Just curious, how does even a president revoke a 'legal' status of groups of people? The SC needs to revoke their decision on presidential immunity from his 'legal' actions to those solely outlined in the Constitution.
They are raging war on civilians. They will use militia also. Anyone oblivious to this madness doesn't have much potential for surviving what is coming ahead.
If you think youre safe because you were "born here" or your ancestry goes back to the founding of this country or there are "enough of you" to make loud noises....
They are going to go full Nazi. Non whites are no longer safe in this country. Arm yourselves NOW.
He truly is repugnant. He uses people, and when he's done, he tosses them away. He's done it his whole life. The dude could be the head of the KKK for all we know. Given his actions over the last 2 months, he can't deny being racist. Deporting immigrants, getting rid of DEI, anti LGBTQ, etc.
Reading this Cubans? I tried to warn you and my Puerto Rican son in law, yeah I know you think you’re white, and I’m personally ok with this BUT what does those European white guys think? You know the ones who can’t get a date?
Sorry, you just found out just how stupid this all is.
It really is #brexit II. People fall for the BS then wonder why they cant live in the EU anymore. More worrying it took the UK 3 years to descend into hell. #Trump has done it in months.
Yes. But I’ve begun to recognize that what I used to consider “conservative” is not the reality. Maybe I’ve always been deluded- self deluded? I’m considering that all of my reactionary beliefs might need a drastic overhaul.
You're not deluded. I was a conservative when I was young. I still hold a lot of those myths and values about America dearly. Things like heroes being heroes regardless of origin. I grew up being taught that folks like Navajo code talkers were the pinnacle of being American. This isn't conservatism.
2 mil Cubans in Florida alone. I'm guessing those are the one's who didn't vote for him. That's why DOGE is collecting all the information on us. We're the Jews this time.
🤢🤢🤮Disgusting domination oriented politics destroying our Democracy. Shame on him and those supporting his actions. May they be treated 12 times worse than those they have victimized and may we all live to see that day of true justice done.
Pendejos, pendejos, pendejos. I had a cousin Lusenita who came 2 Houston illegally. Married an American & got her citizenship. She voted 4 Trump the first time because she was worried about Mexicans crossing the border illegally. Imagine her hypocrisy. She died 3 years later. We never spoke again.
It's always the same.
🔥 First they come for illegal immigrants.
🔥 Then they come for legal immigrants.
🔥 Then they come for those with a different skin colour.
🔥 Then they come for those with a different form of love, religion or political conviction.
🔥 Then they come for everyone who isn't them.
It's painful to think of how much hard-earned money these people put towards the immigration process just to get up to the point of legal resident, only to be told "we're kicking you out now." Easily $800-$1k per individual.
So true. I see the general filing fee for I-485 is now $1,440. This doesn't even take into account all the time, money and effort involved in the steps prior to filing for the I-485.
All these guys: "But siding up next to the bully so they won't go for me has worked in all circumstances in history. Why isn't it working for meeee now? I must hide further. I must be MORE of a sidekick, yes, that's the lesson to take from this."
I heard the stories of Spanish language radio down in South FL. It's bad.
This leads to another point. Anyone who watched him "talk" to different groups will be well aware he played a lot of the loyal. He talks to group A and how group B harms them. And then he'd reverse it when talking to group B.
There is no amount that would sway them, this is what they want. They're absolutely loving every instance of petty cruelty and ruined lives. Only being hurt in return will do anything.
Hurt MAGA by any means. Dox them. Sabotage, humiliate, and harass them. Ruin careers. Make it unsafe to be MAGA.
The other thing to remember is that a TON of MAGA voters live in rural areas and these deportations will not directly affect them in any way (for a while anyway). They named their villain at the GOP *CONVENTION* and they're happy this is happening.
I knew that's what would happen. It's only a matter of time when we, the "enemy of the state," start facing deportation for criticizing the orange shit stain.
