He's a little brow thug what he really is is the worst traitor in American history and he will pay for his treason along with all of his co-conspirators and I do mean all of them and the penalty for treason is death
He kept touching him, too. Like he was trying to intimidate while on the surface being “friendly”. It gave me the creeps how he kept invading Zelensky’s space.
I am so sorry for your experiences in this 💖 i have family members like this, but I would try my best to keep clear from them, but I have seen the affects from their web spun in ones... and its not easy for them to even hear from a outside perspective, but I noticed if u do that monster runs away.
Thanks. I got lucky, if you can call with that. I'm tenacious as hell. I survived out of spite. There was no way I was going to let their insults and abuse drive me to take my own life. I was worth more than that, and even damaged, I knew that.
100% thats why we must acknowledge that behavior, not accepting it and tabooing it to a point where it is no longer a matter of beings, the use of the internet is a big blessing for those affected by the evils of these people, and I pray for them to come to the healing process of their lives be free
I would add our J dushbag Vance began by baiting him . These a holes attempting diplomacy when none of them know the definition of the word ! Since I’m at it , your regime had absolutely zero support for Ukraine, that was the previous administration
So get rid of him by any means possible.
Get rid of the other two as well.
Some high talks amongst spy agencies could actually save the world right now.
It's no different than when he withheld support in the quid pro quo attempt, we fund you but you need to do me a favor... it's always about him. It's not that Zelensky disrespected America, it all about calling him out for being a liar, untrustworthy just like putin.
Go to https://www.generalstrikeus.com and fill out a strike pledge card so we can reach 3% of the population to set a strike date and affect real change!!! Share far and wide 🙌
#Trump said to #Starmer 'Could you take on Russia by yourself?' like a jibe.
The fat, flabby turd couldn't wipe his own arse.
Goddbye US. I'd wish you Good Luck, but nah.
Honestly, this isn't the best language. Sure, the choir likes it. But his supporters like the idea that he's a "thug". You'd be better off calling him unprofessional, self-centered, senile, unamerican, etc.
His demand to be given a free hand to rape and pillage Ukraine in return for some false assurances of support against their enemies, like some Trump is some mob boss running a protection racket?
Yeah, thats exactly how he treats AMERICA too.
Trump is a thug, no better than Putin or Kim Jong Un.
Remember Trump is likely an agent of Russia, as explained by the ex KGB agent. And Zelensky has had principles since their first encounter when he refused to investigate Biden, his opponent.
So a nation once respected, now running foreign policy like a back-alley shakedown. Treaties? Optional. Alliances? Extorted. Trust? An overrated relic. Step right up, folks, and witness the art of the deal—where principles are sold to the highest bidder like some protection rackett.Shame on you Mark
Thugs have more courage, Trump is a coward posing as a tough guy. He's a chump holding childish grudges. We see it. He's fucking weak. A thug will risk his life, Trump is a punk ass bitch!
People aren't talking about this enough! *German Ambassador Speach at the Munich Security Conference *Europe Prepares for Independent Defense
*Extortion of Ukraine by US Pres *DJT says Zelensky gambles with WWIII if he refuses to comply with EXTORTION *DJT Threatens WWIII
His Mum said he should stay out of politics because he’d be a disaster. I suspect both of his parents recognized he was dumb as a sack of hammers and were not shy about telling him so. He’s done the same thing to Don jr .
His life has been all about proving them wrong… but they were right.
DOMESTIC ENEMY #1 AND #2. We have standards for domestic enemies who defy their Constitutional responsibilities. We have those who actually honor their oaths to protect and defend. And that is how Trump needs to go. HE IS DOMESTIC ENEMY #1.
We have a Russian president, who rolled in a Trojan horse full of Russians for his cabinet, along with a crazy cocktail of gaslit dimwits and religious zealots who hold their nose and look the other way to get their agenda advanced.
While he sells out USA and Ukraine to the highest bidder.
All of the USA that dont like T-rumpZ and his Gov magots should have the FLAG half way down, until they leave the white house, shame on you T-rumpZ & VanZyboy, Rubio go fuck a dog.
The UN vote a couple days ago foreshadowed today. The U.S. sided with prior enemies. Today, 47 chastised Zelensky so he could give himself an excuse to side with Russia again. 47 always intended to side with Russia. His treatment of Zelensky was inexcusable. What a jerk.
In the economic black out against trump today let us make him really mad and start donating aid to Ukraine. Every dollar counts as a Fuck you to trump. Good can fight evil with hope.
Trump is the useful idiot who does what he is told. By Putin, by the christian nationalists. This is now a religious war, is versus those who hate the constitution, the christofascists whose disappointment of our plurality of now obvious.
He is not only a bully, he is stupid. He could have done all of that privately. And had a "big, wonderful, beautiful document signing." But, he had to gang up on someone who he THOUGHT would cower in the corner. Nope. He looked like a dope. Vance looked worse. And that stupid reporter...
Nice Ukraine ya got here. Be a shame for somethin’ t’happen to it in th’ middle’a th’ night.
Business moguls paid Don for their protection, so he expects Mr. Zelenskyy, who he physically towers over, to pay tribute, sit there & absorb his public disrespect.
Dear Mr President Zelensky Show pictures and videos from the war in your country .
