Yes, definitely a boozer and I think it had a big impact on his health, similar to Kingsley Amis, who I believe at one point was on a bottle of vodka a day.
He was 43 at the time, and how he managed to live for a further 19 years is beyond me, even if he was in (understandably) declining health for the last few
The Hermione Ranfurly he mentions is a Countess who published a WWII diary in 1994, which was accurately described by the Times as “a madcap, aristocratic window behind the lines of war” – and you can read more about her here
There’s also a bit in there about Lieutenant-General Sir Adrian Paul Ghislain Carton de Wiart, who was, to use the correct military terminology, off his fucking tits
Most importantly of all, though, as you can see from the preview image, that edition of ‘Odd this day’ also includes, for no terribly good reason*, a picture of Evelyn Waugh using an ear trumpet
It does not, however, because he wasn’t entirely relevant, include a picture of Soviet rocket pioneer Konstantin Tsiolkovsky using an ear trumpet (of his own design). So here that is now:
They were made of different stuff in those days. Chap who owned our house back in the day fought at Gallipoli, lost an arm on the first day and wrote a memoir in which he said it was "the most glorious day of my life".
He even managed to travel to Guyana (then British Guiana) & Brazil. I’ve read that his account of that visit was gripping. And laced with humour (not surprised).
True. Back then they all stayed up until at least 1am, so 12 could have been thought of as ‘early’. I’m amazed they could operate on the lack of sleep. It’s no wonder they all looked so old.
I hadn't heard of him, and that sounds fascinating, so thank you - but by the look of it I think he can be ruled on the grounds of Waugh's use of the word 'diminutive'
I too have reached the age where any disturbance of routine is disagreeable. I would consider misanthropy, but it sounds like even more of a break with routine.
Loving the hierarchy of drunkenness: fuddled slightly -> rather drunk -> very drunk -> don't shine at serious conversation -> jeering at people -> memory vague -> to bed at uncertain time and location.
Waugh's diaries are prime evidence for why one should never attempt to know anything about writers (or other artists) whose work one likes, if one wants to carry on liking it.
*but why would you need one?
"...Brigadier Ritchie Hook, but Waugh's fictional creation experienced considerably fewer adventures than his real life counterpart"
❝From then my memory is vague but I went to bed early I think at the Hyde Park Hotel.❞