They should use all of their money and power to remove the administration causing them all of this trouble. Democrats never caused wealthy business owners these kinds of problems.
Yeah the article made Jack Daniel's owner sound like he voted for trump. He whines about it being unfair and disproportionate on Canada's part 😒 then says they only account for 1% of the companies sales. Said he's watching Mexico, who makes up 7%.. the factory they closed down was announced in Jan.
I really hope Canada, Mexico, and the rest of the world will not play to trump's tune of "I decide tariffs, then we decide tariffs, he cancel it, we cancel it".
He showed his intentions, annihilate him.
It’s also Mitch O’Conell’s state, and he’s single-handedly the reason we have the Supreme Court that we have and why donald wasn’t impeached (and therefore ineligible to hold office ever again). So yup… fuck ‘em.
Dear Jack,
Maybe you should talk to trump about his tariff.
Also maybe you should re-institute your DEI given the help you received from Nathan "Nearest" Green or maybe you think that is just your right.
Then why did the leader of the Kentucky bourbon marketing board or some shit like that publish an open letter today boohooing about the 23,000 jobs that would be lost because Canada pulled their products?
Wish I’d saved a copy of it, or the link l, but if I find it again I will publish it here.
Didn't someone say that they were "good and easy to win"? Some bloated, fucked up dude with weird cotton candy hair, face painted like an aging hooker, piggy eyes and a mouth like a prolapsed anus... anyone remember who that was?
Good. Et the turd go whine to his friend Trump. He can give him a reach-around when they have a warm shower together after golf and he can whine about his problem to the Emperor.
Facts. I'm not buying their brand anymore, I dont like the way he answered those questions. Not that I needed much convincing. Everyone knows crown is way better. I might buy some in spite of the tariffs.
It’s going to get a lot worse for America when the world boycott starts to show. Tesla is an example of what’s coming. The orange dictator is about to FAFO the hard way.
FOTUS foolishly believes the US's strength comes from internal abilities. No doubt, those are great,but he's damaging them deeply.
The US's greatest strength comes from international alliances and shared resources. THOSE are what FOTUS is burning right now & can never be entirely rebuilt.
We need to enact a total trade embargo on the US. We need to cut off the power, water, oil, and lumber. We need to eject their diplomats and sever all contact with the backstabbing scum. Americans are the worst people in the history of humanity.
For those of you unfamiliar with that's a tardigrade.
A 0.004-ish inch bad boy that is about the most resistant multi-cellular beastie out there.
If it's playing a cello/bass (cannot see a chin rest ?) then you're in real trouble.
Well if that doesn't just warm my heart. My heart warms for all other Kentucky distilleries as well. Just say NO Moscow Mitch and to red-state liquor and products.
Ontario is, or was, the single biggest market for Kentucky bourbon.
I dont think you have a clue how much Canadians love their booze.
Good thing we make plenty of good booze right here.
And we in Australia are also big consumers of bourbon, and lucky for us our government is so weak we’ll never see this sort of trade war here. Good for us. But unfortunately our government thinks it can raise taxes twice a year on alcohol. Bad for us.
I do know that Aussies, like Canadians, do love to drink. Have you had the pleasure of sampling some of our fine Canadian alcoholic beverages? Our beer is pretty damn good as is our wine and premium brand hard liquor.
I have a Shelter Point on my bar, but have yet to crack it open, I will have to research what you have over there and how to get it over here, but the problem becomes our WET tax, created to protect our wine industry which really doesn’t need protecting
I’m not much, if any, of a wine drinker, but am aware that there are some very fine Australian wines produced. 😀
I’m pretty much a vodka drinker. Sweet girly fizzy vodka beverages. None of that flavoured soda water shit like white claw though. Ewww. And Caesars.
Or gin greyhounds.
Over in France activists blew up a Tesla dealership. In Loveland, Colorado a woman was arrested for her activities after the fourth time netted her a bond. I might try to go find her to see what kind of trouble we could get up to, but tuberculosis is out in the wild.
He's made a mistake in thinking just because we're polite and tolerant and say sorry a lot, we're pushovers, and discovered instead that he's united us and hardened our resolve to defend our nation, and to never trust the US again.