This is just the beginning.
Be bold!
Be loud!
Be brave!
Hence, the August surprise that Haitians are eating pets in Springfield, OH. None of it was true, yet people still believed it despite insurmountable evidence to the contrary.
This is why I always push back when people say "I'm not against immigration, I just want them to come here the 'right way'." These people have no idea that legal paths to citizenship have been narrowed and the door has been shut. Even if you try to do the right way, you still get deported.
They know that. They're lying. When you point out the truth, they switch to a sneering "good, MAGA!" These aren't people, they're malignant cultists whose only goal in life is to make others suffer for the crime of not hating themselves.
The nuance here is those people never formally were put on a pathway to citizenship (I honestly don't fucking know why, maybe the State Dept thought they could just crush those countries but never got around to it) but the point's still the same.
Gotta make room for those poor mistreated white South African ‘farmers’ … currently, they couldn’t be führer away from their new home… they need to come here to the New fatherland!
It would be a thing to know just why they thought Donnie would actually care for these folk. Did they honestly believe the mass deportations would not include them ?
Many a MAGA have argued a finnish has no weight to say anything but when the head of one of the most influential nation is going to be a fucking racist misogynist asshole and I share this world such a man, it SURE AS HELL is of my concern
I will vote lalalala ,
for Donald Tramp lalalala🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I dont see them dancing anymore!
Fk them, deport them all. They got what they voted. And on top ,Cubans were getting preferential treatment for no reason for decades. Faking persecution ,getting green cards than traveling back asap.
I found myself thinking of honest people who have come to experience hardship such as the one presented here and take it with a dignity and integrity! Hoping he and his family are okay 🙏 https://youtu.be/M5YIe9egqRM?si=1pCG81EnyeDeNiAh
I'm a middle-aged doughy white guy and I've been SCREAMING for almost a decade that this administration is nothing but racism!!! When are people going to wake the fuck up!?!?!
It is racist. That’s the point of the whole post. And all the Cubans who voted for trump cos ‚communism is worse than death‘ are surprised that a racist is doing racism 🤣😂.
All those Latinos for trump in south Florida/ Miami are going to find out that they aren’t special they thought oh he has out back we are different than the rest. lol
do u have a source for the bottom left or are you just spreading this image you found with no personal knowledge on the subject. cuz like it seems to be more likely the latter, i haven't heard of trump attempting to appeal gay marriage
No. There’s never an excuse to bring back racism and homophobia. We should not be rooting to it to happen. Because in the end of the day, it affects everyone not just those who voted for it.
Yup, white ppl sure love punching down when its time to throw blame. Including the "Muslims get Gaza eradicated" proves it. So many are just as bigoted as right-wingers, or at least just as selfish. This whole country is fucked beyond repair if THIS is what the opposition to fascism looks like.
you're sure teaching the like 0.2% of queer people who voted republican a lesson. let's just. sweep the 99.8% under the rug!
and even then, bigotry is NEVER justified. ppl should not be discriminated for the sexuality or gender just because they don't know how to fucking vote with their brain
Also, by calling trump voters Nazis, that is a form of discrimination. I’m okay with it, but it is discrimination. I am all for discriminating against trump voters.
Unfortunately there isn't gonna be anything resembling unity until they admit they f'd up. In order for that to happen, they need to lose it all bc they only care about what affects them. We just have to sit & wait, bc most of them still trust him. I'm not sorry for the schadenfreude in the meantime
They’re ignorant for sure. But you’re no better. Especially saying those things. You’re just a racist homophobic god knows what else itching for an opportunity to hate people and you do nothing to help anyone with that attitude. You’re blue Maga. We don’t need that.
The numbers were rigged, but still, I see the ones who DID actually vote for that wanker as just upholding patriarchy. Now it's biting them on the face and ass simultaneously.
