I honestly think they are going to win so many attacks against free/fair elections that we won’t even have them next year “bc they are riddled w/problems” (that they created). That is their goal. Remember, donnie said we’d never have to vote again if he won.
The ‘SAVE Act’—because nothing says ‘democracy’ like stripping millions of women of their voting rights. Next up: mandatory corsets and witch trials? 🇺🇸🔥 Follow me for more!
What happens when a woman is the head of household, I wonder? I’m old enough to remember when women couldn’t get car loans, mortgages, checking accounts… in our names. Had to have a man co-sign. Also, birth control was illegal. We are rocketing backward so fast that I’m sure it will happen again.
Same. And taking to the streets isn’t what it used to be now that our own military is poised to be weaponized against us. I think they are salivating at the thought of martial law. Idk if that’s enough to stop us though. Perilous times.
The Christian Nationalists go left, I go right.
Christianity has been on the wrong side of too many of the important historical events in politics and regarding science.
Okay, this says we need to have a matching name to register to vote? So if I am reading this right, if you are already registered in your married name, you can still vote? If I am right, then the message needs to be, if you are not registered, do it now, and if you marry, don't change your name.
My advice to women: never change your last name. If you marry, keep your birth name. A man doesn’t change his. Why should we? It’s a PITA to change our name. If you divorce? More issues. And now we’re being targeted by voting rules.
What is it going to take for people to see the Republicans for what they are? Republicans are traitors. They attack us and our democracy daily! They are in violation of their oaths of office! Wake up you morons!
I’m still deconstructing from this environment. It’s a real threat to women that must be vigorously opposed in all arenas of life (church, workplace, family, and government).
My representative had the audacity to respond to my ResistBot email regarding the SAVE act with a bullshit canned letter about how he stands by this legislation. Then proceeded to lecture me like a grade schooler about why it’s AcTuAlLy VeRy BeNeFiCiAl AnD nEcEsSaRy. He can fuck all the way off.
Sounds similar to the REDICULOUS response I received from my states governor and senators...ALL OF THEM.... parroting a script, IM SURE, dictated by their cult leader!
I have a strange take on this: conservative women need no news, and always assume everything will work out for them. liberal women DO read news, and are invested enough in voting to take the steps to do this process "correctly" according to the SAVE act. What if it hurts cons instead? LOL
Call your representatives: capital switchboard 202-224-3121. Tell them to vote NO on the SAVE act and to STOP making it harder for eligible people to vote!!!!!!
It is an open war on women.
Religious autocratic regimes keep women as second-class citizens, limited to certain professions and encouraged towards having big families.
Singles, unmarried women, and widows tend to be penalized.
SAVE act is a travesty, a fascist move.
Fight to remove it.
Those same women also end up with much smaller SS checks, if they get one at all. Now, those in assisted living & nursing care will get thrown out on the streets w/ cuts to Medicare/Medicaid.
That is what usually happens.
In the not so distant past, they were the aunts or cousins living with families and working as unpaid servants for food and a roof over their head.
Taking care of one set of grandparents is quite common in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Asian cultures.
Grandmothers helped raise the children and in the kitchen when mother were working in the fields or fishing with their hunsbands.
This is a bit different.
The numbers don’t add up for the GOP. The women who would have trouble voting are more traditional ie conservative (take husband’s name) and less affluent (not have a passport). It’s a DUMB law for the GOP districts that have relied on those votes.
It’s a sick and twisted trail of white men both evangelical and catholic who just want women in their place, under their rule. These two factions work together at the highest levels in our government. Look up Leonard Leo. He’s a real treat. One powerful dark money MOFO. He needs exposure - SCOTUS
This must have been an objective for a while because months ago my kid came home from school saying a boy said he didn't think women should be allowed to vote. Listen to the kids they have no filter. We aren't teaching this in schools!
This how Fascists operate. Not sure why they are bothering. With Musk involved Trump will win every election, even if he didn’t have anyone to vote for him.
Results will be rigged like in 2024.
We have this problem. My wife chose to take my last name but we didn’t think the middle name was significant. She’s used her give middle name and her family name almost interchangeably. But SSA & TSA have issues with that as does the DMV. A photo “Real ID”🆔 should be all it takes.
Is it the law anywhere in the US that, in marriage, a woman MUST take her husband's surname? I'd say, just stop doing that & if you have, then un-do it. Are you property or not?
Sounds to me like they want women to divorce their husbands and reclaim their birth names. 😂 Or maybe just legally change our names back. In the future, I would suggest all women think long and hard about 1) getting married; 2) changing their name if they do marry.
Agree! You can have a relationship and children without marriage. And keep your money separate as well. It’s about your independence and having your own credit. Never change your name.
I’ve been married 50 years. My children & grandchildren are everything to me, my husband is a good, supportive partner. HOWEVER, given what I’ve learned over the years, where we are today, & regrets over what I “could have been,” my choices as an 18 year old young woman would be vastly different.
