Trump is being coached by a Putin, who is expert at reconditioning minds, subverting truth, threatening foes and critics, overtaking military, stealing people’s money, agency and businesses, and throwing his entire population in the garbage.
I don't care what Trump does anymore....when you live in a country that allows this incredible corruption and there is nothing in place and nobody to hurl him out?....then you deserve it. isn't as bad as everyone is making out and everyone on this platform is making shit up What's it to be?
I think trump is really stupid and has no idea what he's doing but I also think there are powerful reptiles behind him that have severe plans and pump him up as the "front man" for their extreme causes.
Hitler nº1 superpower was to be able to gather support from the German people. The common folk. Through populism and propaganda. Without massive support he could have never made it.
This is exactly who America has always been &2always will be as long as we have capitalism. Capitalism can't survive without exploitation slavey genocide landtheft & wiping ourselves out by climate change. R believe in nothing&honest about it. D believe in nothing &lie
Exactly. tRump is a master grifter who has melded his goals with that of Project 2025. Our task is to awaken the public through whatever means necessary, before voting rights are removed.
I think the analogy is appropriate to the Russian troika in the 1920s. Hitler actually delivered economic resurgence. This is well documented from global media in the 1930s. The chaos happened long after Hitler made himself supreme ruler.
Heritage and Russell Vought. Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller. Peter Thiel and more.
trump has been a useful idiot since 1987. He wants what the other despots have. I want this, but there's a line of sycophants who will give him up to replace him.
That’s it he’s not doing it very well. Rump Dumpty is so stupid.
He can’t maintain course he keeps vacillating… Tariffs? no tariffs well some, tariffs but not tariffs on everything. Oh you’re fired oh wait we need you come back… veterans love me. what do you mean? They don’t love me?
I also suspect that. Conveniently, his contrived emergency will enable him to declare martial law and cancel the 2026 midterm elections. He wasn't lying when he said that if he was re-elected, we would never have to worry about voting again.
I do not for a second believe someone with such limited literacy is some sort of strategic genius. 6 bankruptcies doesn't indicate "genius" to me. He inherited a lot of money and that enabled influence and bullshit and attracted people who knew how to use him. I don't think there's any smarts.
Well, you're a Democrat and lost all merit the other night. So, find some empathy, hire some better people, vote on some humans with Americans in mind and maybe we'll see what you have to say. For now you are a piece of dog 💩
That is one perspective
He is a con artist
To con another American is one thing
But to con Beijing is another thing all together
His theater is worth nothing in China & Russia
I am just flabbergasted by the people who fawn all over Trump like he is a Bad Ass Genius. I could never imagine that so many people could be hoodwinked by this idiot. He is nothing but a liar and conman, but he’s not even a good one, he is pathetic
in analyzing things, i like to merge the min/max scenarios and draw from that, so here you don't want to underestimate nor overestimate him, consider both and realize he may have intention in both camps... then you may reach safer conclusions and those that offer comfort because it makes sense
make small these larger than life forces, because i assure you, they are not that large;
and the good ones will never fault you for perceived transgressions in the end
I have heard this argument and I am sceptical to that he is "skilled" .It looks like demented incompetence to me and all of what is happening can be explained by such an explanation. For god's sake just listen to him talk. He can barely form sentences. Still dangerous of course, but not skilled.
He's not book smart, but he is street smart. He's been thought that for him to profit, others have to suffer, and that's fine with him, it even adda a little extra pleasure for him to fuck people up.
Hitler was driven to accoplish his goal. trump is lazy, incapable of detailed planning, and thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. Hitler found people who complemented his skills, trump has to have syncophants around him telling him how great he is. This will lead him to fail like his idol, putin
He's the carnival freak show! BUT's a "head of the Hydra" situation. Cut it off and 7 more grow in its place. The spare wank Jimmy Don, the HF guys, P. Th€!l, ¢urt!$ y@rv!n, and the millions who've been brainwashed or willingly support...that's the true evil.
Agree 100%.
He is not smart at all.
He is easy to bribe and manipulate with flattery, and more importantly, money.
As long as he can con his followers with meme coins and cheap merchandise - he is happy.
Ludwig van Beethoven learned this. Finishing his Symphony No. 3, naming it "The Eroica" (The Heroic) for his hero Napoleon, he went crazy upon finding out that Napoleon named himself Emperor. Beethoven tore up the title page, then angrily wrote in his score, "In honor of the MEMORY of a great man."