Truth! Sadly, not even the woman who was running this time is free from influence. She took a lot from AIPAC, https://www.trackaipac.com This just shows that we(and Gaza) were fucked either way. Biden's donation to Israel right before he left office should have been a clue to us all.
They have already known it’s racism. They just want to play PUBG and hurt others.
It’s just a start. Most of them won’t regret until they lose the “game” and find out that the punishment is much more serious than they thought
"I pledge allegiance to Trumpland, the greatest nation (formerly the USA), ruled by me, forever. One nation, totally divided, under Trump—no liberty, no justice, just loyalty to ME. Follow my orders, or you're fired from democracy. Sad!"
Yeah but deserve that one. My family's Dominican and I used to tell my dad some of the relatives on his side of the family come over here to the US and it's like none of them ever left DR if you went to their house. So they'd leave the DR to leave a dictator and yet vote for a dictator here too.
The 78 year old convicted felon, suffering from dementia, will try deporting them to their own country, if their country refuses. Then he will send them to El Salvador. The newly minted U. S. Penal Colony.
The Cubans are about to get a very rude awakening. Their GOP “friends” think of them the same way they think of all racial minorities. Which is to say, somewhat less than human.
Whatever “good” these people learned here 🇺🇸 (if anything I hope), I pray they use that knowledge to their advantage & improve the places they fled. As this crazy phase begins for them, I will pray for their safety & lifelong success forever. 🙏 Something good has to come out of all this shit.
I got a feeling the real ‘games’ won’t be in the stadiums in 2026 with the World Cup, or 2028 with the Olympics, but what happens outside these events. ICE will reign down like fire from the heavens. Mark my word!
When I was a lot younger I was already aware that the US was racist and misogynistic but in the 70s-80s-90s I saw a shift in the positive direction. The election of Obama was a turning point. The Republicans, Mitch McConnel and the rest showed their true face. The nastiness was devastating (to me).
These people are disgusting humans, I hope karma hits them ten fold for this! Do we have 11 million Americans ready to get this over with already, we are past tyranny!
And I STILL see articles and clips all over the place saying "No, I think it is more ... " NO, it is, always was and always WILL be RACISM! Until we can reconcile with that, we will NOT be able to fix all of the holes that were left in our government structure that allowed our enemies a backdoor in.
This is what happens when you run the country with EOs and have a Congress and SCOTUS that is complicit. Biden let them in with an EO, not a law. Republicans have been refusing to do immigration reform since it’s something they want as a mess so they have an issue to run on.
Statistically the majority of black men (not women) and Latinos supported trump. Those who did not, of course, have my sympathy. For the others: Welcome to the Find Out phase.
It is notable that the European fascists of the 1930's also persecuted persons of color, along with the Jews and LGBT+ persons. If Trump's son in law wasn't Jewish (and wealthy), he'd likely be coming down on the Jews as well.
And the rest of this administration! They are all corrupt! They are in competition as to who can be the most vile, ignorant, cold hearted, hateful, and corrupt! They are not human! Moving robots! No soul!
And still his popularity is high on emigratuon but once all these people that are being deported are bees it in the US they will fell the mistake late but they will feel it
They're telling all these #immigrants to leave by a certain time or being rounded up and forced to leave by #ICE. It's really a messed up thing to be doing because 99% of them have been model citizens. It all boils down to them being of different race and color. #Trump administration is #racist
Birthright citizenship is guaranteed in our Constitution and is absolutely central to what America stands for, Denying citizenship to babies born on U.S. soil is illegal, profoundly cruel, and contrary to our values as a country. #BORNHERESTAYHERE
It gets even worse when you realize the Trump Administration wants to abolish birth right citizenship. Meaning it doesn't matter if you were born here or the color of your skin. My grandfather fought in WWII against the nazi regime against fascists. Now the country is being run by the biggest one.
If Florida deports all the Cubans and Canadians and Europeans stop visiting, who’s left in Florida but a bunch of angry Trumpers? How does that economy work?
