The second ammendment was written when the average age people lived to was 45,they never expected people to vote for a 87 year old failed Orange real estate conman who cannot read.
Too bad no big brave gun owners will do anything. The “good guys with a gun” and “fight tyranny” justifications for gun ownership were always malarkey.
Thing is all the gundamentalists are backing Trump and Musk 100%. They've been properly conditioned so they stand ready to deploy their arsenals on command. They will not oppose Trump or Musk.
"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." -- Kevin Roberts, head of Heritage Foundation, authors of Project 2025.
Don’t play their game. There are plenty of non-violent, but also non-passive options, starting with courts through shutting everything down, physically stopping all economic activity. The increased sympathy Trump got from the assassination attempt is probably why he won. Don’t let them play victims.
What people say and what the do are different. If they ignore courts there are lots of ways to stop them short of violence. If you start with violence you give them an excuse to use it and people will think it’s justified. Don’t give it to them the moral high ground.
Doesn’t make it any less true.
Patrick Henry would have already take care of the meddlesome one.
The best and most peaceful answer is people power.
Organise and get out into the streets and PROTEST.
Protesting does not YET mean losing your job, risking your life, or prison time.
But do NOT take this for granted!
Take inspiration from the South Koreans!
No, no they fucking won’t.
Either do something or shut up.