Just fucking stop. This shit is getting old and ppls attention spans and ability to keep track of 6000 different boycotts and companies to boycott is literally dumb af. Buy essentials only you spoiled ass mfers! Learn how to be poor cuz ur gonna fucking need that info when the reality check comes!
"Early data suggests that its impact was mixed. For example, while some retailers saw a slight dip in traffic, others, like Amazon, actually experienced a small increase in sales during the blackout2. "
"Analysts noted that such short-term actions often lead to delayed spending rather than significant financial losses for corporations."
A National Strike (a sick out) where no working, no schooling, no spending for days would be shocking to our financial system as it was with Covid shutdowns.
Too late. You can’t set dates that far into the future. If you want to do something it has to happen quickly. It might be inconvenient but you don’t have the time to wait half a month while your house is burning down. You must get out into the streets and protest. Just look to Europe how it’s done
I think we need a trial week of necessities only. Locally.
People can put off a no- spend day, and buy more the day before or after.
After a week+, I've learned not shopping really gets easier.
how did the last one go? that well huh? these little displays aren't going to do shit bro! we need everybody out of their fucking houses off the fucking couch in the fucking streets
disobeying every fucking law and telling the authority why the fuck should you obey when the fucking president won't
I get it but people aren't going to do that. The French Revolution could be a model for us, but it took 10 damn years. Yeah, we need way more than random boycotts, but have to agree that the Tesla activity is being felt by Musky.
#Resist #Fugazi
then they and their children will continue to financially enable their own oppression! spaceX is far more valuable and impervious he will be fine w/o tesla if everyone went on strike these motherfuckers would starve to death in two weeks they forgotten how to cook
Just put it on my cell phone calendar ! YES Let's do it guys. Get stuff ahead that you might need and be ready. Remember...no fast food that day :) so make that delicious pot of chili ahead.
You do realize I do not vote for or support the democratic party or republican party at all. That I'm a Marxist leninist Anti-imperialist feminist. That will not vote for anyone's genocide right? You have been reading my posts and replies, right? If not, do so now. I do not compromise. No centerism.
When WE all saw dictator donny shuffling back squeezing his HUGE butt-cheeks together after his private meeting with Putin when hisassholiness sold US out in Helsinki. THE WORLD KNEW...
Burn a hole in the deficit account holder of owner hoping to enjoy a new portfolio
It’s really surprising how an assumed cash flow can be abruptly end
In 2007-08 crash a Waldorf school in MN went bye, bye because the people who wanted that school couldn’t support teachers pay, unfortunate
I’m not spending shit I’m so fed up right now. We’re living in 2025 yet we’re on the brink of world war lll I’m so exhausted. I’m so angry. Sorry I just found some horrific news about twins who were taken to a sundown town out here where I live in ga and unalived and I’m beyond devastated. I’m livid
Every day, Trump is telling his supporters he's not going to lower gas, grocery, and egg prices. Every day, he shows his supporters he's self-centered and does not care about them. Every day, he shows his supporters they are nothing but collateral damage as he burns our country down.
This is NOT just going to go away…the courts are not going to save us & Trump is not going to be “voted” out (remember Jan 6?) Time for SYMBOLIC gestures has long passed. Rallying & marches have little effect, random boycotts even less. Help with Nationwide General Strike! https://generalstrikeus.com/
I have advocated spending at minority and small family businesses. I am encouraging people to seek those opportunities out and make them part of your business experience.
Call me Debbie Downer but let me know when something that will make a difference is planned. Like a nationwide walkout. These rallies, lawsuits, and boycotts are not getting the message across in a big way. Just look at what Schumer did if anyone needs evidence.
Did this last time when we had a Amazon cut & it isn’t difficult as I need to cut my expenses another 20%. I have to put needs first. I think I will plant seeds for a garden.
Better yet: Use your $ as if it were a vote. It is your most powerful vote, not just on March 31.
Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg & co only exist because you use their products.
If we keep chipping away at their profits, especially when the clown and his court of fools are tanking the economy, maybe they'll finally get the message.
I’m down with a boycott but economically it only works if we collectively stop buying from say Amazon until he sells WaPo, or cancel FB until he reinstates post monitoring, etc. otherwise its just a sort of bad day. If 100 million Americans cancelled Amazon today, Bezos would notice. 😉
Yep, and don't forget Meta (Facebook/Instagram), Twitter/X...Tesla is already going down.
