Democrats that still represent the American people, please ask the federal judges to deputize the military and remove tRump and the rest of the ass-hats (traitors) from our government.
1 Campaign on Autocracy
2 Purge the Bureaucracy
3 Ignore the Courts
4 Co-Opt the Congress
5 Centralise Police and Powers
5 Shut Down Elite Media and Academic Institutions
6 Turn Out the People [MAGA? Civil war? Martial law?]
His people are a bunch weak knees gaming morons that live is their parents basement… you think their are going to come for us? Look at the shit show on J6… that was them organized.. they organized it.. and it was an absolute disaster.. and they gave up real fast too.. fuck off..
Trump's obvious goal is to incite a rebellion so he has an excuse to invoke martial law and use his private militia to lock down entire communities. This would put him in control of food and water. They've already taken jobs, healthcare, benefits and destroyed 401ks. Now our very lives is in danger
This man will not stop at anything. He’s one of those evil clowns in superhero movies who wants to destroy everything. We need a superhero and I think that would be all of us United.
Who knows what this idiot means by a “civil war.” His understanding of American history and the constitution is sketchy at best. I don’t think they’d have the upper hand so yeh good luck with that.
Yeah and he will fly away to Russia once it starts. Little pussy has 100 bodyguards now and hides behind trumps secret service 24/7 now He isn’t gonna fight. He will run away. Talk is cheap
There are so many things I want to say, scream, yell, etc but, my mind is toast after 3 months of this bullshit.
My emotions have run the gamut and now I just feel numb.
I bet Mexicans too...and Europe too and Japan too and even China may join at this point since it seems that China is more stable than the US...incredible but true.
We should signal PM Carney & all of Canada 🇨🇦 that we are in solidarity with them by bringing Canadian flags to all protests and town halls. Let's show the world that we oppose Trump and will fight alongside our neighbor and ally to the North in fighting this fascist regime.
Canadian PM has formed an alliance w/ the UK, France & Australia. PM Carney has filled the leadership void & is now the de facto leader of the US Opposition. The Canadian alliance has nukes. The Canadian flag is the symbol for the Opposition & a signal we will fight w/ them.
Good lord. A civil war for what? To fight for people to be treated equally and for the government to actually serve the people? What an asshole. He’s not even an American. (Finding pillow to scream in) as much as they think the left is weak they’ll fucking lose again
I think the nazi is high on ketamine 24 hours a day seven days a week. He's becoming more and more unhinged every day. Truly seeing a mental psychotic breakdown of some kind.
Unfortunately we know all too well that people will literally turn on their own family members just 💵FOR MONEY💵!!
So we really should keep that in mind when we truly think about our impending civil war that will literally be 💰funded💰 by the 💰millionaire💰 and 💰billionaire💰 class in this country.
MAGA is as clueless about our willingness to "stand our ground" as congressional Dems were about Trump ACTUALLY using Prj 2025 as the guide to this disaster.
If happens I bet someone will track you down were ever you are and finish job, republicans are underestimating the resistance they will win any you will be driven from power and will never be able to ever have a voice again billionaires will get rude awakening when everything is taken from them
He's clearly attempting to incite violence. Tesla is tanking. Twitter teeters on Tesla backing. He's hemorrhaging enough money to scare his doughy ass. The best thing he can hope for is an excuse for his orange puppet to invoke martial law.
Dictators want their population to fight amongst themselves so that we ignore what the criminals in the White House are doing. I’m sure they’re upset this is not happening. Instead, Americans are uniting against Elon and the Trump administration.
A Security American Civil War:
Males, females, all colors, LBGTQs faithful to the Constitution vs. Trump's male-only MAGA regime all white death squads only loyal to Trump.
We can't pull our punches when we fight ICE or MAGA.
Really? And does he think he m’s going to win? Bc then you have to say that it is no longer a free country.. and then who’s on your side??? IDK.. but he might be just as shocked by who is united against fascism and oligarchy’s as he seems to be that people light his cars on fire…
And if you had to look at the US right now including the markets and what's happening with all the Veterans getting screwed over by Musk & Trump, how do you think this civil war would actually go, Elon?
MAGA despite their noise, are going to be less,than 25% of the population, probably under 20%. Gun ownership is not limited to MAGA, most of the army, air force etc are not going to be MAGA, just not possible, so no you are not going to be outnumbered there. It's USA's paramilitary police, these are
While I appreciate your optimism there is a President and hundreds in Congress who have given worthless oaths to support the Constitution to no avail. Ideals are tossed as soon as a breeze blows .
