its nice to know other countries are doing so well. im actually jealous and feeling like i was born in the wrong fucking country. someone smuggle my ass out of america please 😭
Yeah. thats someone that owns contracts hoping the price goes up.
Orange juice prices have recently seen a sharp decline, influenced by low quality and weak demand, with the May/25 contract at ICE Futures dropping 20.6% in March and 42.8% year-to-date
If only we knew canadians were so unified. I’d be shorting disney and many tourist things about now. And i heard strawberries all are from
mexico now when they were from california before.
Hothouse from Ontario strawberries. Picked ripe, they are the tastiest winter strawberries I’ve ever had. I’m seeing a lot more of these in the grocery stores and even Costco.
As an American who has been lucky enough to cottage in Ontario every summer for a decade, Ontario peaches are the best I've ever had. Beat Georgia soundly. The local blue berries are amazing too.
Trump: America, this is going to hurt. Florida this is going to hurt.
But I’ll get a tax break along with Elon, the Tech Bros and my old sycophants so let them eat cake America and Florida!
Canada: Knock knock...
MAGA: Who's there?
Canada: Orange.
MAGA: "Orange" who?
Canada: Orange you glad you imposed self-destructive tariffs and started a trade war you can't win?
It's a global phenomenon. Read about people replacing all types of grocery items even going as far as items having any ingredientsfrom US. Total backfire.
We generally have quite a bit of African produce on the shelves. Particularly around the holidays. Tariffs have simply made it the new 'year round' preference. 😁
We just make juice oranges for the most part. The few choice types like honeybells are all but gone from farms, too sensitive, too hard to grow with the unpredictability of climate change, extremely short harvest till rot window.
Sevilla has Costcos? nfw? since when? are they all over Spain now? I'm usually there once a year, unfortunately this year's my trip to Canaries instead of mainland was canceled, but I have never seen a Costco. Mercadonas etc.. no costcos
cool, and it's local product they sell? makes sense I guess, I'm always on the east coast, I was in Madrid a couple of years ago but only for 2 days. Gracias!
My mom grew up in California. First time she bought a bag of Florida oranges, she threw it away because she thought the sour, pulpy contents were a mistake. Another bag later she learned to pay extra for the California kind! (Tho we are US, we're still with you Canada. He'll never be our president!)
Do not even JOKE about #TheOrangeMenace and his sidekick #TheKetamineJunkieNaziAsshole
in Canada.
People are pissed like I've not seen unless they were on the ice.
I don't know a whole lot about navel oranges but I do know a little bit about the Florida citrus industry and the vast majority of Florida oranges are grown for orange juice concentrate and are not navel oranges.
I truly hope this sticks coz Trump thinks he can bully anyone and everyone into accepting his demands🙄 the world should teach these bullies a lesson and call their bluff. They may be a powerful country now but nothing lasts forever. The high and mighty are humbled all the time. Just a matter of when
If it’s American, it’s a no-go. Whether is a product or a travel destination.
When your President respects our sovereignty and our Prime Minister…maybe just maybe we cozy up a bit.
I doubt we will ever trust again to get back to what we had.
This is exactly what’s happening, I live in Vancouver. We’ve enjoyed our recently purchased fruit from Spain, Mexico and absolutely zero products bought from America.
Canada has only been a good neighbour of the US, during 911 we landed multiple planes, kept thousands of Americans safe well fed and received warmly by small communities on the eastern seaboard
We fought side-by-side multiple conflicts. And for all this we are stabbed in the back by Donald Trump.
And as an American I thank you and all Canadians. And as a Californian I thank you A LOT for sending the firefighting planes and firefighters and I thank Mexico for sending firefighters. Please know there are Americans who love Canada (and Mexico). 😢
We needed this kick in the head to wake up, though. Our relationship with the US was always purely transactional for them and it was always going to end in tears when they inevitably chose take over trade. All the orange 🍊 🤡 has done is pull the mask off the America that was there all along.
