I've been very surprised to see that so many think this is a PS2 controller, a DualShock 2. It is in fact not. It's a DualShock for the original Playstation. And yes, it did have analog sticks, lol.
Some people were not children mournfully looking at Ape Escape when their parents had already bought them two extra controllers and a multitap and it shows. There is no judgement here, of course. Only pain.
I suspect it's because of the blue appearance due to the lighting - there was a super common and popular skeleton blue dualshock 2 (mine is hooked up to my Ps2 right now in fact)
That is perhaps part of it. But some are also confused because they thought the PS1 didn't have analog sticks at all, of course thinking of the original controller. On that note, there is a translucent blue PS1 controller too 😯
While I did grow up with the PS1 I will admit that I am not really playing it because of personal nostalgia. It's just a neat system with a vast library that I own way too many controllers for, lol.
Oh I didn't even realize that! Tbh I missed when consoles did that! Why don't they do it anymore? Actually wait don't answer that it's modern game companies, the stopped caring years ago.
The original PS1 controller did not, but they introduced the thumbsticks with the dual analog controller and later the Dualshock, as seen in the picture.
Oh I did not know that I wonder if I had some Dual Shock 1s and never released like how I had 2 PS1 games as a kid but didn't know they where any different form ps2
It's not impossible. The DualShock controllers regularly came in grey. Actually, you can easily tell if it's a DualShock based on the grey plug at the end of the cord.
These were great! I used to mod these (terribly) into fight sticks. It was a spaghetti mess because I used the spiffyshoes hack. I still may have one I kept for nostalgia. The color unlocked some memories.
It depends. There were several translucent PS1 and PS2 controllers. If you still have it you can easily check the serial number, if it doesn't says DualShock 2 on back or if the plug is grey. The PS2 controllers are very similar, so it's not impossible it is one.
I miss those transparent cases. The one 90/00s thing that should still be around as an option. We can just put an rgb strip in there(with an off button) to make it modern
Between being high and PS on its 5 generation, I thought there must be some other reason cuz you couldnt possibly be playing that old ass console. But thats me thinking from my perspective cuz my PS 1 is in the attic back east covered in a layer of dust. I figured you’d be…transparent. Nvm carry on😌
It is not, its a DualShock. Sony introduced the thumbsticks with the Dual Analog Controller and later the DualShock in 1997, as seen in the picture above. You can see that this is a PS1 controller because it has a grey plug, serial number SCPH-1200 and no 'DualShock 2' text on the back.
The first controller didn't. Sony introduced the thumbsticks with the Dual Analog Controller and later the DualShock in 1997, as seen in the picture above. You can see that this is a PS1 controller because it has a grey plug, serial number SCPH-1200 and no 'DualShock 2' text on the back.
You're probably thinking about the original PS1 controller. Sony introduced the thumbsticks with the Dual Analog Controller and later the DualShock in 1997, as seen in the picture above. Here's a picture of the OG and the DualShock for comparison.
That's only the original PS1 controller. Sony introduced the thumbsticks with the Dual Analog Controller and later the DualShock, as seen in the picture above. You can see that this is a PS1 controller because it has a grey plug, serial number SCPH-1200 and no 'DualShock 2' text on the back.
PSX and PS1 are the same thing. If you're referring to the PSOne slim model that's not the first time the Dual Analog Controller or the DualShock was first introduced.
Never looked into it like that. Always associated first wave PlayStations as PSX and the slims, the ones branded as PSOne, as PS1. I also, personally, never saw an analog controller until the PS1 released but I guess that’s more on me.
No, it's in fact a DualShock. Sony introduced the thumbsticks with the Dual Analog Controller and later the DualShock in 1997, as seen in the picture above. You can see that this is a PS1 controller because it has a grey plug, serial number SCPH-1200 and no 'DualShock 2' text on the back.
...not the buttons though. Ew.
A controller containing the ultimate Nostalgia!
I love the translucent green, I'm sure how to describe it, but it just feels so right for that era