He's sort of right. Tesla aren't to blame. Some gobshite that bought Tesla having offered nothing but financial backing to the product is the problem. This problem settled out of court after a hostile takeover and then pretended he was a genius and this was his work. The Cybertruck? That's his baby.
He needs to face all the carnage he created, all unnecessary deaths and suffering. He went after the agencies that were investigating and killed them. And that is totally on him. He must pay for his crimes against humanity.
If Elon is looking for sympathy, he's going to have to Google it or go old school and look it up in a dictionary between 💩 & syphilis ("Major Payne" reference)
Elon Musk knows it is a fake attack, by tRumps little men& Musk is involved complicit I know with trump! Trying to blame AntiFa? Like they did in Portland Oregon,& Minneapolis in Saint Paul, Minnesota! The FBI investigating can no longer be trusted, in tRump regime!
Hey, maybe MAGA will do what Fox told them to do, go and buy Tesla stock. Fox didn't tell them to buy Teslas, since they know that would never happen. lol
M has literally said people live too long, he wants to take away people's Medicaid soon. People on Medicaid can only have financial assets of $2000. People will not be able to see their Drs or get their prescriptions. People will DIE!
Narcissists often believe that others are too stupid to catch on to manipulations and lies.
This mindset stems from their grandiose self-image and contempt for others. They perceive themselves as superior and intelligent while viewing others as inferior and gullible.
Musk and Trump are narcissistic.
🛑 being obtuse, you whiny little bitch. We know you're not that smart, you were born on 3rd base. We also know that you're a pussy and know exactly why this is happening to you. Our goal is to make you a simple millionaire, by tanking Tesla stock & forcing you to pay your debts. Fuck right off.
Gaslighting and lies. You cannot punch people in the gut each day and shit on their family members and not expect them to fight back. If you do, you are dumb as f*ck, Elon.
That little act is nothing but bullshit! I surely have no sympathy for that asshole. He should lose everything so that he can understand what we who work to survive go through. He is a hollow shell of a human being. He will pay for all that he has done on this earth before he leaves it.
That's right Elon...you've only taken way hundreds of thousands of jobs in a days notice. Ransacked government offices and databases. Why are people possibly angry at you as their worried if they'll get their SS checks, trying to put food on the able and a roof over their heads. SHEESH!
It’s the ketamine and false sense of finally being popular. This is why inheritance amounts should be limited to no more than a million per person, the rest is redistributed to charities that help the environment, pets or the unfortunate.
He's trying to save his neck from getting canned. He's also high as a kite on hubris due to all that Ketamine he lives on. He's stinking crazy as well as an awful excuse for a human being.
Fascinating that he's focused on Dems in America, when the BACKLASH is GLOBAL. His inability to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for his abhorrent behavior and the global consequences of such abhorrent behavior is mindboggling.
He doesn’t have the imagination and cognitive reasoning to comprehend having done to him what he’s doing to others.
He’d have to be put in a situation with very little money, and given a common job, because that’s what’s available to most, some educated, and try to feed his family.
No safety net.
Stop talking about Tesla like it's a real person, dumbass. It's just a legal fiction—a 'limited liability company'. In reality, it's a group of people, mainly you, running a business. And you've done plenty to deserve every bit of backlash coming your way.
He doesn't, between his ketamine induced tripping and playing Video game while day with his young boys, he is out of touch and trying to live his junior school years as a popular boy at 54 years old 😏😆
It's YOU, you c*nt....!!
A f'ing White South African pontificating about how violence is wrong. How GD ironic !
This mindset stems from their grandiose self-image and contempt for others. They perceive themselves as superior and intelligent while viewing others as inferior and gullible.
Musk and Trump are narcissistic.
Take out the Trash.
*I didn’t include Trump or Vance since they really don’t matter in this administration.
If a fascists lips are moving, they're lying.
I just can’t stand that he doesn’t get it.
Tesla should fire its CEO.
We do not deserve this
He’d have to be put in a situation with very little money, and given a common job, because that’s what’s available to most, some educated, and try to feed his family.
No safety net.
"We" are not them! "He's" gaslighting the sheep. 🐑🐑🐑
Stop talking about Tesla like it's a real person, dumbass. It's just a legal fiction—a 'limited liability company'. In reality, it's a group of people, mainly you, running a business. And you've done plenty to deserve every bit of backlash coming your way.