When you expand the context to 'his people,' I'm with you. Many of them are excellent salespeople. & I think they'll be happy with a variety of horrific outcomes they are solving for. This one, they would exploit to kill or enslave us all, if they could. &/but Trump, himself, is literally demented.
What I'm wondering is how many seated Republican Congressional representatives in the House he's going to have claiming that they are also Cabinet members?
Yes, exactly!!! He's a complete idiot. It's the Heritage Foundation, Putin, Stephen Miller, Leonard Leo, and a few other truly malignant festering toxic monsters
Bought and paid for by billionaires and Russia. Some hopium though: they can't bribe everyone. Fascist anti-trans laws are being struck down by Republican legislatures in Montana. Nobody wants to actually put their destructive laws on the books locally.
Agree on his goal, #dictatorship. Yet ☢️💀☢️ is an idiot savant. Overall, he is a stupid creature with only 1 focused ability - to use his almost limitless perverse sadistic & masochistic 🖤 of giving & taking verbal abuse as a way of gaining power. Combined with the #GishGallop, he is quite a force.
I don't really want to say this but I think you US friends are going to face another Civil War ... You won't be able to help Europe stand for liberty - you will be knee deep in your own problems...timing is key ... T & P seem to be working together to carve up the free Western world between them.
He learned from the most brutal. Absolutely no empathy. We all remember the Rosenberg trial. Trump knows well the politics of fear and uses it as a tool for his own benefit... It's despicable
"HE" ain't doing this ALONE. We MUST keep track of all the silent partners & producers of this facistic oligarchical takeover of the U.S.
Especially #Elon.
Or they will keep trying.
I disagree; it’s got nothing to with his “skill,” and he’s reckless. All his life he's been handed things that work and he breaks them. It’s hard for some to accept but its idiocy and gullibility.
History is not a GPS system, nor a Time Machine. You can’t plug in your destination, imitate a man or movement, and expect to get those results.
They’re going to get today’s results, and they have no idea what those will be, but they desperately need you to believe in that GPS system, and the 30’s.☠️
See 1933 Germany where the “Reichstag” (Parliament ) burned - a fire set by the SA (image Proud Boys here) but blamed on a communist (if I remember correctly). Next: state of emergency declared, all power went to the “Chancellor” aka President.
Correction: He's a really bad con artist. A good con artist will NEVER expose their plan to deceive. He laid it out in a textbook (Project 2025). #resist #tuckfrump
Can it soon be illegal to demand we, the people to be attack non stop with BIG NEWS from Trump on X , FOX , truth social ? Let us alone
Do your fucking Leader job
It is not a TV show your hustler
( And his message to Russia now could easy be a new scene act to show he is not Putin loverboy)
He’s also waiting for somebody to snap so he can declare martial law.
I say, “Um, Donnie, have you forgotten that the ranks of your j6 “heroes” were full of angry, armed, military veterans? You might not want to p*ss them off.”
...and, since he knows when he's going to tank the market, his network is ready to short impacted stocks from a given sector and make bank. Orders of magnitude of bank.
Give credit where credit is due. The GOP is complicit & is actively helping Trump achieve this goal. They came up with the plan cause god knows he's not bright enough to do it himself & they are helping him turn America into a dictatorship while his deluded followers scream ,"Freedom! "
I have been reading on this I don’t think he really his authority to do that I think courts could stop it. The law on that is very old and vague, I think congress could throw wrench in there too. I think he will try and hope he’s not successful, I don’t think he will live that long
Now Trump is "looking at deporting all Ukrainians"!!!!
That is a total Putin move! If Trump gets mad enough that Canadians I can see him deporting all the Canadians back to Canada and seizing their property. This folks is communism! This is who Trump is! He's had ties to Russia since 1984!
Constant lying isn`t about making people believe lies but ensuring no-one believes anything anymore. People who cannot distinguish between truth & lies cannot distinguish between right & wrong. Deprived of judgement they`re subjected to rule of lies & you can do whatever you want.
H. Arendt
The small lies became big ones bringing rumour and strife,
Then the big lies became stories with details precise.
The stories were refined until they grew, and matured,
Then the tales brought destruction to everyone`s door.
Edited what Hannah Arendt 1906 – 1975 German historian and philosopher has been quoted as saying.
