This is the real FAFO moment. Veterans, children, families, senior citizens, and all survivors on Social Security. I’ve come to the conclusion the MAGATs are trying to kill us. Collateral damage is fine with them.
I want them to explain to me why they need to cut Social Security. I put money in, and my employer puts money in. The government doesn't do a fucking thing except for administer checks and update Social Security rules. It is self funded and is 4.2 % of the budget
SSA does get audited, and while I can't verify they follow all recommendations, members of Congress should know this. It's like saying, "We need something to see if my car has gas!"....well we do, it's called a gas gauge...stop making up a crisis for attention.
So they want to steal from all of us who paid into Social Security our entire working life so they can give tax breaks to some rich people? HELL NO. Remove the earnings cap on Social Security and fully fund it and Medicare for all.
This is NOT just going to go away…the courts are not going to save us & Trump is not going to be “voted” out (remember Jan 6?) Time for SYMBOLIC gestures has long passed. Rallying & marches have little effect, random boycotts even less. Nationwide General Strike!
First they fired all the Inspectors General who do that work.
They brought in the doggie boys who have no clue how the system works.
Cutting Social Security which has its own trust fund does not fix refusing to get income from billionaires.
I’m not understanding why they don’t fix it, and claim all the credit for working a miracle. Instead, they want to demonstrate how awful they can make life. Anyone else wondering why they’re making this choice?
They CAN'T fix ANYTHING, because they have no clue how anything works. All they see is a giant pot of money that they want to go arms-deep into and grab all they can. The only credit they can claim is for "fixing" problems they, themselves created (or lied about).
They could raise the cap. That alone would make SS work. It’s not enough, but it would be the brass ring for right now. And, they’d milk that like it was a brand new, never considered idea. But you’re right, breaking stuff is their forte.
These fuck need to DIE!! There is no internal fraud in any of these programs!! Look at some of those GQP senators and congressmen who run or ran companies guilty of massive medicaid/ care fraud‼️😡
So, he wants them to look at Rick Scott and his company’s massive Medicare fraud, right? Is that what they’re looking at? Scott should be forced to pay back every cent he stole with interest and adjusted for inflation. These two morons are definitely among the most annoying pair of liars on TV. 🙄
My theory is that Musk needs 1,000 Trillion dollars to fund his fantasy of establishing a colony on Mars. This is what Ketamine does to an already destabilized mind. He will suck the turnip dry. The US is his turnip.
What’s happening NOW w/firing social security employees & closing offices. Musk spewing lies about it being a pyramid scheme. Trump/ Musk will loot our money. Want to stop SS? Stop taking money out of our paychecks AND backpay us Every Cent w/Interest from age 16.
I paid in for almost fifty years. If I had know it would just be stolen from me, I would have liked to invest it myself and have much more than what social security earned for me! They can f*#& right off!!!
The reason overpay happens is because Medicare and Medicaid haven't been able to fight over pricing, and when allowed to do so for several medications under President Biden the costs dropped more than 50%.
Trump and his cronies retracted that, btw.
These Republicans going after Medicaid. Possibly Medicare and social security don't want anybody screwing with their pensions, their salaries or their health care 🤔
I think Republicans don’t realize the SLEEPING GIANT they’re awakening by going after SOCIAL SECURITY. It’s an EARNED BENEFIT. We don’t want to see our poor parents, grandparents, Aunts & Uncles forced to live on the street. Americans have long fuses for most things. Trust me, not 4 this! Hands off
These are entitlements we paid into, this is NOT negotiable! If they hadn’t looted from the system, now they don’t want to pay back what they borrowed, and that truth brings us here!
They're of course going to privatize it when their cuts render it impotent, ineffective and broke, but Bloomberg will just tell you they're coming to "aid" the oligarch tearing it down.
I agree! But, I'm afraid that the GOP now has control over the voting laws, machines, media and results. They are making sure that we are unimportant. Unless we start doing something TODAY, well...
The people auditing those programs are not trained to do that! They don’t even know what they are looking for!!
SSA does get audited, and while I can't verify they follow all recommendations, members of Congress should know this. It's like saying, "We need something to see if my car has gas!"....well we do, it's called a gas gauge...stop making up a crisis for attention.
If we do that, it WILL curtail #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump!
I know everyone understands when I say,
"At Least Nothing Will Get Done!"
They brought in the doggie boys who have no clue how the system works.
Cutting Social Security which has its own trust fund does not fix refusing to get income from billionaires.
Go after the health care companies that are over charging Medicare patients. You'd have lots of opportunities to save there.
But that would be hard. And hard work is hard isn't it DOGE.
It's easier to tell the computer to do the work, isn't it? 👶🍼
You Have No Right!!
PS. That is just for this year’s budget.
They’re just so hateful.
That's what's going to happen if they cut off Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare to MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Americans.
Only in America can liberal fail the people so tremendously as Democrats has for their citizens.
Oh I'm sure they'll find *just* enough "fraud" to justify removing trillions over the next 10 years from welfare to pay for tax cuts for the rich.
Also if they really wanna go after fraud, I've got someone they can look into right away:
Yet when he left that job, it was with a golden parachute of $9.8 MILLION.
Trump and his cronies retracted that, btw.
You all are on notice!
They're of course going to privatize it when their cuts render it impotent, ineffective and broke, but Bloomberg will just tell you they're coming to "aid" the oligarch tearing it down.
Simple things like screw driver sets?
Triple what was on Amazon.
We're going to screw the retired and disabled people, though?
Say it isn't so!
Why didn't someone warn us?!
It's like a bad soap opera.