The best thing the U.S. can do is concentrate on winning the 3 special elections coming up & taking back the House. If Dems can do that, they can elect a new Speaker. Then, she's 3rd in line of succession to the Presidency. Just sayin'.
We also need to insist on hand recount audits if we don't win.
Good luck with that. Plenty of Hispanics voted for trump, especially the men. And when interviewed on focus groups they have the same narcissism of many immigrants who voted for him. They think it won't happen to them, it will always be someone else. Can we keep the identity politics out of this?
So,hey,I absolutely mean no disrespect whatsoever to any one ethnic group. ( nor have I ever) My point is these scumbags are intentionally targeting any group that doesn’t align with their ideology, deporting hard working individuals that are trying to eek out a living for their family is ass
No worries I didn't take it that way, but we can't count on specific ethnic groups to vote for Dems. Muslims, blacks and hispanics all voted for trump, both genders and gays did too. Dems made a huge mistake counting on specific ethnic groups to vote for Harris. It backfired.
Exactly 💯. It would have been so much simpler if he would just admit it and save a lot of confusion for people. It would also add credibility to the 'I told you clan'.
This is what's really going on? The dismantling of our government, you can thank the tech billionaires and the heritage foundation with their project25 plans for us, which, according to their website they built. It's 40% complete.
He wants to make white people dominant again. Think of the 1950's and how white men were in charge of everything and white women and people of color were oppressed.
Unpopular opinion : Trump tried the same thing during his first term and white South African answers were clearly "f*ck off". Don't blame South African for what American citizens did, only the last ones elected Trumpet !
A few days ago the BBC were reporting that 70,000 South African 'farmers' had applied for US visas.
My mind quickly turned to the real reason Musk has taken control of Trump.
A New South Africa is about to be born in the USofA.
Hopefully, this will be a door by which lawyers representing the nationalities that are being purged can show the inequities that are being unjustly carried out. We’ve all known it’s how you look, and not anything else.
It is not that simple, as that as he only wants the MAGA Nazi Apartheid white or would not be looking at deporting Ukrainians he would consider to be Democrat white
Of course, it’s a racist agenda.
A lot of rich South African people, have connections to Russian politicians & business partners.
And it’s a way to pad his pockets.
Trump is making money off of this.
And The funny thing is that, white people (as well as other populations with lighter skin) are descendants of early African migrants who adapted over thousands of years to different environmental conditions in Europe and nearby regions. 😜🤪😂 surprise 🤯
We could all tell he thinks the master race is white, like Hitler. Eastern European decent. History proves he was crazy and he failed, Drumpf is crazy and will also fail. He already has one foot in the grave.
He knows. Apartheid was modeled after U.S. jim crow laws and his punkass definitely knows anything and everything about how to oppress Black people.
He knows. He's probably trying to dig up Nelson Mandela's corpse to put him back in prison.
I'm sure he loved the thought of Apartheid after Musk explained to him (with pictures) about how he had black servants and his father had black slaves digging emeralds out of the ground for him. All he and Fred had been able to do was redline Black renters and side with the KKK.
I seem to recall right about the time he mentioned "shithole countries" he asked if we couldn't have more Nordic immigrants. You know, not people of color, but blonde, white people. He's always been a racist and a con. How can anyone who is a person of color vote for that?
The richest own that one. I think they used cyber interactions and human behavior data, fed them into computers and using that artificial intelligence created everyman dogma. "Owning the libs". "MAGA",
What do they own? What's great again?
A destroyed Democracy. The end of infrastructure.
Yet the two biggest white conservative groups in South Africa - Afriforum and Solidariteit - said no thank you. “We don't want to move elsewhere,” AfriForum and Solidarity stated during a media briefing on 8th February.
Trump & Apartheid KKKlyde, both white replacement theorists, are pushing for a “white boost” of immigrants from KKKlyde’s motherland, falsely claiming the S.A. government is anti-white & anti-American. Their goal: protect white America, & promote their racist agenda to reinforce white “supremacy.”