True when said. True now!
People have been fed on lies, misinformation, disinformation etc for years now and result is Trump &Co in power.
The ultra rich are trying to do to us what have already done to Puerto Rico. Crash the economy and then swoop in and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar. Remember these are ppl who wouldn't care if gas were $25 a gal or a bag of groceries for $250
Yeah- I don’t doubt this is the goal, but I very much doubt he’s acting stupid. First, he is stupid. Second, he’s arrogant. He legitimately believes he looks sage and smart. He wouldn’t let himself be cast as the jester.
I truly hope you’re right. 🙏🏼 But I fear Musk is willingly helping out because he’ll gain even more wealth and power from it (and may even plan to take over himself as dictator).
Trump really gets bent out if shape when someone grabs the spotlight. I think there will come a time when trump reaches his limit and shows Musk the door.
That’s exactly the thing, right? He’s a pawn, and not bright, but he is massively egotistical and goes completely off script when he feels like he’s not the main character.
It feels like only those of us on this app realize that. The dem leadership is doing nothing and the republicans are lining up to kiss the ring. Makes me feel like we’re losing our mind. At least I know I am.
I truly think Trump is just a bloviating, obnoxious, narcissistic idiot with no real skills or abilities. He’s a well controlled puppet of hideously evil people who recognized his ability to be the moron whisperer to millions of ignorant, racist, weak-minded, lazy Americans.
Today’s tip, one should be actively getting into see their physicians, staying up-to-date with your medical regime. Get on the calendar for follow up visits now. Get vaccines if you wish, rural hospitals are gonna be hit the hardest. I foresee a surge and extremely long wait times to see your doctor
Yes, he will declare a state of emergency so he can call out the military, will they do what he says and attack U.S. citizens??? Or will the military follow the law and tell him NO!
Trump himself is not doing very much. It’s mostly the project 2025 affiliates that he is allowing to follow through with the anti democracy agenda. People like Vance and Russ Vought who follow the authoritarian philosophies of people like Curtis Yarvin who think democracy should be dismantled.
We have been telling people all along that they are using the DIRECTIONS left by the #Nazi party!
#MAGA apparently never learned that hatred of others ALWAYS ends up hurting the haters!
He is a moron. The P2025 authors have been planning this for years. They have their stooge. They are pulling the strings while he is pulling shots at the Mierda-Lardo golf course.
I don't think he is doing it deliberately since he is too dumb to do so but I do agree that it may happen as a consequence or opportunity of his mismanagement of the country.
He’s copying someone else. That doesn’t make him ANY sort of genius. The people were just stupid. When everyone in the room is a moron the leader will always look like a genius. Trust me, he’s an idiot problem is his followers are bigger idiots.
Goebel's notes are their playbook. Amazing how well, as they're usually incompetent at what they do, they have dismantled the American education system so that pretty much half of them are as smart as Trump, no preschool. They think people traded rocks a hundred million years ago! Trump said this.🤣
I just told my husband last night THIS is Trumpfuck’s plan. Destroy all government agencies, making him in full power of the Congressional purse, laws, and people. Dictator building in plain sight
Yup. People are absolutely making huge mistakes by staying in some conversation about how stupid he is. He knows precisely what he's doing. He doesn't believe half the crap he says. He says it to get people worked up and play right into his hand.
Here’s another World War Two History lesson. Hitler had the dumbest top 10 evil doers working for him. Doing everything he told them to do. Recommend reading. It will make you think 😞.
Hitler’s Inner Circle: The 10 Most Powerful Men in Nazi Germany.
It’s a different starting point than Hitler. Hitler came into power with an abysmal economy. Trump inherited a good economy with some issues and is proceeding to make it terrible. People are seeing him as the cause.
That's the problem. Those great numbers meant the economy was great for some but not others. We have two Americas. The one that looks first at their 401k balance as proof of a good economy and the other that looks first at the price of eggs. More people are in the second camp than first.
Unemployment was at historic lows, inflation was finally getting under control. What Biden did in 4 years to course correct the disaster he inherited was nothing short of a miracle. And now it’s all gone.
And, Biden was building those semiconductor factories where average wages to start there would’ve been 35K a year. And high school students could be trained to work there.
I agree with everything you said, but it's a different point than I was making. All that you said can be true, but when the cost of eggs is an hour's work at minimum wage, nobody is going to convince that min wage worker that the economy is great.