It has to be more than a day or a week; I have found solid alternatives for online shopping, but even better is to only buy locally-owned as much as possible.
#Resist #BreakTheBillionaires #Fugazi
We are tea snobs and had used Amazon to get Yorkshire tea and the good Rooibosch now that we live in the US. Would appreciate any suggestions for an alternate online supplier. Or local. Williamsburg va
It’s a baby step. Next time we do a week, a month, etc.
We do need to start a month long boycotts soon
You have tot take many steps so people can learn. Buy basic needs ahead of time and to mentally figure out what’s a need vs a wants. Activism is. A skilled.
I’m in no problem, but I’m still waiting to see what the outcome of the 2/28 one. Still have not seen anything of the impact or no impact from that day. JS would like some data on impact - thank you for anyone that can provide data or where to find the data 👵🏼✊🏽
A single day isn't doing it. What would make a massive impact, is if everyone could go out and horde what they will need for a future month, and then nobody buy anything for an entire month.
Dear Texas Paul, Canadian here. The real power belongs to the people. A country cannot function if its people refuse to work. To your knowledge, is there any initiative for a progressive general strike to paralyze the country and push for change? (1 day 4 weeks, 2 days 4 weeks and so on). Ty.
I didn't use it as content library so I just deleted my account.
Not even from US, but here politicians also like to talk about small and medium businesses, how important they are.
But reality is they go out of business, because of Amazon. Like a cancer sucking the life out of a community.
My recommendations: Destroy Tesla, Starlink, SpaceX, Neuralink and Boring Co.
Designate Musk a foreign and domestic enemy. Seize his companies, the employees and his assets. Give him the equal to Capital Punishment on live stream. Deal with the employees uniquely and publicly for being traitors.
Also, start understanding what if you just bulk up before or after, … it doesn’t work. Its like binge eating and then starving. Cancel subscriptions. Go latte-less for a month. Shop small shops. That is how we shift the pendulum.
Been doing a spending boycott since 11.05.2024😉iT's been Fabulous. We've saved so much money. We did not even spend one dime at Christmas. Everyone knows the assignment.😉💯🫰👍😎✌️
My fairly new development of young families has seen a drop in Amazon deliveries of 90% since the last no-shop day. Bad for the billionaires, good for our wallets.
Sustaining it everyday. Right now my money is going to food, gas, donations to the resistance, and support for Ukrainian products--and I'm spending a grand less on a month-to-month basis
Done...and Washington Post, X, Tesla, Facebook/Instagram, and any other company you find liked to one of his billionaire bros! Can't be just one day; it has to continue until they feel it!
#Resist #BreakTheBillionaires #Fugazi
I've been only shopping at Winco for food and canceled literally everything on 11/6. Also pulled my entire stock portfolio. I'm about to go exempt now too. These dudes ain't getting a cent. Everyone should be doing this
it has to happen just before and on holidays or it won't hurt the bottom line. who keeps picking these dates? the corporations? look, they thrive on projected sales figures. some random days will hardly be noticed. holiday shopping is how you hit where it hurts profits
Aside from tesla, I haven't heard anything about the effectiveness of these blackouts. I've done both so far, but it would be nice to know it's working.
Oh Elon, we all know your rage comes from the fact you use gender-specific IVF to create more little Aryan male replicants of yourself and one turned out transgender. Oops, guess you aren't the Master Race after all, Apartheid Clyde! 😂😂😂
Divestment seems like a good idea all around.
The big 3:
1. bezos (Amazon, Whole Foods, WAPO)
2. zuckerberg (Meta - Facebook, Instagram)
3. musk (Tesla, Starlink, X)
And these:
Goods Unite Us is truly an
INCREDIBLE resource. They have categories for really everything you could think of! There are some stores they don’t have (ex. my mom has a BJ’s account bc she gets a great discount on gasoline when she pays with her BJ’s credit card; it’s not a Goods Unite Us selection)
I have been on Facebook or instagram. I really really like them them 😩.
That’s the one thing I’ve been able to do.
I started a new job and moved. I sold my car, so I’ve had to shop at target because it’s within walking distance and I’ve had to buy from Amazon because I don’t have a care anymore.
I’m all for a day of blackouts but how about everyone just stop spending money on needless stuff on a regular basis. I only buy necessities now and have for a few months. No Target, Walmart or Amazon. If ALL did this every day that would make an impact not just a statement.