Exactly, Canada has stood by America through thick and thin, through conflicts, through terrorist attacks, economical partnerships. Donald Trump is trying to destroy the Canadian economy, threatens our sovereignty, and spread hatred and lies, this is generational damage.
You realize that oranges can’t just grow anywhere right? There aren’t many places outside of greenhouses that they can be grown outside of British Columbia from what I’ve seen.
Can't grow as well in Florida now, as others have pointed out, since the US has its head buried up its own ass with respect to the growing population's impact on the climate.
Explain, because if you’re trying to advocate to only eat things locally growable, sourced, and in season then that’s great. That’s not proving your point, it just proves that you’re vague and looking for a gotcha. Being completely sustainable just isn’t an entirely reasonable expectation atm.
Sorry, it actually proves that I was short on time and opted to give a poorly thought out answer. Yes, I do advocate to eat locally growable, sourced and in season. And yes being completely locally sustainable isn't a reasonable expectation at this point.
3 important elections are coming up in FL. Back to post carding and phone banking for me as exhausted as I am. 😞 It could be a colosal waste of energy on my part but then again it might not be. Either way there’s bound to be unrest at the polls but I have to at least try to do something
The crates say product of Florida. Not that it matters. Those crates are mostly full of rotting bananas now. Maybe they are just the middle man but either way, putting product of Florida on the box is basically a one way ticket to the compost pile.
I doubt you were getting anything more than ornamental bananas from us here in Florida. They are distributed through here but growing them is difficult and expensive in Florida.
It's good to see Canadians come together over this. Love watching people check labels, put things back, helping other shoppers. Trump was going to take down our economy but is doing a stellar job of devastating the American one.
By the replies, I see Canadians helping other Canadians find alternates. There will be some hurdles, but it can be done. We've already made a huge impact on their economy by individual actions.
Exactly, they voted for hate and racism, for lies, for misogyny, for anti LGBTQA+, for tariffs & deportation - the orange turd told them pretty exactly what will be coming and they went for it !
I pray they enjoy their vote as they walk to bankruptcy court. Can't support stupid people. I won't buy anything from FL because if the guy with big boots that likes to be called DeSantis FU🖕 racist F.
Like many people im not buying anything American going forward unless I absolutely have no choice. Im disgusted , thoroughly - I thought they were our friends. I worked and fought with them.
You are right. I’m saddened, angry, scared and frustrated. I know tons of good people in the US in govt, the armed forces, etc. I used to visit NH and upstate NY several times a year for hiking and outdoors. Now I’m just so turned off :(
This is so sad. We understand, as painful as it is. Most people I know don’t agree with his disrespect and bad policy. Those that do, find no fault in him. It’s like living in the upside down. We love Canada & posted a picture in our maple leaf beanies on FB the day he started this.
I really think as the rest of the world starts to boycott stuff from us or will make things change, this administration only cares about money and power, I know people will suffer some but if Tesla stock can drop that much then guess what these American oligarchs need to also suffer, target them.
Just a FYI - The bulk of Florida oranges are made into juice. Most oranges we consume here (Florida) are from South Africa, Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil It’s difficult to find Florida oranges for consumption in Florida grocery stores
The best time to invest in Bitcoin was yesterday; the second-best time is today. Hit me up to get educated and earn from crypto on a daily basis
Weekly shopping today
Displays of USA produce untouched.
Displays of fruit & veggies from non-USA producers flying off the shelves with well stocked warehouses.
South Africa, Mexico, South American & European countries. Fresh, delicious.
I haven't bought any USA produce since January.
Yes. I would love to see the smoke pouring out of his ears as he has to decide between inadvertantly helping poorer nations and attacking former American allies with his trade policies.
It saddens me to no end. But I support Canada all the way.
Not all of us agree with that is happening. Please know that most of us love our beautiful kind Canadian neighbor and friends. 💙
We cannot wait for sanity to be restored here.
I've bought plenty of oranges from Morocco and other countries here on the East coast. Not a fan of Florida oranges, California's better. If farmers have a lot of surplus and crops start rotting they should ship them to Mar a Lago and dump them in the swimming pool!
