Sabers rattle
Could be a 1983 able archer kind of danger level but for my part, no. Even if a few dozen nukes fly around back and forth, it won’t be “world war” like those conflicts were. Russia has an economy the size of Texas.
In good oil price years…
Every 2 weeks we hear a new story about Poland doing something or other, with the unspoken implication that this is the first step on the road to them reversing their policy of non-involvement in the Ukraine war. It’s like the Ukrainian counter offensive, it’s always happening next week or so
You can't trust Russia or Belarus. America is weakening NATO and the west alliance thanks to TreasonousTrump. Well done, America. Well done. Your election of TreasonousTrump could very well start WWIII 🙄
I don’t know what your agenda is. I’ve already given you the name of the kid, on Elon’s DOGE team, who won an election hacking competition. I gave you the name of his program-Ballot Proof. And I’ve told you they’re working on it. Do what you want with this information.
I thought we were pretty sure in 2020 that tabulation machines were not connected to the Internet? Did that change in 2024? So sure, it's theoretically possible, but is there proof?
Let's not forget Musk likes to make people think he's a genius when he is no such thing.
Apparently there are ways to do it. DOGE’s kid Ethan figured it out-ballot proof. For every Ethan there are another 1000 or more out there who know the same if not more about hacking of computer systems, they’ll figure out how it was done.
1/3 of Americans voted for him and we’re not even sure if that many actually did. Ethan Shaotran, one of Elon’s DOGE takeover hackers 2yrs ago won the Berkeley Al Hackathon
but in 2000 won the HackGT7 with a ballot altering program called BallotProof. Look up ballot proof online you’ll see him.
By default, and via American voting rules, America, thus Americans elected the monster. You can qualify it, but you can't hide the reality. Do I believe they hacked the election? Well, that is provable via hand counts. Yes, voting machines have paper counts too. So far, nobody has proven it to be.
It's not about Belarus invading, it's about them throwing thousands of specially imported migrants from the dodgiest corners at the EU. And having done so for years
Sabers rattle
Could be a 1983 able archer kind of danger level but for my part, no. Even if a few dozen nukes fly around back and forth, it won’t be “world war” like those conflicts were. Russia has an economy the size of Texas.
In good oil price years…
Here’s another view⬇️
Why now ?
❤️🇵🇱❤️🇪🇺+❤️ Europe's NATO+♥️🇺🇦💪
People are working on it trying to access the ballots, but they’re getting a lot of push back from the Republicans in these states.
Let's not forget Musk likes to make people think he's a genius when he is no such thing.
but in 2000 won the HackGT7 with a ballot altering program called BallotProof. Look up ballot proof online you’ll see him.