And that’s why it’s worked on target and it’s working on Tesla, but we’ve got to add the other companies, including Meta, everything Bees ohs, and the other companies owned by us, including Starlink (if any if you have a newer car, it’s probably installed, cancel it, I did).
At some point we'll all need a necessity. What if we pick one store to focus on. We make demands (DEI, higher wages). they change or they close. Either way we move on to the next.
Might be an involuntary boycott.
Anybody else?
"Early data suggests that its impact was mixed. For example, while some retailers saw a slight dip in traffic, others, like Amazon, actually experienced a small increase in sales during the blackout2. "
"Analysts noted that such short-term actions often lead to delayed spending rather than significant financial losses for corporations."
A National Strike (a sick out) where no working, no schooling, no spending for days would be shocking to our financial system as it was with Covid shutdowns.
People can put off a no- spend day, and buy more the day before or after.
After a week+, I've learned not shopping really gets easier.
disobeying every fucking law and telling the authority why the fuck should you obey when the fucking president won't
#Resist #Fugazi
How does blackouts help ...all it does is hurt the employees...
Oh wait... that's the government's goal...put everyone out of work....not sure why but that's what I see.
I don't think that just one day works , plus not many people know about it anyway
When WE all saw dictator donny shuffling back squeezing his HUGE butt-cheeks together after his private meeting with Putin when hisassholiness sold US out in Helsinki. THE WORLD KNEW...
It’s really surprising how an assumed cash flow can be abruptly end
In 2007-08 crash a Waldorf school in MN went bye, bye because the people who wanted that school couldn’t support teachers pay, unfortunate
In less than 2 months, some of our FREEDOMS, HOPES and COUNTRY are ALREADY GONE.
If you are feeling UNCERTAINTY and FEAR,
you already know what is happening!
JUNE 2025, will be likely be too late :)
Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg & co only exist because you use their products.
Not a problem
It has to be more than a day or a week; I have found solid alternatives for online shopping, but even better is to only buy locally-owned as much as possible.
#Resist #BreakTheBillionaires #Fugazi
We do need to start a month long boycotts soon
You have tot take many steps so people can learn. Buy basic needs ahead of time and to mentally figure out what’s a need vs a wants. Activism is. A skilled.
If your more advanced do more
It's time, pass it on
But nothing at all on March 31st.
My kids are not enthused at my miserliness. 😅
Of course, if you have any Canadian suggestions, please let me know how I can help.
Just not gonna happen on March 31st.
So I’m moving on to a Walmart boycott. Got my Costco membership this past weekend.
Not even from US, but here politicians also like to talk about small and medium businesses, how important they are.
But reality is they go out of business, because of Amazon. Like a cancer sucking the life out of a community.
a week will get their attention
so are the Tesla protests. without his paper wealth the muskrat is just another nazi nobody
Designate Musk a foreign and domestic enemy. Seize his companies, the employees and his assets. Give him the equal to Capital Punishment on live stream. Deal with the employees uniquely and publicly for being traitors.
Let's keep going!
Alberta, Canada
#Resist #BreakTheBillionaires #Fugazi
#8647 NOW
Kopi Luwak coffee is from the shit of the Asian palm civet.
75 million people stop shopping. Do free things. They will feel that pain.
Even though we spend differently on those days, the effect is noticeable.
Just ask Ukraine, clyde.
You turn off Ukraine’s Starlink on the nights Russia attacks.
Your cars blow up and kill people. You use your son as a child size human shield.
You’re a ghoul. A nazi ghoul.
How many veterans are in serious trouble now?
The big 3:
1. bezos (Amazon, Whole Foods, WAPO)
2. zuckerberg (Meta - Facebook, Instagram)
3. musk (Tesla, Starlink, X)
And these:
INCREDIBLE resource. They have categories for really everything you could think of! There are some stores they don’t have (ex. my mom has a BJ’s account bc she gets a great discount on gasoline when she pays with her BJ’s credit card; it’s not a Goods Unite Us selection)
That’s the one thing I’ve been able to do.
I started a new job and moved. I sold my car, so I’ve had to shop at target because it’s within walking distance and I’ve had to buy from Amazon because I don’t have a care anymore.
I am one who WANTS these things to work...but, people are fucking soft.
< sigh >