Ah, the glories of solo practice. Flying by the seat of your pants without a Bob for multiple decades until you wake up one morning and realize you _are_ Bob.
I used to work in a trout hatchery. There was one guy in all of the agency who had worked at this hatchery in the early 80's and knew where all the various valves and repairs were buried. None of this information was on the plans or blueprints. He was indispensable.
Reminds me of when I quit my last employer. Turned in my notice, boss didn’t give a shit until someone in another group piped up and said “But they do our yearly transaction audits and reports! Who’s going to take that over?”
Me: “I frankly do not care, I’m getting a $20k a year raise.”
Ironically; I'm also known as Bob - cause my real RL name has strange letter combinations that cause panic in non-scandies xD
Me: “I frankly do not care, I’m getting a $20k a year raise.”