I agonized all night over whether or not to give him little goat ears because on the upside, they were SO cute, but on the downside, they were SO CUTE.
Part of me imagines the point of ears like that on a robot is to help convey emotions to non robots, and thus, he has a hard time hiding his emotions when theyre visible. So the hood helps for many reasons at this point. But those are my assumptions because theyre so cute
i had similar thoughts! i think they genuinely do help funnel sound into his 'ear' microphones and give him directional information too, but i think the hood is a deliberate choice to help obscure emotions and his cute ears... LOL. (and also his wounded horn)
anyway, I opted to keep them, clearly.
Is that from when he got stabbed? Eesh… those are never coming out. No wonder he’s pissed.