Ahhh abundance vs scarcity. I see. I need to see an example — link me to the most extreme one, pls. 😂
But on the real, fear & uncertainty does weird things to us. I tell my friends & fam all the time: remember, a lot of people are scared & distracted right now. Gotta give people some grace.
I just don’t believe in exploiting people period. And I think these mindsets r code for, “I want to be able to exploit you,” and then “But, I don’t want you to be able to exploit me.”
I kinda think everything is code for this these days. But also, I hyper-fixate.
Ah, like “I alone can fix your problems” wellness people? Perpetual state of growth wellness people? Still not quite seeing the archetype. Any figures in particular? Feel free to DM. 🤣
People in the wellness space have gone from preaching:
abundance mindset- there is enough out there and if you don’t have enough its actually your fault and your poor mindset, to,
lack mindset- I have a gun and you’re not taking my stuff!
But on the real, fear & uncertainty does weird things to us. I tell my friends & fam all the time: remember, a lot of people are scared & distracted right now. Gotta give people some grace.
I just don’t believe in exploiting people period. And I think these mindsets r code for, “I want to be able to exploit you,” and then “But, I don’t want you to be able to exploit me.”
I kinda think everything is code for this these days. But also, I hyper-fixate.
- Michelle, probably.