Odds are David that the majority of people who are reading this also expected it to be bad, and are also shocked. It's disheartening that so little of the foreknowledge of this travesty translated to preparedness.
There's bad, which I expected, then there's, we're working our way through the levels of hell at such a rate I can no longer tell exactly which level we're on or how many are left to go at this point.
I actually expected this the first time... and never thought it would be possible to win again.
Now... it's going to be a complete uphill battle and will take no less than a #bluetsunami in 2026 to win back Congress.... that is if our Democracy holds until then... 🤞
Everything so far is as expected. 2025 laid it all out. That said this is just the very beginning and in 6 months you'll think of this period as the good and sane days.
Exactly the words I'm using. But what can we do to save our country now? Protests in DC? General strike? Calling congress, which is a thing they tell us to do, doesn't seem to be enough, all things considered.
Why is America so complacent? Why are the Democrats so inept? Where are the street protests? American exceptionalism has always been a joke. We’re really not a great country. Just an aspirational idea with no substance and a population that values materialism and comfort over all else.
Nope. Not shocking in the least for me. With Trump there is one rule, and that rule is no matter how shocking and low you think he's gone, he can go much much lower and much much more shocking. He has absolutely no moral compass. If you work on that assumption, you won't be surprised in the least.
So far I've expected everything he's done. Nothing surprises me. And I'm pretty good at predicting what he's going to do I just assumed the worst I can think of at the given moment and apply it.
I did. Although I’ll admit I didn’t think he was stupid enough to actually try some of his recent moves. Screwing with federal funding programs like title 1 schools, social security, food stamps, and VA disability? That’s a death sentence for him.
In what way is it not exactly what nearly 80,000,000 Americans voted for and expected?
Bad, arguably yes. Shocking? Hardly.
The history books will always have to record that this is what the American electorate willingly chose. They weren't forced or coerced. It's what they wanted.
Living in a Make Believe Utopia Bubble that was created by the Corporate Media with the help of the US Government, Americans became detached from reality. Sadly the US, like all other Empires before, is in decline and the Bubble is ready to burst
All of us, David. If you ever listened to his crazy blabbing, he told you every single thing he was going to do. So where is the surprise? Trump called it the wave.
I prepared for really bad because I barely survived his last reign of terror. But his handlers have upped the ante. Anyone thinking Trump is solely responsible needs to do a little digging.
It will reach my expectations when trump ignores the court orders either forcing Congress to roll over or impeach him and allow the coronation to happen. My money is on King Piggy
He came in with a clear plan and got straight to business with his playbook 2025. The detention camp for 30,000 people in Guantanamo Bay made some of my family members quit gaslighting me. It’s pathetic that people didn’t take him seriously. The man led an insurrection for gods sake.
The things you have to take some small solace in are that we've already seen some glaringly bad execution due to completely unsurprising ineptitude, and the tension between their white-power and techbro factions will almost certainly throw some sand in the gears. It's not gonna be smooth.
We expected bad, we expected bad across the board, but I don't think we expected complete and total disaster in the first week all at one time with more on the threshold.
Even before the election, I predicted to my husband that if he was elected, planes would literally start falling from the sky. Assaulting the experts in aviation and at the Natl Weather Service is truly dangerous. Sadly, this probably won’t be the last time
It is pretty bad and like you I thought it would be bad and it is even worse, and this was supposed to be better organized than the previous time since they had done this whole organizing thing before. Not so much so far. This has been a total cluster ****.
Having this sociopath in the White House the first time apparently didn't convince enough Americans that it was a terrible idea, so here we are again having the same sociopath in the White House. I remember how fed up with Trump everyone was in 2020. Wish that feeling had stuck around.
It’s almost like people’s minds were wiped clear! I always wonder how people can be so willfully ignorant & particularly about their own experiences. We all experienced 2020 & I remember the desperation to get him out of there. How we are here again is beyond me. A country that refuses to learn 🤦🏽♀️
There was a goddamn written document on how bad it was going to be, mix that with a narcissistic, uneducated, money hungry psychopath and you haven’t seen anything yet.
Trump has an uncontrolled mania, he has to cause chaos every day, otherwise he is not entertained. Things getting worse, makes him feel better. Expect worse than worse.
