This is unhinged, and is concerning knowing all the mass shootings that we are having, they really don't care for the health and lives of civilians in their own country. #ChildAbuse #MagaEmbracedChildAbuse #YouVotedForThis #MagaCultOfMorons #RepublicanPartyIsUnfitToWork #Unhinged #Derranged #Mad
The insanity of the right knows no bounds. I’m curious as to why they would do this? Will toddlers have to get jobs next? Marry? Have families? Yes. All of that sounds just as absurd as a toddler open carrying a gun. FFS.
I have been telling my friends thus for months (fellow Missourians). At first they don’t believe me and then are appalled when they find out it’s true. Yet they will keep voting them into office
They should carry them to church so they don’t get molested. Stand your ground kids! Instead of, “Where did he touch you,” it’ll be, “Nice clean shot.”
I can't say much about that. My high school had a shooting team. It was nothing to walk the parking lot and see rifles in the back windows.
Now that said, the difference is I felt safe back then.
What has changed in our values to make it not safe now? Something happened(not video games fault).
Reminds me of the line from Nicolas Cage’s character in Lord of War where he talks about the AK-47, commenting it’s easy enough for a child to use … and they do.
& pregnant women can't divorce in Missouri either. oh & MO ranks as 3rd highest state for those who experiencing domestic violence but for prefiled 2025 bills those dealing with barring transgender youth from doing almost everything are stacking up Wonder if MO has more transgender youth or pg women
My dad bought guns for me literally before I was born, I've been shooting since I was 3, and hunting since 11. This is nuts even for someone with my background.
I was referring to children, not the Missouri GOP, in case there was any confusion on the point.
Now that said, the difference is I felt safe back then.
What has changed in our values to make it not safe now? Something happened(not video games fault).
Once a toddler strolls into the state house and throws a fit...maybe they will reflect on their decisions. Maybe....
What can go wrong!