Join us in the following programs that demystify cutting-edge neuroscience techniques and empower you with low-cost, open-source tools you can use 🧠⚡️
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#OpenEphys #OEdu #ExperimentalNeuroscience #BehavioralNeuroscience
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#OpenEphys #OEdu #ExperimentalNeuroscience #BehavioralNeuroscience
Working together with a large group of TAs, Jon and Jakob will help the students through any experiment they imagine, combining ephys recordings, stimulation, and behavioral arena control.
Jon will lecture on creating multimodal technology for the next generation of freely moving neuroscience experiments.
Ceci will demo the integration of open neurobehavioral hardware and data acquisition and actuation.
Josh, Pavel and Anjal will share their expertise in large-scale electrophysiology data with Neuropixels and acquisition software development.
Josh will lecture on the Open Ephys initiative and Open Ephys GUI development.
Ceci will discuss open hardware and the UCLA Miniscope ecosystem in the hands-on module led by Michael Graupner and Mahesh Miikael Karnani.