When gas prices spike, food prices spike and the economy collapses they will STILL only care about their bigotry. There will never be an, "Oh I screwed up," moment.
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Except there are idiots in Ohio already trying to blame Biden for price increases in anticipation of tariffs....which has nothing to do with Biden. Which is probably why all these big corporations are doing it now....they know their target audience is more reactive than intelligent....
Republicans at my work will stay quiet while it all goes to hell. Then they complain nonstop while Dems fix it, all while savoring voting Republican again.
You're right. It's the ONLY thing that really matters to them.
It almost doesn't matter how badly they might be suffering, as long as marginalized people are suffering the same or worse.
That is exactly why we must never accept their decision and never accept their excuses !!
Blackball T-rump and his supporters !!
Make them creep back into the shadows and live underground just like after WW2.
Texas Paul, please don’t say that” there will never be an OH moment” even tho history often repeats itself, and it is showing there will be no “OH” but I would like to think that it would be a “OH” like a coming to Jesus moment.
Quote by "VOLTAIRE"
"Those who make you believe absurdities, can also make you committ atrocities"
That's why in Yrump's cult, the insurrection, and voting for him a second time, happened, believing that this is a bad economy, when data sez otherwise.
Absolutely. It isn't about the economy. It's prejudiced Christian Nationalism. Many times, I heard the n word & Jesus in the same sentence in La before moving to Tx, thinking it would be better. It's not. And female Trumpers, the old white guys talk just as badly about you when you're not there.
Or it will just be like now with Trumps camp using the very reason eggs have been high because of the avian bird flu, as if it is new, but that is now why eggs are going to be so high! Along with price gouging and blaming inflation. they will latch onto it like a travelers lost in the desert
The GOP are masters of repetitive, simplistic, emotional, coordinated messages. The Dems let them frame the debate. How could the Dems not have hammered on climate change during the election? Oh yeah, polls showed it wasn't top of mind. YOU MAKE IT TOP OF MIND BY HAMMERING ON IT, YOU WUSSES.
I think it is much like addiction. I have hope that a few are getting the wake up calls they need to sober up from their hated filled dazed sheeplike existence. The ones that stay in the Trump cult will be the meanest and cruelist - the most unloved and insecure.
Can't we still have hope for them, Paul? I get your feelings, but so many people have loved ones who have been brainwashed by the repetitive, pointed Hitler propoganda. They need hope that the scales will fall from their eyes as they wake up. Just as a group of former MAGAS became Never Trumpers 🌹
There will never be a public admission of personal failure.
We do not know what goes on the the depths of their thoughts. My current hypothesis on their state of mind is, reruns of the Honeymooners and Swamp People.
People, get out your spreadsheets, notebooks, quill and ink, whatever you use…and write down all of the bad stuff that happens. It will be a daily journal log. It’s a lot to ask but it’s for historical and anti-gaslighting purposes. We can’t let anything get by without a record.
We've been hearing it for the last 4 years from the media, with no balanced reporting on all the new infrastructure jobs, mfg, union support, lowered medical costs, NATO relationships, etc. Media spent 4 years bashing Biden with zero self-reflection now.
Isn't it odd that even though their cult leader told them he didn't care about them, he just wanted their votes, they still voted for him. I love the tiktok videos and YouTube ones of the FAFO stages, they had no clue what they voted for 🤣🤣🤣
Spot on! They say it’s the economy even when the economy is the envy of the world. Their bigotry and desire to hurt who they hate, will take us all over the cliff.
Maybe the die hards. But there are a whole lot of people sat home or voted thinking policy would be better that will be swayed. They may not speak up...but they're out there.
They will never fault their cult leader. Think of the most horrendous act a human can commit and Trump commit that act on live TV. There is nothing he can do that would be the tipping point when these magas abandon him.
Look no further than the conservative publication Business Insider today and it’s spelled out in a way maybe even Trump supporters might understand, all their & mine for that matter favorite shopping places are passing the cost of tariffs on to consumers.
