Those are not Remakes but adaptations, which are not bad at all if they respect the original material. I'm talking here about movies that copy 1:1 the original material and doesn't offer anything new other than hyperrealistic and boring visuals copied from the original animation.
It's still not right, just because it is a exact copy doesn't mean its gonna be bad everytime, it's basically manga to anime dynamic but on a higher level of quality.
The only reason it's horrible it's because the production is bad, if I heard there is gonna be a shonen anime live action with 10/10 casting 10/10 directing and everything is perfect and they have really good budget then then it's gonna be good to me atleast.
it's either that or create a successful film franchise from scratch and why would studios take that sort of risk where there is a chance an original idea will bomb
I blame finance bros and their default mode of viewing film as an industry. It isn't. An industry is factories manufacturing cars and shit. Film is art, and a gamble on some eccentric weirdo's idea for a cool story. Remakes are an attempt to remove the risk of a flop without understanding the art.
As long as Disney wants to retain the rights to stories like Little Mermaid and Frozen which aren’t Disney originals, they will use legal tactics such as live action remakes to retain ownership.
It is really sad that with so many cool advances in technology, so much could be done, but the people who have the money to make it happen have murdered originality for easy nostalgia money grabbing
Alright, carry on folks. Nothing to see here. Move along.
IMO they are doing this because it renews their copyright.
I do admit fallout isn't a live action.
Watchmen - movie
Video games
Animated movies