Maga People “dont know “
what the russian soldiers are doing with your families .🙏💛💙🆘🆘🆘🆘
Read a great story about trump taking over a Jersey casino and he tried this act with Frank Sinatra. Sinatra turned to his friends and asked who this fool was. When trump complained he was paying too much, word is Frank told him to go F himself.
But he would have mouthed off too! He would probably spit on Z and say my Daddy is more powerful than you are and then rub snot all over him. But he is 4.
Never a truer word spoken, the felon president of America showed himself for what he is along with his bootlicking sidekick Vance. They disgraced themselves and the Oval Office . It was a shameful display for their master Putin while the world watched. I hope impeachment and removal is looming.
Biden predicted this possibility and created the Ukraine Compact. I don't blame other world leaders for not sending more weapons and money until they were sure the US wouldn't continue to back them. Today they were given a clear signal. It's time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_Compact
This is EXACTLY how every narcissist treats people they are jealous of,.. including their kids. Bullying, demeaning, nasty, bitchy LIES!
Trump was still pissed because of Macron corrected him earlier so zelenskyy had to cop it just to prove who's the boss.
What’s worse is that the 🍊💩 was proud of his WWE style performance. Europe and Canada will come together to support Ukraine and American weapons manufacturers and the jobs this industry supports will come up short. Consider contacting your representatives if they are Republicans.
I think we got a glimpse of how he got all congressmen to walk lock-step with him. He is a mob boss. I’d say behind closed doors with no cameras it’s much worse
Trump’s power exists because he promises people whatever it is they want, they give him power and then he takes pleasure in publicly humiliating them. He wanted to do a ritual humiliation of Zelensky but Zelensky wouldn’t accept that, so Trump reacted like a pathetic playground bully.
Ron Filipkowski -- Zelensky found out what it was like to be a US governor in a blue state asking Trump for medical supplies during the pandemic. Or disaster relief after a wildfire or storm. It’s not his money, but he fully expects you to beg and plead for it and tell him how wonderful he is.
I'm glad I'm no longer in the military, because if I was I sure as hell wouldn't respect DJT as CiC, and I don't know what would happen when I started disobeying his illegal orders.
We all saw it. President Zelenskyy should never accept that deal.
He was disrespected!
What is his country gonna get?Nothing! They don’t get to keep land, they don’t get to be in NATO, they have a foreign government interfering & working with the enemy. deal is not in his country’s best interest.
Get rid of the other two as well.
Some high talks amongst spy agencies could actually save the world right now.
He had an important role.
The fat, flabby turd couldn't wipe his own arse.
Goddbye US. I'd wish you Good Luck, but nah.
Good luck to US. 🇺🇸
What a nightmare. My heart goes out to Zelenskyy & Ukraine.
On BlueSky @u24.gov.ua
Website: https://u24.gov.ua
It was a lesson imparted by his father, Fred, a stern and demanding real estate developer. Donald was determined to end up a “killer.”
How Trump treated Zelenskyy?
The bullying. The punching down. The utter contempt? The arrogance?
Yeah, thats exactly how he treats AMERICA too.
Trump is a thug, no better than Putin or Kim Jong Un.
May god help us all.
Slava Ukraine!
*Extortion of Ukraine by US Pres *DJT says Zelensky gambles with WWIII if he refuses to comply with EXTORTION *DJT Threatens WWIII
His life has been all about proving them wrong… but they were right.
Lowest of the lows.
While he sells out USA and Ukraine to the highest bidder.
You cannot think of calling him nice.. nothing he does or project is good or decent.
He’s an indecent classless cheapskate!
Seeing him talking down to President Zelensky was shocking.
In the economic black out against trump today let us make him really mad and start donating aid to Ukraine. Every dollar counts as a Fuck you to trump. Good can fight evil with hope.
Your fucking potus needs to be put in a fucking cage or he will start WW3 for sure.
He is exactly like Hitler the MF rich pedophile , I want to kill that MF fucking weak americans !!!!
Business moguls paid Don for their protection, so he expects Mr. Zelenskyy, who he physically towers over, to pay tribute, sit there & absorb his public disrespect.
& Mr. Zelenskyy took it for his people….
Maga People “dont know “
what the russian soldiers are doing with your families .🙏💛💙🆘🆘🆘🆘
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
-- North Korea's Kim Jong Un about Trump
Can't be treated with any less respect.
Korea was able
to arrest their president. What are you waiting for?
Today we saw the bravest man in the world bullied by a guy who got a podiatrist’s note to avoid the draft
US Congress should take a lesson from Zelensky. Zelensky stood up against the Mafia Boss unlike the cowards representing us in Congress.
But his cult.
Trump was still pissed because of Macron corrected him earlier so zelenskyy had to cop it just to prove who's the boss.
donnie , JD are nothing but common street THUGS
And GOP has no shame
Ask any Congressional Republican.
They are terrified of him.
Poor Trump. No rare Earth material deal he wanted. He's crying like a baby. Help soothe that sad ass soul. Send one of these to:
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500
Repost to EVERYONE
Not just the usa
Kneel before Zod
Apres moi les deluge
(After me the end)
BREAKING: European
Commission president Ursula von der Leyen says 'Be strong, be brave, be fearless. You are never alone, dear President
He was disrespected!
What is his country gonna get?Nothing! They don’t get to keep land, they don’t get to be in NATO, they have a foreign government interfering & working with the enemy. deal is not in his country’s best interest.
Please make Vance & Musk and anyone who was in that room who witnessed and participated in that "meeting" go too!