More like a pair of Gatling guns firing at each other, and a high speed camera in the middle counting how many bullets hit each other, how many shrapnel they make, and what their size and velocity is. Then compare that with how many shrapnel we expected to see to learn something about the bullets.
Opening the LHC mid-cycle? Nah, you’re just asking to get yeeted by bosons and accidentally start the multiverse. Sounds cool but also very 'voids warranty' vibes.
CERN started the collider in 2016. Just when things went off the rails.
Once activated, the hadron collider tore a gash in the space/time continuum, & now we are living in the alternate timeline - an alternate reality, one that we should not be living in.
Once activated, the hadron collider tore a gash in the space/time continuum, & now we are living in the alternate timeline - an alternate reality, one that we should not be living in.
It would explain a great many things.
Which would be super weird.