His people and many rubes on the left conned by Putin -Trump propaganda will never understand anything whatsoever ever again because their minds are poisoned beyond return in this life.
That’s why he puts incompetent fools into positions that they have ZERO experience in.
Art of the Sting
The chaos is mistaken as prove that he does not know what he is doing.
But the chaos is a deliberate first step the pave the way for the rest..
Just watch. Once the dust settles, he creates new chaos.
This is exactly who America has always been &2always will be as long as we have capitalism. Capitalism can't survive without exploitation slavey genocide landtheft & wiping ourselves out by climate change. R believe in nothing&honest about it. D believe in nothing &lie
trump has been a useful idiot since 1987. He wants what the other despots have. I want this, but there's a line of sycophants who will give him up to replace him.
He can’t maintain course he keeps vacillating… Tariffs? no tariffs well some, tariffs but not tariffs on everything. Oh you’re fired oh wait we need you come back… veterans love me. what do you mean? They don’t love me?
He is a con artist
To con another American is one thing
But to con Beijing is another thing all together
His theater is worth nothing in China & Russia
AND the illegitimate use of military and hired ‘security’ against US citizens opposing this regime.
It’s a very different ballgame if either or both come to pass!!
See April 19, 1775.
He's also been infamous for his academic views on American Slavery.
and the good ones will never fault you for perceived transgressions in the end
And it really doesn’t matter - cuz no one is stopping him and SCOTUS has his back, so…
It’s basically already a very done deal.
The stage is too flawed to be successful.
He is not smart at all.
He is easy to bribe and manipulate with flattery, and more importantly, money.
As long as he can con his followers with meme coins and cheap merchandise - he is happy.
…check points, gov’t approved travel, passport confiscations…
It’s all in the history books, none of this is new
There are total 4 screenshots.
And I sit here watching my IRA tank.
Project 2025 says that on April 20th, he will declare MARTIAL LAW.
Especially #Elon.
Or they will keep trying.
They’re going to get today’s results, and they have no idea what those will be, but they desperately need you to believe in that GPS system, and the 30’s.☠️
Do your fucking Leader job
It is not a TV show your hustler
( And his message to Russia now could easy be a new scene act to show he is not Putin loverboy)
I say, “Um, Donnie, have you forgotten that the ranks of your j6 “heroes” were full of angry, armed, military veterans? You might not want to p*ss them off.”
...and, since he knows when he's going to tank the market, his network is ready to short impacted stocks from a given sector and make bank. Orders of magnitude of bank.
That is a total Putin move! If Trump gets mad enough that Canadians I can see him deporting all the Canadians back to Canada and seizing their property. This folks is communism! This is who Trump is! He's had ties to Russia since 1984!
Constant lying isn`t about making people believe lies but ensuring no-one believes anything anymore. People who cannot distinguish between truth & lies cannot distinguish between right & wrong. Deprived of judgement they`re subjected to rule of lies & you can do whatever you want.
H. Arendt
The small lies became big ones bringing rumour and strife,
Then the big lies became stories with details precise.
The stories were refined until they grew, and matured,
Then the tales brought destruction to everyone`s door.
Frances Anne Nixon
True when said. True now!
People have been fed on lies, misinformation, disinformation etc for years now and result is Trump &Co in power.
Fight back on everything he does/says.
What he is doing is picking up Right Wing talking points and push them more forcefully.
That's it. Except he keeps picking up dumb ass talking points that turn out to be ridiculously wrong.
Now he must force the talking points to be right even thought they aren't.
Do we want to keep our Republic or Not?
The Sheep Must Become The Wolves
Ignorant. However Putin is the architect behind this administration and he is definitely not stupid.
It's sincerely much appreciated.
Please keep reposting Rick's post.
Step 2: Use the "emergency" to justify martial law.
This ain't a drill, folks.
#MAGA apparently never learned that hatred of others ALWAYS ends up hurting the haters!
On the 👃!
On 🎯 !
Do it again.
And again!
Hitler’s Inner Circle: The 10 Most Powerful Men in Nazi Germany.
Until their needs are addressed better, we're going to be in an unstable situation.
I do like the public exhibition though that's a nice touch
Removing trump doesn't un-corrupt our Government.
The problem is SCOTUS, Congress, and DOJ.
aka: Checks and Balance.
They sold us out.