Don't forget, though...
If you're rich, you also get the fast track to citizenship!
Though, if you speak Spanish, no matter how rich you are, it still might be a choir to get in...
Supremacy returning to SA of the early 1900’s - it doesn’t end well to try and turn back time - because we have seen it, fought against and defeated it…
If people from Sweden are here and undocumented and committing crimes Trump would have them over for dinner. He loves white criminals, they are his people.
This is a thing?!? Holy fuck. It keeps getting worse. Why won’t anyone take the threat out for all of us? The whole world needs him to be removed. ASAP.
Who would want to come to America? Trump is miscalculating here. We are not the golden shore he thinks we are. We have the most severe weather in the world, our soil is contaminated, we are the sickest nation and the stupidest.
Why in bloody hell would any South African in their right mind want to come to an anti-democratic, fascist, oligarchic, unstable country like the United States?
Actually, his border obssession had more to do with generating arrestees for his private prison and private detention center buddies so they can milk more money from the gov and put more money in Trump and the GOP's pockets.
Trump's offer only applied to White Afrikaner farmers in South Africa. Trump had signed an executive order accusing the South African government of adopting racist laws that discriminate against Afrikaners, an ethnic group made up primarily of the descendants of Dutch settlers
I had white S. African friends who left there nearly 20 years ago because the ghost of Nazism was creeping in and they didn't want to see it. I have no doubts that is what the "fast tracked citizenship" is really all about.
In the US many foreign born doctors staff rural hospitals and towns. Cutting Medicaid will decimate the financial support of those hospitals and all nursing homes ( 2/3 of nh pts are on Medicaid).
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
It's about what type of workers the tech bros need. So using the illegal H1B visa, they take in "alien" workers because they have paid a lot of money to politicians to allow the tech bros to do this.
So with a sleight of hand, the tech bros and the evil gop use their sleight of hand to confuse MAGA as to which immigrant is illegal. Take the heat off of their imported immigrants so they can stop giving jobs to Americans.
Odd that the most significant example of State Capture occurred in South Africa, Musk's country of birth.
State capture is a type of systemic political corruption in which private interests significantly influence a state's decision-making processes to their own..
We also need to insist on hand recount audits if we don't win.
This is what's really going on? The dismantling of our government, you can thank the tech billionaires and the heritage foundation with their project25 plans for us, which, according to their website they built. It's 40% complete.
same reason we don't start wars with white countries.
and btw...
color "security" and
white "insecurity"
are the same thing.
My mind quickly turned to the real reason Musk has taken control of Trump.
A New South Africa is about to be born in the USofA.
A lot of rich South African people, have connections to Russian politicians & business partners.
And it’s a way to pad his pockets.
Trump is making money off of this.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
He knows. Apartheid was modeled after U.S. jim crow laws and his punkass definitely knows anything and everything about how to oppress Black people.
He knows. He's probably trying to dig up Nelson Mandela's corpse to put him back in prison.
He knows. He wants the power they once had.
He's going to be shocked to find out that over 80% of the violence on farms is perpetrated against people of color.
What do they own? What's great again?
A destroyed Democracy. The end of infrastructure.
If you're rich, you also get the fast track to citizenship!
Though, if you speak Spanish, no matter how rich you are, it still might be a choir to get in...
But ban is only compelling white women not to have babies, they still have choice
So those being forced to bear kids r women of color and the birth rate is over a cliff: totally irration
He wants white supremacy to make up the majority and is recruiting them from elsewhere.
Bring in more!
We don't need more greedy Nazis.
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
ALL high vis BIGOTS
Could be coincidence, but 3 for 3 so far.
Make it fail like a cybertruck, America!!!
During the negotiations to end apartheid in the early 1990s, the organization committed acts of terror and violence against black South Africans.
State capture is a type of systemic political corruption in which private interests significantly influence a state's decision-making processes to their own..