Next time, please bring up the misinformation framing . Because these 900 medals are from events like this. It's a sexist narrative that women are less than. It's the only reason why sports became segregated to project men's egos. It's why even libreals will refer to a weak man as a women.
If anything that guy sounded like a smug prick. And well name calling is learnt from his savior supposed savior he looks up to the orange criminal.
David kudos to your civility and patience
Rubin was funded by and propagated by Russia because he is a useful idiot that inadvertently spreads their lies and misinformation due his gullibility and low levels of media literacy. he does the same for the republican party. He is consistently wrong on every issue.
I used to be more of a civility politics guys. But if someone is making arguments that are going to tear the sanity of our country apart. Their arguments should be viciously mocked so people understand how monumentally asinine their takes are
When Dave Rubin and Piers Morgan attempt to portray you as being smug etc I feel like you are sometimes falling into their trap of looking like the bad guy they try to paint you as, you need a better way of reacting when they do that.. so their audience is more receptive to what you are saying.
Rave Dubin literally took Russian money from tenant media and he “allegedly” thought that getting $100,000 a video wasn’t suspicious
But he was concerned if a French billionaire was “woke”
I am getting so tired of being treated like an imbecilic fool by the MAGA Just informed by a brother that vaccines cause autism. That is funny. I knew my son was not quite right before his first shot.
Can someone tell Piers that PUSA doesn't dictate what the olympic committee has set for their rules on trans athletes, and that trans athletes were not on the ballot anywhere in the US as far as I know.
Good work as usual. Piers is insufferable. Why is he still on the trans athletes issue? The deflection from real issues was successfully done, they won the election. Is his audience now just people who follow him for that one thing, so he has to cater to them?
Personal attack = oops, I'm losing the argument. ("There's such a thing as boys and girls." So effing what, really. There's such a thing as non-boys and non-girls, and non any of that, too, hater.) Go, David, go!
It just shows how different right and left think. The smug prick comment followed by your “what can I say?” smile was perfect. You are the Jessica Tarlov in that group and that full on attack of your common sense statements stands out remarkably.
Moment was the dance at the end…
David kudos to your civility and patience
Good-job make en squirm!
I swear they just look in the mirror at night and insult themselves and then try to pass it on to others when they are on air.
But he was concerned if a French billionaire was “woke”
The host of this pod cast insulting you is a sign that he was out of intellectual ammunition.
First on YT, now also here.
Ben Ferguson couldn't seem to stop acting like Player 2, so it didn't seem like that bit got much follow up.