I went from poverty to a graduate degree because of public schools and Pell grants.
Fuck Trump.
Fuck Trump.
2. fuck trump
Fuck the mushroom dick blow hard.
I’m glad you’re being a voice for what’s possible.
Now, they only want the children of the rich to enjoy an education
Plus, a woman named Laverne Noyes left some of her estate for scholarships for people from my town.
We all do better when we all try and do better.
So yes, Fuck Trump.
You and me both! It is a sad day and unfortunately this will affect a generation! Even if we stopped Trump right now, it would take many years to find and correct all the damage.
Elon Musk will never give anyone a hand up only a boot in your face.
The MFer doesn’t comprehend the importance of education or those in need as the big toddler had everyone do his work for him. A criminal from the start.
He wants everyone uneducated, except for what he wants them to know.
Only stupid people vote MAGA.
Fuck Trump.
By trying to dismantle the DOE,
You keep your base a vote ing
For you, because an education makes them see,
How really you are dumb and ignorant,
Smart people see right through your true identity,
Thus you take away their Pell Grants!
Fuck Trump.
I went from a childhood with an outhouse and no running water to running a very successful business. My family used AFDC benefits for a short time to afford food.
Without safety nets and assistance, I fear many will not be able to improve their lives.
My family didn't own a car, or have other financial resources to pay for college. My room/board & books were paid for by grants & loans.
Being poor was NOT an obstacle then & shouldn't be now!
The 1% fears for their position the anyone has a chance at success.
Btw -any other parents deal with the MESS that the FAFSA was last year??! They are already understaffed. 🤬🤬