My young granddaughter has been letting everyone know she’s gay and let me tell you, I’m so happy for her! I know we’re not supposed to be happy or unhappy about who our children are; and in fact I love her and my other grandkids unconditionally. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t glad…
Conservative women want women to be servants and/or enslaved. How do people not know this? The conservative women's movement was formed after the antis lost the opposition to the 19th ammendment. They fight against all women's rights, always have, always will
They still need their votes in a lot of districts. I’m not saying that it’s not misogynistic. It totally is. But it’s basic math. If you eliminate up to 10% of eligible conservative voters, suddenly some solid red districts turn purple.
That’s not what the bill says. In order to vote, your ID needs to have the name that’s on your birth certificate. It’s an anti-trans component that in fact impacts many more married women than any other group. A passport can be used, but otherwise the married women with husbands’ name can’t vote.
Step one... pass law that require people with a name change to puchase extra documents to be eligible to vote, ie, a passport as a poll tax.
Step two... pass a law that anyone with a name different from their birth certificate can't have passports.
It's an obvious run around of the 19th amendment
Even if they do, more men than women voted for Trump, so it's probably part of the plan. It took women more than 50 years of activism to get the first vote in Utah, February 4th, 1870. Women will never, ever go back!
Not attending the State of the Union to listen Trumb gaslight US is the minimum we expect from Democrats; attending is complying and giving credibility to the incredible.
But it sounds like Democrats are going to fail US again by showing up and bowing down.
Pass this on if you agree.
Why is it called the Save Act? I ask because during the Biden Admin we learned of a Save Act which helped forgive student loans. This usage is terms confuses me. Almost like it's political trickery and shenanigans.
The SAVE Act is a voter suppression bill disguised as security. It blocks seniors, students, low-income Americans, naturalized citizens & married women from registering. Don’t let them silence voters! Contact your Rep today!
GOP grp 'True the Vote' challenged millions of votes in 2024, mostly minorities. Votes were not counted. Now they might challenge any female who no longer uses their maiden name. BTW - Greg Palast claims Harris would have won w/o massive voter suppression. Go to https://gregpalast.com to watch Vigilantes
Moral of this and many other stories…. LADIES: NEVER GIVE UP YOUR MAIDEN NAME. Do not change your name or documents upon marriage. They will never stop trying to prevent you from voting. Marry the love of your life but maintain your personhood
Very important point! Thankfully, it seems like this is becoming more common. 🙂 We have to fight these bastards with every tool we have. Their ultimate goal is to strip our rights and turn us into property again.
As a person who didn’t change her last name after marriage 23 years ago, I never thought my voting rights would be one of the reasons I explain for my decision.
you could believe that the Save Act had merit IF they offered assistance, for all who need it, to obtain those documents. If the don't do that this legislation should be changed to 'The Prevention Act'
This ACT provides evidence that the male dominated Christian Nationalist movement is formed by men who are uncomfortable dealing with the intelligence and power of women.
When I first heard about this, I thought it wasn’t true. I’m 65 and wonder if my adult life played out in a small window of light for the rights of women.
Ohhhh. I wonder how the privileged evangelical white women are going to react when they finally realize this shit will disenfranchise their right to vote too🤔
The easiest (possibly laziest, but who fuckin cares) and best thing I ever did was to never change my name. I told my husband he is welcome to change his if he wants to match.
@titus.house.gov @susielee.house.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social @schumer.senate.gov @housedemocrats.bsky.social @senatedemocrats.bsky.social - #NotOneDemVote - FIGHT FOR JOHN LEWIS VOTING RIGHTS ACT - WE DEMAND VOTING RIGHTS FOR ALL. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! REJECT SAVE ACT=VOTER SUPPRESSION/OPPRESSION!
PSYCHOPATH Trump (KGB Codename since 1987: Krasnov) has been Putin’s bootlicker for decades.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans in Congress—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
This bothers me so much I am trying to talk my husband into a divorce. Trying to figure out the cheapest way to get my name and all documents back to matching my birth certificate.
Put this on your wall. Have all your women and husbands to call your senators in your state and tell them you do not support this bill and this is no more than voter’s suppression on women’s rights. The congress has already passed it.
Christianity has been on the wrong side of too many of the important historical events in politics and regarding science.
You were saying, father?
A vote for who does what? Oh that's right, that's YOUR DUDE.
Religious autocratic regimes keep women as second-class citizens, limited to certain professions and encouraged towards having big families.
Singles, unmarried women, and widows tend to be penalized.
SAVE act is a travesty, a fascist move.
Fight to remove it.
In the not so distant past, they were the aunts or cousins living with families and working as unpaid servants for food and a roof over their head.
Grandmothers helped raise the children and in the kitchen when mother were working in the fields or fishing with their hunsbands.
This is a bit different.
All kidding aside, this is fucking ridiculous. This would disenfranchise so many legal voters for the sake of nearly zero nonexistent illegal votes.
Whyyyyyyyyyy must they control and push their mindset on everyone? Free will wasn't good enough?
We literally create life. We should be worshipped. And yet they want to control us.
Results will be rigged like in 2024.
Ought to really set MAGA incel hair on fire too!
It is sliding under the radar.
We have to bring it out in the open.
It’s so scary and if feels more and more like what they want
Step two... pass a law that anyone with a name different from their birth certificate can't have passports.
It's an obvious run around of the 19th amendment
But it sounds like Democrats are going to fail US again by showing up and bowing down.
Pass this on if you agree.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans in Congress—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.