Again crimes have been pointed out to the American people. Resist the propaganda of weaponized capitalism. The GOP HAS TAKEN SOMETHING GOOD AND TURNED IT INTO PURE EVIL
The article is true - there are UN articles that prohibit annexation and tariffs. Who's going to actually stop him? The UN has no actual military, it relies on the EU (involved in Ukraine) and the US. So who is going to stop him? Canadians. We have fought for democracy before and we will again
With a cursory search, I couldn’t find those two words anywhere in the document. I did read Article 1. I assume Trump’s actions simply count as aggression, and that this is what he’s referring to.
I read article one as well. I did end up searching and found a several statements that support the article. Ultimately, if countries decide they don't want to play fair (especially China, Russia, & US) who's going to stop them? The free world relied on the US. I think those days are gone for good.
Listen up everyone, my disable Veteran husband was just denied care for a serviced connected issue by a dermatologist in Las Cruces NM because the VA isn’t approving procedures anymore. Thank you trump and President musk.
They knew what they were doing and we need to honour the learning of our predecessors who fought those global conflicts. MAGA LAWLESSNESS WILL NOT BE OUR FUTURE.
America is exempt from all international law. They've never been held accountable for any of their crimes. When are people going to wake up and treat them like the rogue terror state they are
Then why is he getting away with this? WELL, duh, sorry. I forgot trump says if he is fixing the country he doesn't have to follow the law!! Please make it make sense!!
Would actually mean something if Canada brought this as a formal charge to the UN … otherwise it’s just a weak recognition of yet another illegal act by an ‘immune’ psychopathic US president who wants to be King of the Americas. No different than Susan Collins’ clutching of her pearls.
We should sue in US Federal court. Breach of contract, and contravention of the constitution (war declaration without consent of congress, sans casus belli)
exactly. He probably would respond with "Crooked UN" and carry on. Rationalizing with him seems futile, unless it involves some kind of monetary payout.
He’s always done illegal things. He learned that from his father and Roy Cohn. He’s never been held accountable - decades of corruption. I grew up in NJ.
So Trump is violating international law? I guess we will have to impeach him and turn him over to the international criminal court after he serves his sentence in the U.S..
I'm so glad you are on board with this. This is exactly the kind of curve ball you need to be pitching right now! Make him swing at it and laugh when he misses.
It took me a while to get the "elbows up" metaphor. Hopefully you'll "catch" mine.
OK. A) they are cheap mob-boss attempts at THREATS, not 'offers'
B) Canada is saying FUCK YOU loudly
C) Pussy Ass Bitch is already backtracking on tariffs.
D) Punch the Nazi (that's Anus Tangerinus, FYI) in the face and he will back down.
Of course is illegal and improve. But trump doesn’t care. The world needs to stop him. America needs to stop him the most, but he is a threat to everyone who’s not a dictator.
On the assumption that nothing will happen, does this just not prove that the UN is a waste of space if there is no enforcement mechanism for their rules?
Canada has fought alongside of USA in every war we have ever waged. They have been are complete allies in every form. Trump's idea of annexing or invading Canada is absurd on its face. There are tens of millions of Americans that will stand in the way of any such attempt, moron Trump.
This is true. Canadians should keep in mind presently, there are 10s of millions of Americans who did not vote for the traitorous scum Trump. And if he should make a move on Canada, he will be fighting most of those Americans alongside Canadians who do not in any form accept his fascist coup.
He hates NATO and the UN. The world’s leader (as a country) should be the biggest advocates of these organizations. By undermining them he gives rogue leaders and countries opportunities. We need to protect democracy everywhere. The rich are taking over
You have to love facts!!!Disinformation is ruining our society. We must get back to media who just tell the news with facts and let the viewer forms their own opinion. Unfortunately the man can’t tell the truth and always has his facts wrong. But maga believes every word. Dangerous !!
this is why regimes try to rewrite history: so people can't fight back. tRUMP goes against his own trade pacts.. his "great deals" are only great for him. It's GREAT when people know the real truth
So are we up to 36 felonies now? How many might we not know about? Frauds, attempts, conspiracies, counseling crimes, aiding or betting, accessory stuff. You need a spreadsheet.
I think invading a sovereign nation is illegal (Russia/Ukraine), but it seems what the UN does is just talk about things, so I'm honestly unsure what the point of something being illegal if no one does anything about it.
Never fight on two fronts.
Put out an international fucking arrest warrant and quit pussying around.
Seriously. Either claim the violation and demand extradition or don't.
Sometimes when the cop is the one committing the crime you need help.
We're asking for help.
Don't be that guy.
I’ll wait ………………………
Make sure its televised on Fox News.
#israel won’t last long if they are
But are there any consequences for those that break this and who enforces it?
Specifically, that branch of the UN that is capable of militarily defeating the US armed forces.
(scroll way down to find it)
USA alone wth Russia
Americans are rolling over.
Will other countries be just as bad?
Please don’t channel your inner Chamberlains.
We need to borrow nuclear bombs from France.
Elbows up.
tonight 👏
I wish he’d run again now.
It took me a while to get the "elbows up" metaphor. Hopefully you'll "catch" mine.
Canada's leaders - nor it's people - have what it takes to resist America.
Oh noes! You took liquor off the shelves!
The economic impact of America's tariffs is greater than Canada's response. Canada loses.
Fight harder.
B) Canada is saying FUCK YOU loudly
C) Pussy Ass Bitch is already backtracking on tariffs.
D) Punch the Nazi (that's Anus Tangerinus, FYI) in the face and he will back down.
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