Elections have consequences….the sycophants who supported the orange turd don’t have the ability to do any critical thinking. They constantly shoot themselves in the foot while believing he’ll ’take care if them’ when he’s the only one he cares about. He’s why they’re being laid off!!
The only potential upside is that now American alcohol producers have more supply than demand which means that the price "should" go down in American markets. Although it's not enough, cheaper alcohol might make the next 4 years more tolerable.
Its ok, if they move their factory to Canada they will be back on the shelves. Or they could convince their governor to make the us a non-voting canadian territory.
The first time I had a JD and Coke was in New York City. Crown and Pepsi weren’t available, so I thought, “How bad can it be?” After the first sip, I threw up on the counter.
The genius and his tariffs will hit 🇺🇸and destroy businesses not those receiving the tariffs. He didn’t learn in 2016 and how he destroyed those farmers he claims to love!
I LOve it when the left gets caught in their own bullshit. Canada has been ripping us off with their ongoing trade war tariffs for 100 plus year. Where you been inverted genius.
I visited some Niagara wineries a few years ago and was blown away by the quality - I had no idea Canada made such great wine (visiting from Scotland). But I've never seen any on the shelves in the UK sadly.
We don't have the climate - but there are some pretty good ones in the South of England now. But we are extremely well served by great breweries and distilleries. I run a brewery in Edinburgh and we have a super Taproom so if you are ever here come and say hello :)
That's a Provincial response. You will see Provinces respond with tariffs, export taxes or all out embargoes. They each decide their own response in addition to the Federal government response.
If you had an honest media they would help you track all this.
While you are correct that Liquor control and legislation is under Provincial control, it’s happening across the country. So far to a lesser extent here in BC, wher only liquor from red states is being pulled. But you can expect it to snowball. Not that it matters since Canadian beer is WAY better.
fwiw the reason you don’t hear more about it from Americans is that we think it’s an empty threat. If it comes down to it anyone who didn’t vote for him would rather be on your side than his, military included.
We love Canada! AS Canada. You know -- the neighboring COUNTRY. The old fool has dementia, and should never be in a position of power, not now and not ever.
And you know, if by whatever terrible means that dictator somehow does it, Canada -- with a population greater than California -- would not, in fact, be a voting state.
He claims "protection" in the same *exact way* a mob boss says he'll protect a person/business.
Jack Daniels is from Kentucky. I will support tequila from Mexico, where it always comes from, rather than support whisky from Trump supporting Kentucky.
I understand. I was just thinking about other liquors that don't have tariffs, like Irish Whiskey or Scotch Whiskey or German beer, California wine... that sort of thing. 👍
That a KY company. Perhaps they should have been supporting someone other than Moscow Mitch for all these years. Perhaps they deserve to feel the pinch their workers and consumers are feeling.
Who wants to drink any old man’s gross booze anymore anyway? So old school it’s Kentucky, a red state wasteland. Wait for the education funds to stop flowing in that red state, succession looks better and better for blue states.
And the corporations wanted him in there. I think they’re going to look into that “mental health” issue he has, and maybe replace him with the other “mental case,” to save the stock market.
His narcissism keeps him from making the “smart” decisions, and they all won’t put up with that very long. 😏
An economic war designed to destroy your ally's economy so you can forceably annex them all while trying to turn America's citizens against us by lying about the amount and impact of drugs being smuggled across the border
That is a lot worse than a tariff.
Hate to say it, but likely 75% or more of the people that work there voted for this asshole. They are getting what we all knew would happen. The sad part is those of us that voted against him are sinking on the same ship.
Did they actually think we would continue to buy it? At a higher cost? Under threat of being annexed? Even if tariffs lifted tomorrow Canadians would continue to boycott this and many other US products. Things will never be the same.
It started off as rotgut bootleg during prohibition.
Never changed.
I always preferred Canadian Mist myself
There was another Canadian brand I can no longer find labeled Premium.
Never cared for US brands, I'm surprized they're sold there.
Watch for the 1st time or watch it again. The doc “Active Measures”. You will know exactly how we ended up here in 2025!!!!
