Millions of elderly Americans, already perhaps worried about their health, or the cost of living, or loneliness, are now doomed by Trump and Musk to suffer agonizing uncertainty every single month.
It’s cruel, it’s unjust, it’s fraudulent, it’s inefficient, it’s costly, and IT’S UNNECESSARY!
Thank you for your service. We are counting on you for our very lives, as SS is our main income. I'm retired Civil Service and Air Force for 14 years, my husband is also a vet.
Yes they have always taken money from my husband, my employer and myself. Every paycheck they found me so now along with the promise. I want my money. I eat right and take my walks so I can live to be 104. Hubby got nothing back. He's dead . I want his and mine plus both/ all of our employers money
It’s cruel, it’s unjust, it’s fraudulent, it’s inefficient, it’s costly, and IT’S UNNECESSARY!
You have your cat or dog.
You have your treasures around you.
You live many years longer.
But Trump doesn’t want that.
A response would be appreciated.