#USprotests #3E
Do your thing, God. Make it happen. Smite him.
I want to say I am sorry, but I am thrilled
I knew we could count on you. I don’t care much for humans but obviously you still do!
I suspect the richest man on earth is Vlad The Invader.
I love the small wins we get every day and it’s energizing. But we also have to recognize that we still have a long way to go for the fElon’s empire to crumble.
Keep up the good work and keep turning up the heat guys! We can do this.
Wish it was in the outside too
Protests? They are just tourists visiting swasticar dealerships…amiright J6ers?
Make his stock tank so his loans are called.
He’s called out his mommy for reinforcements
We aren't done.
Are we.
Looks like he’s been stress eating ..
The heat and pressure is melting the MF’er faster than a Tesla can blow up
Titty Baby Musk Tears. They fuel my soul.
Hope you have mercy on his soul and send him to Hell in a Tesla Truck.
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Bring it on.
Keep boycotting the big guys! No McDonald's, no Starbucks, no Coca-Cola, no Kraft, no Tyson, no Walmart, NO PEACE!!!!
Here’s another for those who can make it.
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It is good news that Elon Musk is worried, not only from the United States but also from around the world.
Shit fucking cars anyway.
Karma God 🙌 ☯️ ☯️ 👏
Not fast enough. Patience isn’t a virtue of mine.
The world biggest ketamine addict and well-known right wing nut getting what he desetlrves.
How long before Cruella flies in on her broom to defend her poor little R word boy? (Her words, not mine).
He really is quite pathetic. He should be on "Botched"
Where’s Mama?
He said in this interview that the government is full of liberal bureaucracy who active work against the president.

Proof of what we’ve all been saying. He’s not trying to cut out waste. He’s trying to cut any opposition to Trump.
Not like all the laid off workers feel it!!
Hmmm, well well well, look who isn't immune from some 'temporary hardship'. Let's make it happen. #resist
Hope so
May it be painful.
God, please bring better weather so more people attend the “protests” because you are right, as always, they “are working”!
Can he die on the outside too?
Keep your foot on the jugular. Don’t let up until he’s gone!💙
I can’t feel any pity in reaction to this because I have been told recently that empathy is a sin. 😄
I refuse to be nickel and dimed by the independent opinion hobbyists.
He’s not broke or dead yet. We can do better. C’mon America and the rest of the world 🌎
Another man baby. We are doing him a service by forcing him to experience consequences of his own actions. DO NOT LET UP.
He is evil. He'll dig in. ...
“ this is the chain saw of plutocracy “
He's not falling fast enough!
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I was thinking the wavy arm guys were the only thing missing from that WH shill
I lol'd :)
We insects rule
Poor little baby thought he was so edgy and cool saying shock value things like he does on 4chan. Instead of getting a whole bunch of meme responses, he gets reality smacking him in the face. We aren’t a computer game or the Internet. We are real people and his actions have consequences.
I dont buy the 'he was almost in tears' crap. That was fake.

Don't care. Lets move on....

Tesla needs to keep decreasing so the banks come calling....
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It is illegal not to buy Tesla!
He is trying to ensure maximum suffering for millions of people, so no sympathy from me
Was he ever together?
Tagalog, spoken in the central Philippines, has the word “Hinayang,” which conveys the poignant sense of lamenting a missed chance.
The Germans have “Weltschmerz.”
In English, it’s “Bernie Sanders.”
Isn’t language fun. 😒
Turn up the heat.
Good. Keep up the pressure.
ahhhh booohooooo…😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣
the jester and karma…….
Burn in Hell Leon!! Slowly!!
Let's make him cry...
Fuck his feelings!!!!
"die inside"?

Elon hasn't been alive inside in many years.
I can’t open the video 🤷‍♀️
i wish that was true
👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