I talk about engaging rural folks because I know there is opportunity in rural spaces. If Democrats will just spend time and resources there…if we build the infrastructure in the off years, we can win. We don’t have to flip rural districts— just get 5% more rural folks to vote for Dems. Then we win.
My sister is a retired teacher and my brother is a retired colonel so it baffles me how they can support him. 😟
First, Dems need to speak to rural and general population priorities. We got close, but certain topics overrode key points. We should be able to speak to human rights AND kitchen table topics with equal emphasis.
We start by contesting every seat. We show up and force the republicans to fight to keep their seats. We oppose them all. Force them to raise money and stay home. No more free passes. We run everywhere.
Because they're the only ones talking to them.
What can those of us in blue cities do to help change this, in addition to donating?
I was disappointed in the election results (of course), especially since I canvassed many times in my small rural town.
Then I looked at the results.
My town voted for Harris. First time EVER a Dem won here.
Don't ever give up on the rural voters.
And also stop calling them all weird, backwards hicks.
It’s hard to get people to vote for you after you’ve insulted them.
How do Dems engage in the rural space and make in roads when issues aren’t the subject? Many of those folks are rural for a reason.
I am in rural setting and this is a big ask
MAGA/GOP plan to deconstruct our Democracy and create Fascist state with Trump as Dictator.
Prefer Civil War with Biden as Commander-in-Chief than Civil War with Trump's fascist military.
And run on the robinson patman act to get rid of the food deserts in rural areas.
Thanks for all your great work raising awareness & support!
1. Listen, never talk at them. They have to work hard and be smart just to survive.
2. Schools and churches, the fabric of the community, are under attack by the GOP. Voucher programs will cause the demise of schools as rejection of Medicaid did hospitals.
We don't have a great number of volunteers and live in a red county
You're right. We didn't receive any help. Even had to buy candidate signs.
I do agree that since we really are the grass roots, we need to get fertilized from time to time.
We give all we can but we're not flush with money. We could've used help with messaging, financially speaking.
Having to buy our own candidate signs was a slap in the face.
All our work didn't move the needle.
We need new strategy in rural America because the old strategies don't make a difference.