We'll see shall we you Orange geriatric prick! You're not the leader of the free world anymore! You're just as bad as russia now. Never give up, Never give in Onwards to Victory Slava Ukraine ✌️🇺🇦🇬🇧🇪🇺
America is not interested in Ukrainians but interested in carving a slice of Ukraine for themselves. Would not commit to defending UK so what action on behalf of Ukraine would be taken if any deal with Ruzzia was not honoured? Nothing!
Maybe we should have a NATO without the fucking us, they aline with north Korea and Russia, they don't deserve that our soldiers offering their lives to help them in their wars
In one month we gone from its all Ukraines fault and Zelensky is a dictator, to we will try to win back as much as possible. Will it be "Its all russias fault, and putin is a dictator" in a few months?