Oh Thanh, we Canadians are horrified by how he treats Americans! We still love (most of) you guys, and we keep fervently supporting efforts at righting the ship.
So should Trump give up rare earth minerals to Canada & Mexico for sending firefighters? I mean by his approach with Zelensky the U.S. should have to pay them back for the help…
Or you could realize that for a tiny fraction of your defense budget you could send older equipment and make room for the new, sanction the RUZ $$ in US banks for rebuilding and cripple the army that kept US military spending so high ending the Cold War without harming any US troops.
My family and I spent the greatest 10 days in California in August, a trip they will never forget. I hated to tell them that it might be our last…we never wanted this…
Unfortunately that won’t come to be, we don’t feel safe anymore coming into the US. We’re hearing many friends who have driven into Florida on their yearly trips absolutely berated and told to leave with their young children in tow. We know majority of Americans don’t feel that way but can’t risk it
I don't think you would encounter that here in Calif. The town where I live, Oakhurst, is deep MAGA territory but everyone knows their meals depend on Yosemite tourists.
Come between June 1 and September 1 and you can taste 100 different kinds of fruit in a single day.
I will be your bodyguard.
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We know. We entered WWII long before the Americans. We recognize a bully early in life and despise them. They pick on the little kids and act up in class so nobody gets recess. We also know they are cowards.
David vs Goliath is a reminder, the country with 1000s of lakes, have smooth stones too.
Feel the majority of of the American people respect and appreciation our northern and southern neighbors. Unfortunately do not believe Trump and company can respect no-one except themselves
Greetings from Europe. How would Americans have felt if we had sided with Al-Qaeda after 09/11, made you out to be the guilty partie and publicly humiliated Bush? It is so unbelievable...!!!
*tried to publicly humiliate. It’s worth noting Zelensky basically wiped the floor with Trump et al. That does not in any way excuse the Americans’ behavior, I just think it’s important to recognize Zelensky is way harder to humiliate than Bush would’ve been.
I agree with what Emily stated, but just know that there are so many Americans are absolutely horrified at what President Zelensky had to sit through. Too many of us do not side with that Orange Shit-bag at all!
No. You don’t need us. You secede and create your own country. Canada and America are very different, even if we’re just talking about the blue states.
The map is based on the 2020 election. So the map is just a rough visualization. Each state would need to Secede & then assimilate to become Canadian. I would also imagine that a mass Migration would need to happen. So MAGAts in the New Canada migrate to MAGAt land & non-MAGAts to the new Canada.
Not sure we would want Michigan, it is kind of horrible. I based the map on the 2020 election. That said, mybgood friend is living in Kyoto and has bought a little house cheap. She is half Japanese and likes it but misses Canada.
Canada sent troops to Afghanistan for U.S. Opened our country during 911, rushed to donate blood. We always send support. You never gave us any thought. Case in point this crest from a tourney I was in, (that's supposed to be the Canadian flag). Can't we just go back to being ignored?
Mexico and Canada are not just our biggest trading partners, they are America's closest friends. There are many ordinary people here who value this relationship.
When the US air space closed due to the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Canada took all the aircraft already in the air that couldn't turn back and had to land. E.g., Gander, NL, a town of just over 9000 hosted 7000 passengers and crew for four days. Neighbours help. https://www.wnyc.org/story/i-was-american-refugee-one-mans-story-911/
Advice from someone who has lived near Yosemite since birth.
It may be a carnival sideshow soon.
Come between June 1 and September 1 and you can taste 100 different kinds of fruit in a single day.
I will be your bodyguard.
This changes everything. We don’t blame you-we blame the corrupt politicians who have defunded education in most of your southern states for decades.
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Thank you!
David vs Goliath is a reminder, the country with 1000s of lakes, have smooth stones too.
The states would have to assimilate & become Canadian as well.
Also, it would make Canada a Real Power. Which I think would be a good thing for the entire world.
Awful administration. 🇨🇦
All your imposter president did was shit on California, it's people and Govenor.