That's because everything they do in the military is just opposite to the values of Trumpism. It is the most selfless act to risk your own life for the others. But values of Trumpism are just the values of greed, selfishness, and being outright stupid.
it's an all volunteer force. "what's in it for me" is actually a major driving factor.
the PROBLEM, is that it's damn near the only way to get access to higher education without going fucking broke in the first place, and in 2008 thanks to the GOP it was the only decent pay out there.
but AS someone who served, high ideals and romanticizing service to one's nation?
Nah. that's some rose-colored glasses-ass shit. MOST folks are just there for a single contract, to get some cash in the bank, pad the resume, and go to college and get free eye surgery.
and before I get someone going "well that's just you bro"
Blow me in advance.
I couldn't go to college because of the TBI, I can't even hold a job and am on disability the rest of my life, and the damage to my eyes meant I couldn't get lasik or ICL's. so shush.
Resign from the military please. This military is run by an alcoholic getting orders from a rapist felon. Call a vet and learn how badly they are treated.
I just have a question, after WW2, when did the USA “do the right thing?” Lol cause from the historical knowledge i have, theyve done the wrong thing EVERYYYY SINGLE TIME its come to a major decision in the world.
No. Not all. But Trump has most of the military, and he knows it, which is why he’s removing the leaders he knows would oppose him, his plans. And, siding with sadists and even believing one’s sadism is righteous, doesn’t necessarily equate to being a moron.
Nope. They were taught what the right thing was also. YOU JUST DON'T TURN ON YOUR OWN DAMNED COUNTRY BECAUSE ONE ORANGE RUSSIAN AGENT SAID TO. In fact your own WHOLE damned country needs you to TURN ON THE ORANGE RUSSIAN AGENT. And his enabling accomplices.
In a Pew Research Center poll from September 2024, veterans supported Trump by 61% compared to Harris' measly 37%. Veterans have consistently voted Republican for decades.
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
You know, this would be about the right time for the military to realize "the thing they do in banana republics? The military coup to overthrow a totalitarian nutflake? Yeah, I see the merit in that."
There is going to be a time in the very near future, where the military will be forced to make a decision. Follow an illegal order from Trump and Hesgeth or stand down. That will be where the world will know for sure that the USA is a facist goverment
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Unfortunately, you might not know enough of them. I’ve trained military in combatants for many years. I no longer do it. The trumpism and draconian sense of justice is rampant. Some great people, but the moral fabric sometimes only stretches as far as their commanders’ ambitions and beliefs.
I really think we need to blame people for allowing their own brain washing. Listen to Trump’s message: Hatred. Greed. Fear. Typical Demagogy. You need some base coding for that programming to take. I don’t know any maga followers who aren’t entitled, selfish victims. Not a one. They can change but
To be clear, it is Treason Trump the MAGA crowd, ball-less Republicans, and a few million non-Republicans that chose to sit out the election for very misguided reasons, but not the whole of the USA. This American stands with Ukraine, Taiwan, and any other democracy threatened by evil.
But their Commander in Chief does… Trump refused to honor US war dead at Ainse-Marne Belleau Woods, calling them “losers” instead Trump looted the Paris Embassy of it’s art, picking and choosing and when he was done he ORDERED the embarrassed Embassy staff to load HIS loot on Air Force One. Google.
Oh I’ve heard hundred say that in the last 4 years. Too many woketards enlisted just for free education & healthcare and Openly spoke out against the US. All was done under Biden too.
I'm a Navy veteran. This whole nightmare is crazy. I would have a really hard time doing my duty if I were still enlisted. I do not, and will not, support this administration. Period.
Actually, now that you mention it, everyone I know who served signed up specifically because they were hoping to get something out of it. They did their time and got out.
Yeah but never questioning invading countrys like Iraq and murdering 1 million people. Napalming vietnam, have 750 military bases around the world, why? USA is the worlds te££orists and lie to their soldiers to what they are fighting for. It is all about money. Greed over need of their own peoole.
Put that last line on a sign and take it to DC for me. I served 7 years in the US Army, and I'm ashamed of what the government is doing. Or fly me to DC and I'll do it myself. I want this to stop.
You can't just "quit" the military without being imprisoned. You can (and must) refuse unconstitutional orders, but until that happens, military personnel have to continue to serve.
Look I'm in Canada and I knew he was a nazi before he took office. You can put in for a separation it takes 2 months. Nobody is gonna refuse his orders just like all the other checks and balances failed.
He did call them suckers and loaers because there is nothing in it for them.
As always with a con man and grifter, if there is nothing in it for him, it's not worth doing.
As a Veteran who is 28 surgeries into life with more on the horizon I can attest to the fact that I never have and never will nor have I ever known any of us who have.
61% of veterans supported Trump. Many of the January 6th folk were veterans. I am not so sure the veterans or military will be what people want them to be. See how many served Trump but remained silent.
Trump is dragging the country down in it's Pride, It's Honor, It's Economic and International Political power. He is attempting make it the States of Trump so he can feed is rotten and traitorous ego. May he catch measles from RFK Jr and spend the rest of his life bedridden.
I am worried about how stressful this must be for active duty. Pondering the possibility of either obeying an illegal order or honoring their oath. I have faith in our military’s honor but when I look at historical precendecne I worry
Umm I have lol, but they were disgruntled junior sailors who didn’t like being told what to do. It got worse the longer I stayed in. By the time I retired I wouldn’t have been able to handle it much longer. 3/4 of the junior sailors were a bunch of whiny spoiled little shits!
Not really. The military is facing recruitment problems. There is even talk of reinstating the draft! Traditionally the military has been a way to escape poverty, have more opportunities, and even have college paid for. The military has always exploited that.
Remember, Trump called servicemen and women losers and suckers because he could not fathom why they would do things without answering that question of what’s in it for me?
they never had to ask becasue they already know, college money and killing arab kids, but like when was the US ever interested in doing the morally right thing instead of just what was in it's material interests to profit
the PROBLEM, is that it's damn near the only way to get access to higher education without going fucking broke in the first place, and in 2008 thanks to the GOP it was the only decent pay out there.
Nah. that's some rose-colored glasses-ass shit. MOST folks are just there for a single contract, to get some cash in the bank, pad the resume, and go to college and get free eye surgery.
and that's perfectly fine.
Blow me in advance.
I couldn't go to college because of the TBI, I can't even hold a job and am on disability the rest of my life, and the damage to my eyes meant I couldn't get lasik or ICL's. so shush.
Not any more. Now it's What's In It For Me.
Civil war has began in the state of Washington !!!!
24 deaths and 130 casualties.
The fucking Dow Jones DOWN at -10 000 !!!!
Unless you can't find a job and the military is the only option.
When visiting the Arlington National Cemetery.
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
As a US-soldier you can not be proud anymore to serve your country as your military leaders kneel for a nazi-leader and putin worshipper.
I explain their bullshit below:
My Suggestion as to what the Democratic congressional members should do for the State of the Union.
If the military is called to the streets in 2026, will they follow the order or their oath to defend the constitution.?
Excellent question
I hope we don't find out.
Americans are cowards.
As always with a con man and grifter, if there is nothing in it for him, it's not worth doing.
Maybe we need to rethink that