I would propose that now is the time that people who care about this start learning, connecting, building the infrastructure to respond as you say, when the time is right.
Now is time to set the table.
To lock arms, to say without entertaining a debate:
FYI a recession stemming from a lot of layoffs will suppress demand and cause prices to go down. This is great for retirees on a fixed income. Not so much for working class peeps.
Don’t be surprised if Trump claims victory over inflation and just pretends the recession is fake news.
Not going to be a Find Out for them. When everything crashes Dems, Biden and Obama will be blamed. They'll still lick his boots and sing his praises. Unfortunately.
I know the feeling, my brothers fiance has indicated that she knows full well that she voted against her own interests and that of her daughters, all while claiming she did better financially under the orange turd.
Strangely my brother stays with her despite his own rightfully aggressive left views.
Exactly. It takes far more than inconveniences to stir a cultist or True Believer from their miasma. It was bigotry that won their votes; therefore, they must suffer personally under their Dear Leaders' bigotry to understand what happened.
You are absolutely right Texas Paul I come from a mixed family my father was a self-described Florida redneck married to my mother from Mexico and the hatred I would hear him spew from his mouth about Mexican people my point is their bigotry has no boundaries
Maybe people will walk up to Him and and with Tears in their eyes will say Sir, can we please stop Winning? We’ve won so much we are tired of Winning! Can we let Mexico and Canada win? We can’t always be the Winners
You’re absolutely right. Somehow, when the price of goods skyrocket because of a tariff, they’re gonna figure out a way to blame Biden and not Trump for the price increase. And they’re gonna be fine with that. That’s what they do. That’s why Trump won. They don’t care
They’ll bend themselves out of shape making the same old excuses and blaming anyone and everything else instead of their own stupidity. See also: their wives and daughters dying from lack of healthcare.
They wanted it for so long and they don't get to complain when it affects them. F*ck them. We shouldn't molly-coddle them when they've had no problem insulting us every damn day.
The secret is in not making them feel defensive. Saying “I told you so,” only backs people into a defensive corner. No one wants to be the first to admit they were conned. Say instead: “We were lied to by Trump.” That’s inclusive & gives them a target besides themselves to blame for their misery.
Ooh, good point. My initial response, which I've already gleefully prepared, is the I Told You So. But, you're right, better to allow people space to save face and move away from trump. (But, I'll still be thinking it!)
Having been confronted with unrelenting evidence of who Donald Trump was through three election cycles, a constitutionally sufficient number of Americans chose a narcissistic egomaniac who has been convicted on multiple felony charges and indicted on many more.
Nope. What we've learned about this scale of righteous delusion is that they precipitously and linearly punch downward until it destabilizes society and then the regime preservation strategy turns the nationalism outside our own borders.
As much as I would like it to be otherwise, I fear you are right. It's hard enough for most people to admit their mistakes without 40 years of programming otherwise.
Never...unfortunately...they'll dig in deeper...its mental illness we're dealing with...don't understand why the 25th isn't on the table just from the cabinet picks and exactly where we left off...
Do you remember that during covid MAGA Republicans who were dying in hospitals still believed every word Trump told them. The MAGA nutters died for his lies. Their DEAD BODIES WERE LOADED INTO REFRIGERATOR TRUCKS AND MASS GRAVES. MAGA IS A BRAIN ROTTING DISEASE LIKE GONORRHEA.
Agreed. It's like what's lacking from MAGA is basic self reflection and consideration for logic. I'm still amazed I hear Christians calling Trump an "imperfect vessel" while he's been quoted saying "Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?" 😵💫
After seeing the reaction to Jan 6 this is accurate. However they don’t really know how to govern very well, unless they learned from past mistakes. We shall see what was campaign bs vs what they actually implement.
It will always be somebody else's fault. This 'coastal elites' nonsense is just the rationalization for having not taken any responsibility or accountability for the condition their conditions are in. And I am related to a whole lot of these folks so I am not talking out of school.
