Are any Republicans doing the obvious thing, which is, rather than claiming conspiracies and talking about the deep state or whatever, simply saying Trump made a mistake by nominating Gaetz?
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According to Republicans, only Democrats are involved in conspiracies. When it’s a Republican judging the actions of another Republican, there’s always a simple and convenient excuse for why something happened, and it is never their fault because somehow they don’t have agency.
No, I’m finding out that most of them don’t believe any of it and think Dems are behind all of it. Plus, I’m pretty sure some of them are OK with a little sexual assault here and there. Men will be Men. Whatever happens under Trump, they’re going to blame it on Biden. Wait for it.
I wouldn’t bet the farm on that. The MAGA wing of the GOP and the Christian theocrats would cheerfully welcome Trump as dictator, and it appears that they have taken over the GOP…
All MAGA republicans fall in line under their Fuhrer. They want this to happen as much as Trump. Trump’s goal is to burn the government down. Since he only has a concept of a plan to do this, he depends on his diabolical friends for a plan.
I'm not a Republican but I do like Trump. I'll still speak for every Republican. We like Gaetz because:
1. He would have rooted out the obvious (in our eyes) corruption
2. His nomination set off people who told us we were bad people which we don't believe.
Yeah….but sometimes it’s not about politics (even if you like them). Sometimes it’s just about morality and the red line you can’t cross and come back. I don’t know, how MAGA can live with this.
The risks associated with this type of novel procedure would certainly be substantial, but I’m not aware of any other treatments that might be as effective…
They would be throwing stones in their own glas houses. If we were to believe MTG's tweet about all the dirt she has on her colleagues, a certain number of GOP politicians are in a similar boat to Gaetz. They were just smart enough to not pop on the wrong radar aka. becoming a fall guy for Trump.
Now I see why you came here. It’s an echo chamber and most people agree with you unlike on YouTube and Twitter. Didnt you make fun of Truth Social for years for doing this very thing? The irony in you writing a book called “Echo Chamber”. 😂 Look in the mirror, David!
No, because the Dear Leader cannot make mistakes! It was those nasty Democrats who sabotaged this most excellent nomination of a highly-qualified person who's never done anything wrong in his entire life.
Exactly the dear leader can never make mistakes the right never criticizes trump ever except when Joe Biden lost a lot of support and some ex democrats voted in trump the next election those traitors who used to criticize trump they still do but only sometimes not for everything smh.
No, Trump has always gotten by without EVER admitting the wrong decision! There are way too many republicons to throw under the bus, including Gaetz’ heavily suggested self sacrifice for the good of the republic! Ceaser would have it no other way!
He hasn't vetted any of his candidates. It took something like two hours to pick a new nominee. Did anyone even do a google search about why they should or should not give her the nomination? Check her wiki? Anything? I seriously doubt it and it won't happen for any of them.
It’s why he said he believes he should be able to do recess appointments and get his cabinet picks without congressional approval cause Trump knows his picks are partisan and terrible.
Someone said this is Don and Lon's Excellent Adventure, and I can't unsee it now. Feels like the Republicans are just ignoring everything because they think it will all be solved with a ride in the phone booth.
Some are saying it was 5D chess, that Trump knew Gaetz wouldn't be confirmed but did it anyways to "expose the Senate RINOs". Can't make this stuff up.
You'd have to maybe *maybe* admit to yourself that you made a mistake by voting for him. Easier, albeit more intellectually cowardly, to just double down and buy in harder
Er Fuhrer or Dear Leader walks on water and makes no mistakes. Repugnicans can't admit that Drumpf is i.perfect or even human ge is some deity to them.
Nobody is even giving Trump praise. He used to hire these people only to fire them later. Now they are fired even before apppointment this must be the efficiency streamline from Elon and Vivek.
Gaetz needed a way to subdue the report that was about to be released on him, at the same time it was a way for Trump to test his criminal worshippers in Congress. Trump ultimate plan is to make sure there will never be a free election in the US again, Trump is about to corrupt everything.
trump only picks the best people though...right ...right? Too tired to look it up but how many people went through the revolving door of his first administration? he is just a Loser picking losers. Rapist picking rapists. Traitor picking traitors...
On the one hand Gaetz is a horrific choice for AG. On the other hand, anyone that Trump nominates for AG after Gaetz is going to look much better in comparison.
Trump made a mistake by nominating Gaetz, not because of whatever sexual conspiracy the left dreams up, but because Gaetz is a loser lifetime politician that has essentially no experience as a lawyer.
They will forever be remembered as the Pro Child Sex Trafficking party. Probably will even be used as an example of sentence, in any online English dictionary
Gaetz is toxic to everyone even Republicans. I think their wives are talking to them about what a sicko Matt is. I also think they know what’s in the investigation and they don’t want it to come out because there are probably a lot of other Republican men involved. GOP means gross old perverts.
That would involve them admitting that Dear Leader is capable of making a mistake.
Given how many MAGA sorts hold him up as a messianic figure at this point, I doubt we will be seeing any (public) criticisms of him by any member of the GOP.
Are you referring to the trans flag? I am of the opinion that if any Muslims do not want to respect and fight for the rights of everyone, then maybe they are not democrats. The party should not cater to hate.
I have a MAGA loved one that I care about. He says that unlike liberals, Christian conservatives defend their own no matter what. Then he said that the media was lying about Gaetz. I'm at a loss, if new information comes to light my poor MAGA loved one changes the goal post.
Trump definitely made mistake appointing Gaetz. He’s highly divisive - unqualified - slimy and sketchy. Congressional processes worked though because he dropped out upon scrutinization. Its a positive to know American processes are clean in removing trash candidates from important positions.
None that I am aware of. The GOP has become very Nazi-like in their devotion to Der Trumppenfuhrer....
Trump's grandfather was an illegal alien who came to America to dodge the draft in Bavaria....
1. He would have rooted out the obvious (in our eyes) corruption
2. His nomination set off people who told us we were bad people which we don't believe.
* We know you hate anyone he nominates.
btw: Greetings from Austria :) Same problems with the far right here :(
I hate this all so very much. 😤
If so, I guess some did.
tis the season for POO-Litics,
It's time we flush those buggers down!
1) Never admit a failure
2) Never mention anyone associated with the failure, ever
3) Continue on to the next failure
4) Go to #1 and repeat
Everyone knows the Bavarian Illuminati wanted to sink Gaetz so they could groom those girls at Pace!
Hear it now on my new po– just kidding he was a coworker and I'm not secretly recording my place of work, yet.
Given how many MAGA sorts hold him up as a messianic figure at this point, I doubt we will be seeing any (public) criticisms of him by any member of the GOP.
Trump's grandfather was an illegal alien who came to America to dodge the draft in Bavaria....