Canadian here: completely embarrassed every time a Canadian pipes up to talk about how awful it is living next to the USA when our own domestic conservative libertarians are winning opinion polls in the mass media every day.
We are one step behind America and it is ignorant to pretend otherwise.
We are one step behind America and it is ignorant to pretend otherwise.
Reposted from
Mara Wilson
Please don’t pretend like your country isn’t capable of terrible things. That’s one of the biggest fallacies that leads countries down a dark path: thinking “it can’t happen here.”
We may be in trouble.
The volume of absolutely credulous "they're not going to do anything bad, it wasn't in their platform" misreading people are making is phenomenal.
Take Alberta as your early warning, not an outlier.
(Smug people from another country butting in to show how superior they are)
That said, we cannot be complacent.
PM Trudeau needs to play the Con game. Why not? Doing good, doesn't work. Start slinging the mud the other way.
Trust me, I would have never said that before now.
"Liberal fatigue" should not result in electing the conservative clowns.
We need more mechanisms to shake up the governing party than kicking them out.
It does not help that Jagmeet Singh keeps saying nearly the same things as Poilievre.
I do not understand how Danielle Smith got elected.
"Liberal fatigue" and misogyny got us Jason Kenney, but Danielle Smith is utterly baffling to me. She went off the conspiracy deep end and yet a whole chunk of people refused to vote for not-conservatives.