I don’t know, you hunker down for your daily constitutional, open your copy of Pravda to the sodoku, and zap. If this is Total Warfare, I want no part of it.
Right lower leg seems bloody, but some white might indicate earlier wound as well....white underwear seems less likely/safe, but much choice in clothing against cold they have not probably either.
When I was on Twitter and for a while telegram I was following whole series of Russians going boom while pooping. I slightly agree. One should wait till they have evacuated their Colon before booming them.
🤣 The loo is a mans only sanctuary. I’ve been known to enter with my phone and come out three hours later. It’s my haven for peace. Being blown up while curling one out is my worst nightmare.
20m Russians lack indoor toilets
Broken hearted
Tried to shit
Got blown up
Thought I’d farted!
Glaube ich nicht, ist doch nur bösartige Nazi-Propaganda. Ich Wirklichkeit war es ganz normaler Stuhlgang nach Konsum von Kaffee und ...
Laut Stellungsnahme des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums: Unfall durch unsachgemässes Rauchen
ba-dummm *tssss