Earlier today we took the tram and people just stared at us in anger. My kids can be rowdy as much as the next child, but this is before they in fact did anything...
I think the woman sitting across from my 2 yo was worried that his wellies would touch her pants, even though he was far away and sitting quietly. I guess he should have floated above the rain puddles.
This is a nightmare, and is indeed quite shocking. My worst experience : a couple of years ago at Orly, a security guard at the gate literally made my son cry, and then shouted at him for crying !
We got stranded at the airport yesterday and no one made any kind of effort to make our life easier. I don't expect preferential treatment but a little bit of empathy would go a long way.
We got stranded at the airport yesterday and no one made any kind of effort to make our life easier. I don't expect preferential treatment but a little bit of empathy would go a long way.