MAGA cult refuses to watch it. Fearing it might open their minds to the truth. Please share.
Jack Daniel's maker Brown-Forman's CEO Lawson Whiting is the typical Republican voter/supporter. Blame others for their problems, and not the one responsible - Felon tRump.
Well, owners & executives of Jack Daniel's if you know anything about Hilter & Nazi Germany, you would know few businesses thrived under those fascist scum. Few businesses will thrive under Hitler Trump & the Republican Nazi party. Welcome to 1933.
they do have businesses in Canada too- most of these cos are global. So hitting nationally
may not
make them go under, but will make them divest. So the disaster capitalists buy cheap and make money.
I used to live in Canada and they loved JD and Marlboros. I guess in Canada for some people those were exotic. It is cold up there, litta drinking and smoking. So if they pull the plug American manufacturers are going to feel it.
Mexico!!! Follow Canada!!
He showed his intentions, annihilate him.
Canada is polite.
Red states are HATE states.
Tips glass to Jack Daniels emptied out onto the floor, "Cheers!"
Maybe you should talk to trump about his tariff.
Also maybe you should re-institute your DEI given the help you received from Nathan "Nearest" Green or maybe you think that is just your right.
Wish I’d saved a copy of it, or the link l, but if I find it again I will publish it here.
Tariffs you still can make sales.
Don't cry now.
Jack is the major employer for most of the people that live in Lynchburg, TN.
84% of the people in their county voted for Trump. 🤷♀️
FOTUS foolishly believes the US's strength comes from internal abilities. No doubt, those are great,but he's damaging them deeply.
The US's greatest strength comes from international alliances and shared resources. THOSE are what FOTUS is burning right now & can never be entirely rebuilt.
We're gonna need a smaller violin.
A 0.004-ish inch bad boy that is about the most resistant multi-cellular beastie out there.
If it's playing a cello/bass (cannot see a chin rest ?) then you're in real trouble.
I dont think you have a clue how much Canadians love their booze.
Good thing we make plenty of good booze right here.
I’m pretty much a vodka drinker. Sweet girly fizzy vodka beverages. None of that flavoured soda water shit like white claw though. Ewww. And Caesars.
Or gin greyhounds.
Mitch can burn in hell for eternity.
#StrikeBack #resist #fafo
Who knew?
Never invade Canada.
Amazing the grassroots movement to boycott American goods. I see it everywhere.
We weren't interested in joining the US in its heyday & we sure as shit aren't interested in joining as they descend into a fascist shitshow.
The worst? Drinking it.
Don’t laugh.
In December of 2024, putin set the price of vodka nationwide to counter russia’s ongoing economic collapse and skyrocketing inflation.
It’s coming mark my words… tsar stinky is going to start ordering businesses to obey!
Try these “new dynamics”!
Dark Brandon link wherever you want
If you had an honest media they would help you track all this.
And yes, he's freaking insane.
We love Canada! AS Canada. You know -- the neighboring COUNTRY. The old fool has dementia, and should never be in a position of power, not now and not ever.
He claims "protection" in the same *exact way* a mob boss says he'll protect a person/business.
As a Canadian, we're taught geography in school.
I'd say it was 'better' than a tariff...
Who's with me ? 🙂
His narcissism keeps him from making the “smart” decisions, and they all won’t put up with that very long. 😏
German industry backed Hitler, and Hitler destroyed German industry.
US stock market is crashing. London stock market set record high on Monday!
They’ve been screwing over the state of Kentucky, and more directly, the city of Louisville, the last year. Fuck the Brown-Forman family.
That is a lot worse than a tariff.
🇨🇦 Elbows Up
PS JD is not even good whiskey.
Never changed.
I always preferred Canadian Mist myself
There was another Canadian brand I can no longer find labeled Premium.
Never cared for US brands, I'm surprized they're sold there.
MAGA cult refuses to watch it. Fearing it might open their minds to the truth. Please share.
Talking about annexing OUR country.,Executive%20Leadership%20Team%20since%202013.
teenage years...bad experiences. Lmao
may not
make them go under, but will make them divest. So the disaster capitalists buy cheap and make money.