An example Trump’s idiocy, he released a substantial amount of water in California to put out fires in Los Angeles, except the water did not go anywhere near LA. And the Army Corp of Engineers knew it would not be helpful. It was a stunt, a waste and now farmers will not have that water this summer
when they need it. The same way Trump is running the economy, the war in Ukraine. He has no fucking clue what he is doing. It is a stunt and all the experts know he is wrong but go with it anyway. Donald Trump’s country sucks.
This is not news. This attitude has been apparent to anyone who has dealt with him for decades - he is for himself, and anyone else is peripheral, tolerated for what they can do for him, financially or in stroking his oh-so-fragile ego.
Now, if MAGAs would kick their sickly addiction and got onboard the TRUTH TRAIN maybe we could succeed in finding the 7 GOP votes needed in the House to stop Musk and trump from totally crashing the nation.
he is too much of a coward and a weakling to back down from an idiotic move that he never should have done in the first place; he thought everyone would cave to his bellicose nonsense but he FAFO; congratufuckinglations maga ... so much for cheaper gas and groceries
He already knew a recession was gonna' happen. He & his confederate cronies (spawns of Satan)😈 LIED 2 the American people. He just trying 2 save face😏
Overall, Repubs are doing what they always do best; DESTROY the economy👎🏾
This is not new news
Where is Shrek when we truly need him?