I believe a big part of the way forward is through education. I have created a site for that purpose. If you would like to contribute something, DM me. https://www.icelebr8myself.com/
Where Feminism has chosen to exclude trans women, it does and has does real harm. Lives have been lost. The F in TERF - which is a self-descriptor adopted by the movement, not a slur - is for Feminism. Feminism that isn't trans-inclusive is bigotry.
I agree 100% with the last part of your statement. But you seem so eager to completely reject feminism because of a small discriminatory group, and that's just wrong.
Not at all. But just like Christians can't pretend that Christian Nationalists aren't in their same club, and say, oh those guys don't count, UNLESS Feminism reckons with the actual human cost of anti-Trans ideology BECAUSE it is a problem IN Feminism, then Feminism is indeed problematic.