Regarding surviving the next four years, my proposal is, “maybe we shouldn’t?”
They’ve built themselves a reenforced bunker inside the federal government from which to destroy the federal government & use its husk for their own evil ends. (Be worried about Social Security, Medicaid and medicare)
Aside from the benefits of states asserting their independence/sovereignty and threatening #NationalDivorce if trump violates the Constitution, actually going forward disrupts their ability to attack our freedoms/friends, alliances, and preempts their theft of social security, which is coming.
Not a lot of Americans are taking secession or breaking up the country seriously. California is showing the way with their rederendum. People need to seriously consider ending the USA. It's been a several hundred year experiment that hasn't worked well, if people are honest about it.
We’re in a period of extreme thawing of norms which have been in place since the founding of the USA. A lot of that is because of trump but also people are reconsidering assumptions they’ve had about our government and how it is supposed to function in response to trump’s assault on America.
Don't be silly, we'll survive no matter what, that's what humans do. Even if he tears everything down, when it's over we'll pick up the pieces and rebuild, hopefully having learned a thing or two. I know he's powerful, but he's not a god, he's a coward with a lot of sycophants.
Honestly, I am not shocked at all by any of it. Thus far, it has only confirmed my personal predictions. I am not a professional by any means in strategic thinking, but I am not surprised by any of it.
Me. He's just doing what he said. No shock. Just repulsed by his war on the poor. And poor maga. Nothing in his agenda for them. Just a concept of giving a fuck. Ha ha.
Love you, David. I've followed you for years from down under. Tasmania, Australia 🇦🇺
I don’t know why anyone surprised it’s this disastrous. He and Project 2025 told us exactly what he was going to do and now he’s doing all of it. Not one thing that’s happened since January 20th has shocked me.
It’s called Authoritarian creep!!!! Look it up!! It’s the gradual erosion of democratic norms and institutions as leaders slowly expand their power, weaken accountability, and suppress opposition. It happens in small steps, making it harder to recognize until democracy is significantly undermined.
What I don't understand is why our party is just sitting back and watching him lay the groundwork to convert the government into an autocracy and doing nothing about it. We can't be concerned about fighting within the confines of the law when the bad guy isn't following ANY rules.
I didn't read the book. Is there also a chapter dealing with the topics of Guillotine, hangman nooses, firing squads and the like issues?
You know, like history has a few of those.
Don't rely on that option. The Democrats screwed up twice last time. Plus, he has to have committed a high crime or misdemeanor. He will be more careful to cover his arse this time.
Maybe someday we'll learn the full extent of what he has done to undermine our country. What we do know is horrifying. I'll lay odds that what we don't know is worse.
That's how it goes when a pathological liar claims he knows nothing about the pre-planned Project 2025 and too many believe him or really like what is planned. Then there were those too disinterested to even bother to vote. Who's going to suffer more?
At the beginning I thought let me get the popcorn and enjoy the show, but now I think we need to do something, all of us the citizens, even if it’s a lot of noise
It's OK David, given that we are not all impoverished, incompetent, narcissistic, amoral morons, it's understandable that we couldn't totally fathom the depths they would sink to in their greed and lust for power.
I knew it was going to be bad. It’s why I almost threw up, literally, when I woke up and heard the news he won.
But I knew about Project 2025.
Sadly, many did not.
I think the shock most of us feel is that it is SO very bad within the first 2 weeks. It’s also terrifying to think this feeling of impending doom I have every morning is going to continue for 4 years.
Take care of each other. We all need support 💕
Agreed. I am guessing Trump will try to be as much like Hitler as he possibly can. I was hoping that Congress or the Supreme Court would try to stop him but so far it looks like they will go along 100 percent. Never imagined any of this was possible.
Chaos rules this White House the press secretary said she would not lie well she told a lie which caused a judge to block again the illegal freezing of funds great job Kelly Ann
Seriously though, it takes a remarkably mentally damaged person to insult military aviators, airline pilots, air traffic controllers, multiple federal agencies, and the families of the dead and fallen all in one swipe.
Interesting, I just saw an historian talking about wealth inequality and the other time it was like this was the late 1920s and what happened then? We all know. This historian (I can't recall the name) spoke about it being this much disparity is unsustainable and will break.