I live in Florida, lived here forever. 30 or so years ago Florida oranges were the best but they changed something in the growing or fertilizer products. They have lost their taste and they’re stringy.
Yes. Juice is the major product now, our oranges are stringy because of cool weather, frosts, poor water drainage and to many interrupted growing seasons. Because of that, the trees are too damaged to produce those soft, sweet, juicy oranges anymore and the center cores are really tough.
As an American ...I was mostly confused with the price per pound / kilo. I wouldn't support our tyrannical overseer either ..but unit conversions are somehow more interesting. 🍁❤️😁
Florida actually is having a bug spread disease affecting the crops this year. Your boycott doesn't need gloating. I hate Trump, I hate DeSantis.... but they're having a crisis beyond your boycott. Do what you must.... but don't be a dick about it. They didn't do it. Trump did.
I live in Florida. I didn’t not vote for Trump, Desantis, Scott or any Republican. I did write my dog in for one election, so did my neighbor. I wrote in Micky Mouse once but I think he’s gotten too old to govern.
The majority of oranges that FL still produces are used for juice. I grew up in FL with citrus groves all around and very few are left thanks to a disease called citrus greening. It destroyed most of the industry and the oranges left aren’t fit for store shelves. So, make sure you boycott the juice!
Heard a clip on the radio coming home with I think Ron James encouraging 🇨🇦 to not buy 🇺🇸. And he was straight up no jokes!
Not sure who was sponsoring it.
Hey, if you want to make a very small amount of effort and help out, please spread the word: general strike April 5th. Don't work, protest if you can, don't buy anything from corporations.
And if you can't do that, I understand. I am very sorry about all this and I hope it doesn't hurt Canada. Love
Jokes aside I appreciate it. Idk I'm tying not to be to doomy about things but I've started looking into what I'd need to do to immigrate north if needed...
Dosent look like it'd easy for me but atleast I know what I need to work on.
I bought my razor wire in Canada made from Canadian steel.
The trenches around my property were dug with Canadian labour.
The ammunition I store is mostly American made but I plan to give it all back if anyone comes for it.
Ich gebe dir bedingt Recht denn du solltest dich nicht schämen. Was gerade in Amerika passiert könnte so auch in anderen Ländern passieren. Diese Welt ist nicht mehr stabil
The ceasefire has ceased.
We currently live under harsh and miserable conditions: starvation, no peace, ongoing bombs and facing death every single moment.
👍 #JeffDouglas🇨🇦 “we will not be 🇺🇸 51st State” We are #TheTrueNorth🇨🇦 #StrongandFree🇨🇦 #OhCanada🇨🇦 Thank you to #CanadasAllies 🇲🇽🇪🇺🇺🇳🇺🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇳🇱🇦🇺🇸🇪🇩🇰🇬🇷🇮🇹🇳🇴🇯🇵🇮🇳🇮🇪🇧🇷🇪🇸🇨🇭who #StandwithCanada🇨🇦 #ImAProudCanadian🇨🇦
TBF the Florida orange industry has been dying over the past 20 years anyway thanks to climate change/more frequent hurricanes ruining the orange groves.
Everyone wants to use the metric system, sure, but what I'm getting from this is image is that oranges are cheaper by the lb. than the kilo. As an American, I reserve the right to not pay higher prices or to learn the meanings of things like pounds and kilograms. USA! USA! USA!
Unfortunately for Floridians, our supply has been crashing long before demand did.
Systemic abuse of our environment via unregulated corporations and a stubborn refusal to adapt to climate change has decimated the FL citrus industry. Instead of working on this, we're banning ESG guidelines lol
Just so you know, they’ve been having big-time trouble down there with diseases and whether their crop is down 90% anyway anyways so by all means find a different source
gotta drive a Tesla to the fields and pick oranges.
Lemons as well👏🏻
This notice was prominent on the fridge (sadly, not in front of the egg section, which would have been pleasing.)
PS: all chilled goods are behind doors here. Why does the UK not do this?
