Those people are like the teachers and professors who'd only give one A amongst a classworth of papers and then a bunch of Bs and Cs to well written papers just to feed their ego
My life remains the same, 1 ⭐️
It changed my life, 2 ⭐️
It really changed my life, 3 ⭐️
I become missionary/merc/mountain man, 4 ⭐️
I will rule/save/destroy the world with this new knowledge, 5 ⭐️
“While I adored the story and the characters and the plot, I had an unpleasant run-in with a salty individual while reading this in a coffee shop one time, and unfortunately it just ruined the book for me.”
This is the book review equivalent of an author making you fall in love the characters for the entire book and then ending the book with those characters suffering eternally. We learned it by watching you!
My favourite was a one-star review of my book from a reader who irrationally thought it would be about something else, then was disappointed because it wasn’t.
5 stars
It changed my life, 2 ⭐️
It really changed my life, 3 ⭐️
I become missionary/merc/mountain man, 4 ⭐️
I will rule/save/destroy the world with this new knowledge, 5 ⭐️