When military and office holders take their oath they are representing to the rest of us that our social contract is intact and will be protected. We usually cannot tell in advance who will and who won’t take the oath seriously. The oath in America is sacred!
In vast majority MAGA, the US legal system rewards law enforcement who are corrupt and who enjoy hurting others for the share joy of it, and with basically no consequences good people who try to join it are abused and driven out of thst employment if only to save themselves.
We are mostly peaceful protestors. I’m looking forward to seeing what the J6 crowd Don released does when they lose Medicaid and Veterans benefits. Us Blue folks are going to wave them through. They won’t be after us.
For a man not affected by chaos coming out of Washington and only profiting from it to claim Civil War is coming sounds more like anticipation than prediction.
He's like the kid in class that perched a buck of water atop the door and is eagerly waiting for the teacher to walk in so it'll fall down.
Musk ran from South Africa because he was up for mandatory military service and the apartheid was ending. If there were to be another civil war, musk would not be fighting.
18 U.S. Code § 373 covers solicitation to commit a crime of violence, meaning it's illegal to intentionally "solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade" another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property. Is he there yet?
You wish dude! What is really going on is that we are in an economic technological war that has EVERYTHING to do with YOU. Damn dude. Ya could have been so cool. It’s like he thinks he is the nerd of all nerds! He isn’t even a nerd at all! Soon all you’ll have is your little peter to pet.
Man, I'd be just as happy if he fucked off to a private island with his billions and lived out the rest of his life in untold luxury (with no Internet connection), but if he wants to find out what happens when you soak a human brain in cortisol for a few decades, I'm happy to show him.
Effen Ketamine-addicted, apartheid-groomed, non-US-born foreigner running our Administration illegally both in authority and actual action.
FUCK #SissySpaceX, #Krasnov, #RepublicanCongress daring the country to go into Civil War over their fascist take-over!
This from the guy crying about violence against cars... 🤣😂🤣 He'd last .2 seconds in any combat situation - which he knew as a teenager when he ran from his country's military service....
Should that happen, the first two targets should be Trump and Musk. Cut the head off the snake. After what they just did in removing true history from active service members children's libraries, the chance of the military being involved with his removal has greatly increased.
I have a theory that even if Harris won we would be a in dire straits scenario. The maga-a$$ hats would probably have launched an uprising once again claiming the election was unfair & 'stolen'.
What we really need is someone that's going to unite us American citizens, and stop this division. 🇺🇲
1 Campaign on Autocracy
2 Purge the Bureaucracy
3 Ignore the Courts
4 Co-Opt the Congress
5 Centralise Police and Powers
5 Shut Down Elite Media and Academic Institutions
6 Turn Out the People [MAGA? Civil war? Martial law?]
Who is stopping you?
My emotions have run the gamut and now I just feel numb.
Civil war provides an excuse to actually throw out the constitution and replace it with one more to the liking of the billionaires.
Bet he wears a woman's thong under his suits 😒😉
So we really should keep that in mind when we truly think about our impending civil war that will literally be 💰funded💰 by the 💰millionaire💰 and 💰billionaire💰 class in this country.
I'm fucking starving!
Males, females, all colors, LBGTQs faithful to the Constitution vs. Trump's male-only MAGA regime all white death squads only loyal to Trump.
We can't pull our punches when we fight ICE or MAGA.
We put terrible people in charge of our government and we're suffering for it
Most people who choose to serve their country in a way that involves physical danger and crap pay are cut from a different cloth
and we’re not taking special K
He's like the kid in class that perched a buck of water atop the door and is eagerly waiting for the teacher to walk in so it'll fall down.
This will not be the first time we kicked Republicans ASSES
It's certainly needed😒
remember, these people are not smart
Say when-
I want Donald drawn and quartered in Times Square in front of his family.
Tanking every company he owns, however, just might work!
I think you're being too kind to Donald. 😏
Maybe he should rethink starting a war with us. It's not too late for him to wise up.
harms way to defend the USA.
FUCK #SissySpaceX, #Krasnov, #RepublicanCongress daring the country to go into Civil War over their fascist take-over!
What we really need is someone that's going to unite us American citizens, and stop this division. 🇺🇲
C L A S S. Class War, let's get it right, bub!