I’m confused how a pastor of his age still hopes to make 100 million. Or ten. Or one.
I sure hope by his age to not take a salary at all as a pastor. But who knows. Maybe I will need more.
I understood the $610k to be his total annual income. If that was only his NAMB income, sheesh. No one at any level should be making that in a denominational position.
WOW! He has a very high opinion of himself to think his career will last another 11 years, at the top of his game at 82 years old, and be worth that many gold coins?
A great example of the glaring need for full transparency of all expenses including salaries for all of our entities to be made public for the churches/members who support them to see. $610K/year plus his various grafts and now he wants $100M. He has shown where his heart is focused.
Why wouldn’t this be public? I believe that all non-profits have to publish the salaries of their top 5 highest paid employees as part of public tax filings. Maybe @robertdownen.bsky.social can help?
Churches have different rules and I believe that church entities are able to skirt the issue. No SBC entities file a 990. Have been repeated calls/requests for them to do so but nothing so far.
Now that we know that 1 of NAMB’s many VPs made $610K in salary, we can surmise why they refuse the questions asked of them repeatedly to be transparent on salaries and expenditures. Do we have an entity head or multiple ones making seven figures? We don’t know but it seems possible if not probable.
Over and over again Jesus promotes an ethic whereby we make our faults public but keep our good deeds private. It’s really hard to square that with this behavior, especially if we expect more from secular organizations.
If I were a member of an SBC affiliated congregation, I would ask the church leadership to immediately disaffiliate from the Convention. This is unconscienable.
People in the pews have no idea what the entities do w/their money bc the system is designed that way. Nor do they know that the entities are entirely unaccountable to them. If a Msgr makes a motion to require an entity to do XYZ, it’s ruled out of order, bc they can only make “requests” of entities
The church I help lead is made up of about 50 people and we cannot even afford to pay a pastor a full-time salary. Why should we be “cooperating” to enrich these mediocre men?
I sure hope by his age to not take a salary at all as a pastor. But who knows. Maybe I will need more.
Cannot serve God and money. How do these situations endure so long? And the sex accusations? Unreal.