OF COURSE they aren't going to concede the slightest of wrongdoing....EVER. It's exactly what they voted for...an incompetent rapist traitor that blames everyone else for everything bad and tries to take credit for all things good. That's who they are. Pathetic, whiny little bitches!
Or they will blame immigrants or trans people. As Thomas Frank stated in “What’s the Matter With Kansas”, (paraphrasing) the goal is not to win the war but rather to keep the fight going.
I see many already questioning things, the regrets won't show up till it hits their pockets and reality of and inability to buy/find things and live as before. Sad we all suffer for a few ignorant groups who pushed big lies.
Billionaires do not live like ordinary citizens. They don't understand a gosh darn thing about struggling. To them a struggle is an inconvenience of waiting a few mins.
That’s correct. There is NO win-win with them. There is ONLY win-lose with them. Anything & everything they have to do to convince themselves that they won is what they will do. They will never, NEVER admit they were wrong. Zero chance of it.
No work, no stores, no nothing they want to destroy the Entire capitalist market worldwide. Their aim Feudalism. Fascists eliminate capitalism for Feudalism. You homes, families everything gone. Enslavement.
Well this may be wrong but it is my intent to like a belligerent puppy dog that shits and pisses in the house I will rub maga's face in the mess that they created daily. Incidentally I would never do that to an animal. However Maga does not qualify as human but rather subhuman
Paul you are over thinking things bcuz you pay attention. These maga voters are simple minded people with simple minded problems or perceived problems hoisted unto them from the propaganda of the right wing. Why do they call the dems the “elite?” Bcuz simple minded people hate ne1 that’s can think
It almost doesn't matter how badly they might be suffering, as long as marginalized people are suffering the same or worse.
Blackball T-rump and his supporters !!
Make them creep back into the shadows and live underground just like after WW2.
"Those who make you believe absurdities, can also make you committ atrocities"
That's why in Yrump's cult, the insurrection, and voting for him a second time, happened, believing that this is a bad economy, when data sez otherwise.
why isn’t there an edit option @bsky.app ??
*I know I should have included a mistake in this post
they are all big angry
He think most people will apathetically accept their brutal nonpolicies.
I don't.
I think most Americans are way too selfish to meekly comply with their comforts taken away.
We do not know what goes on the the depths of their thoughts. My current hypothesis on their state of mind is, reruns of the Honeymooners and Swamp People.
Will they complain by the thousands on Fox?
Would that change his disruptive actions?
Someone tell me. Is there any leverage from anywhere (Moscow not included.) to temper his impact?
Everything ELSE is on Repugnicans.
You bet there will be excuses flourishing, justifications abounding for the upcoming failures and mess.
I'm worried that when 'punishing the libs' doesn't work the first time, they are going to be convinced to try harder a second time. A third time.
Many won't even need to be convinced, they'll just do something.
The time to act is now.
There will be a window when Trump throws out the Constitution completely to get a task done.
That’s the moment to strike. It’s just enough of a shock to people that there will be minimal resistance and an all out war can be avoided.
I would propose that now is the time that people who care about this start learning, connecting, building the infrastructure to respond as you say, when the time is right.
Now is time to set the table.
To lock arms, to say without entertaining a debate:
No. They shall not pass.
However, staying loud, prepping, amd being ready to strike will make a difference. It’s a “all hands on deck” situation this time.
I regret not making sure to add that nuance to the post you're responding to here.
I've been an activist for decades and it has felt heartachingly lonely at times.
Got a little fired up and fired that out too quick.
Don’t be surprised if Trump claims victory over inflation and just pretends the recession is fake news.
The 2 billionaires who will be abusing the Peoples House won't feel the effects.
They'll still eat.
They're faithful by the propaganda no matter how full of bullshit it is.
There will be no I screwed up moment.
Strangely my brother stays with her despite his own rightfully aggressive left views.
I'm just going to prepare myself for the inevitable "victimhood" to also follow.
"Whaa-whaa-whaa, I can't afford ____."
Wish in one hand...
You know the rest
Its NEVER them!
I can't wait to see that mo.ent hit Republicans.