Orange juice prices have recently seen a sharp decline, influenced by low quality and weak demand, with the May/25 contract at ICE Futures dropping 20.6% in March and 42.8% year-to-date
mexico now when they were from california before.
But I’ll get a tax break along with Elon, the Tech Bros and my old sycophants so let them eat cake America and Florida!
MAGA: Who's there?
Canada: Orange.
MAGA: "Orange" who?
Canada: Orange you glad you imposed self-destructive tariffs and started a trade war you can't win?
MAGA: Who's there?
Canada: Orange.
MAGA: Orange who?
Canada: Fuck Trump and the rest of you stupid scumbags, eh?
Didn't Trump wish US farmers good luck?
I don’t like Florida.
I approve this message.
Florida doesn't grow navel oranges. California does.
Elbows Up!
We need to let the 💩 trickle UP for a change! 👏🏻👍🇺🇸👋
in Canada.
People are pissed like I've not seen unless they were on the ice.
"Hey, this is America. It took a crazy long time, but we finally cleaned up that insane shit. How much stuff should we ship you?"
Our mentality is
we're in a Tariffs Stomp on each others foot contest
The more my toes hurt getting stomped on
the more I laugh
means the more the other guy is winning
and I like it!
Just FYI
2 yrs ago, "Florida orange prodn is expected to fall to its lowest level in almost a century" -cnn
this year: "In the 1990s,...Florida harvested 240 million boxes of fruit a year. The latest crop forecast for this season is a mere 12 million boxes."
It's just the "Find Out" stage
Anything is better than the U.S.
I just got back from Loblaws (which was recommended) and it didn't have labels etc - this would be great?
If it’s American, it’s a no-go. Whether is a product or a travel destination.
When your President respects our sovereignty and our Prime Minister…maybe just maybe we cozy up a bit.
I doubt we will ever trust again to get back to what we had.
We fought side-by-side multiple conflicts. And for all this we are stabbed in the back by Donald Trump.
The Repugnacans created this situation and the DIMocrats let it happen.
Are the White guys in the fancy uniforms up to the challenge now?
Yale Budget Analysis
Fixed it.
Canada isn’t going anywhere Hannah(not so)Brite.
A redneck hellhole
Florida Orange Juice from the budget and Refrigerator.
Never to be seen again..
So cheap. 😭😭😭
Who are welcome in the 🇺🇸Hateland
Florida needs to focus on the fact they’ll be dropping into the ocean sometime in the next few decades anyway.
The citrus industry has been ravaged by citrus canker last 30 years, a lot of farms had long closed.
The big Agriculture things here are usually more strawberries and beef these days. So watch those.
Orange idiot land.
Displays of USA produce untouched.
Displays of fruit & veggies from non-USA producers flying off the shelves with well stocked warehouses.
South Africa, Mexico, South American & European countries. Fresh, delicious.
I haven't bought any USA produce since January.
Not all of us agree with that is happening. Please know that most of us love our beautiful kind Canadian neighbor and friends. 💙
We cannot wait for sanity to be restored here.
We will survive.
All of us.
Our southern friends and ourselves. It's what we do.
Not sure who was sponsoring it.
Good. Fuck my country. Don't support us. Don't buy from us.
Give us time, and if we fix our shit please forgive us. I'm ashamed.
It has to happen.
And if you can't do that, I understand. I am very sorry about all this and I hope it doesn't hurt Canada. Love
Jokes aside I appreciate it. Idk I'm tying not to be to doomy about things but I've started looking into what I'd need to do to immigrate north if needed...
Dosent look like it'd easy for me but atleast I know what I need to work on.
The trenches around my property were dug with Canadian labour.
The ammunition I store is mostly American made but I plan to give it all back if anyone comes for it.
We currently live under harsh and miserable conditions: starvation, no peace, ongoing bombs and facing death every single moment.
I kindly ask you to he/lp us:
Systemic abuse of our environment via unregulated corporations and a stubborn refusal to adapt to climate change has decimated the FL citrus industry. Instead of working on this, we're banning ESG guidelines lol
(Pls also if you might send your armed forces to protect our failing democracy)