I don’t believe he is in charge, just the front man. The authors of 2025 have promised him all the attention he craves if he carries out their “orders”.
The Jews didn’t have the 2nd amendment, or the internet. It’s hard to have any hope or faith, but I legitimately pray that the Germans wouldn’t have let things happen the way they did if they caught wind of what was happening sooner, but I honestly don’t know.
My friend is going through it rn because they bc it Medicare and her daughter’s medications won’t be covered, so she is so distraught, she’s having suicidal thoughts. Her daughter is 100lbs and losing weight rapidly…
It took Adolf Hiter 54 days to destroy freedom and democracy in Germany, you would need to be completely ignorant to not see that Trump and the GOP are trying to break that record! #WakeupAmerica
On the upside, in the UK, the tories never had any intention of ever being out of power again either, and now look where they are, scared of being overtaken by an extreme right-wing private company, cosplaying as a political party.
We should not have expected better, at all ever. I keep trying not to have hope but it keeps sneaking into my thinking because I have daughters and I could just cry for days. But every time I have hope, it’s been crushed. For years now. Never expect anything but the worst.
I'm sure from this moment on, he will surprise us all and become presidential, unite the divided and restore America's image world wide. It's also possible that I drank too much of the "optimistic" brand of whiskey this evening.
Seriously? I am not shocked by anything so far. I actually laughed at much of it because of the people I know who thought he was THE BEST! ZERO SYMPATHY for them.
Trump tyranny will not be able to continue without the support and acquiescence of those whose lives and future it is destroying. A civil disobedience movement can overcome the most powerful regimes! Needed is what resisters to authoritarian regimes elsewhere have called “Social Self-Defense.”
This is already the greatest Presidency of our lifetime.
Pulls of Paris Accords
Ends DEI
Massive deportation efforts
Sending the criminals to Guantanamo
Birthright citizenship
Banning Trans surgeries
New Tax Proposal
Even better than I imagined it would be
Just wait till we get Kash!
Now... it's going to be a complete uphill battle and will take no less than a #bluetsunami in 2026 to win back Congress.... that is if our Democracy holds until then... 🤞
Never underestimate them!
he is disastrous and always has been.
Bad, arguably yes. Shocking? Hardly.
The history books will always have to record that this is what the American electorate willingly chose. They weren't forced or coerced. It's what they wanted.
Since he came down that escalator in 2015 he’s been channeling Hitler & his tactics!
The thing is crap in a lot of ways but it just needs an edit/clarification. The intent is solid, just the phrasing needs work.
But given MAGA exists, not now.
and should be treated as such.
Where is our fucking military?
Expect the worst. Then multiply it.
Been saying it sense that traitorous clown was elected.
Where he freaking belongs.
There is no resistance from the GOP -- only a bunch of wet kisses.
The judicial branch is totally 💩.
We will be lucky to survive the next four years.
They’ve built themselves a reenforced bunker inside the federal government from which to destroy the federal government & use its husk for their own evil ends. (Be worried about Social Security, Medicaid and medicare)
Love you, David. I've followed you for years from down under. Tasmania, Australia 🇦🇺
Expect them to stink
Only weeks into it.
Soon, they’ll be driving the car right into a wall.
(Trump just wanted to stay out of jail & play golf.)
You know, like history has a few of those.
Or did nobody of them think of that?
Testing the waters
Discrimination in the military
Halting celebrations of diversity
It's testing the public reaction.
It won't stop there
This is P2025
Chaos follows him.
But I knew about Project 2025.
Sadly, many did not.
Like I’ve been saying:
We’ve ALREADY seen this FLOP of a movie.
The SEQUEL won’t be any better.
Take care of each other. We all need support 💕
Plan to revoke the constitution.
Rajeeeemos muchachos
Then came the domino fall over of Bezos, Zuckerberg…
I hope Roberts have night terrors every time he lays his head down to close his eyes
The death and destruction is paved by Mitch, Roberts, lawless GOP step by step.
For the love of fuck !!
If true Trumps demise, along with the end of the GOP, should be spectacular.
Pulls of Paris Accords
Ends DEI
Massive deportation efforts
Sending the criminals to Guantanamo
Birthright citizenship
Banning Trans surgeries
New Tax Proposal
Even better than I imagined it would be
Just wait till we get Kash!