Every now and then I think about my favorite substitute teacher I ever had: a woman who would always place a green towel over the teacher’s desk and call it her work station, spoke exclusively in rhyme, let us do whatever we wanted in class, and got fired for taking a shit in the hallway
"Near and far there is no stall, if push comes to shove I'll shit in the hall!" 😭
"How was school?"
my least favorite was the one who, when i told her my preferred name, had this big spiel about how nobody talks about it being hard for the cis people to get trans ppls names right n stuff
(Mrs Shaw who taught me how to read towards what would be in exams when my part time job was too busy to let me read widely for school)
Idk why that joke kills, but it still makes me laugh
we also had one that described her menopause in heinous, bordering on effluvient detail every single day