How many jobs are filled by immigrants now either being deported or fearing deportation? How many gardeners, manicurists, and hair dressers who serve the rich will flee. Who will pick and pack the produce Florida depends on? It's much bigger than tourism.
I'd like to point out:
- not accepting new applications nor renewing old ones is likely stupid, but debatable...
- revoking the existing ones is CERTAINLY stupid, and also EVIL. Period.
They are going to go full Nazi. Non whites are no longer safe in this country. Arm yourselves NOW.
Sorry, you just found out just how stupid this all is.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
🔥 First they come for illegal immigrants.
🔥 Then they come for legal immigrants.
🔥 Then they come for those with a different skin colour.
🔥 Then they come for those with a different form of love, religion or political conviction.
🔥 Then they come for everyone who isn't them.
Moreover, it’s the beating black heart of what ails us all.
Too many miss the forest for the trees on this. Here’s my best attempt and showing it in a fun a snarky way:
Poor imbecils.
This leads to another point. Anyone who watched him "talk" to different groups will be well aware he played a lot of the loyal. He talks to group A and how group B harms them. And then he'd reverse it when talking to group B.
How many friends, family & constituents are you willing to see hauled off to prison in a South American prison ?
How long are you willing to FAIL u’re fellow human beings 🤦🏻♀️
Hurt MAGA by any means. Dox them. Sabotage, humiliate, and harass them. Ruin careers. Make it unsafe to be MAGA.
You wouldn’t expect a nazi to have some moral revulsion to gassing Jews, would you??
The other thing to remember is that a TON of MAGA voters live in rural areas and these deportations will not directly affect them in any way (for a while anyway). They named their villain at the GOP *CONVENTION* and they're happy this is happening.
This is just the beginning.
Be bold!
Be loud!
Be brave!
"You think they won't do it to you?"
Gotta make room for those poor mistreated white South African ‘farmers’ … currently, they couldn’t be führer away from their new home… they need to come here to the New fatherland!
I don’t have the capacity for sympathy when it comes to these people.
for Donald Tramp lalalala🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I dont see them dancing anymore!
Fk them, deport them all. They got what they voted. And on top ,Cubans were getting preferential treatment for no reason for decades. Faking persecution ,getting green cards than traveling back asap.
Maybe somebody should have eaten a dog
where is my family from?
that’s saying the darker Cubans are less then.
sounds racist to me.
They’ve now entered the find Out Stage. They are a large reason why all this Shit is happening. Fuck every single last one of em.
Deporting Europeans? Canadians? Disabled Americans? Poor Americans?
and even then, bigotry is NEVER justified. ppl should not be discriminated for the sexuality or gender just because they don't know how to fucking vote with their brain
Yet they aren’t getting deported.
In the 1st Term they kept it on repeat, while shutting down the legal ways to immigrate here.
I say had because that was flung out the window
It’s just a start. Most of them won’t regret until they lose the “game” and find out that the punishment is much more serious than they thought
His parents emigrated to the US in the 1950's for economic reasons, long before Castro took power.
Eric, Barron… which the
Media conveniently
protect… sigh😠
Currently <50 but the danger is more will be turned.
Is Lil' Marco on the list?
You are absolutely right.
not a US born citizen, and
not white, and
have a tattoo, and
flash hand signs that seem to be gang tags,
then professional sports and the entertainment industry is full of people that are eligible.
Just wonderin'!
thing is, when it's completely white...it's a surrender.
I will not surrender.
Even my white half agrees.
Behold the word you placed in front of "South Africans"
That's why it's ok
Please check and share my protest song "Reverse Evolution" about Dictator Adolf Trump Krasnov.
Bandcamp Link (the fair shop):
Spotify Link (the not that fair shop):
- not accepting new applications nor renewing old ones is likely stupid, but debatable...
- revoking the existing ones is CERTAINLY stupid, and also EVIL. Period.