Sure half the problem is people who prat about with thermostats. You set it and leave it to do its job. If you fiddle with it every time you are slightly too hot or cold it'll never be right for either of you. If it needs adjustment, don't whack it up or down 10° do it 2-3° and let it run a while.
That's the sort of nasty response to a friendly, light hearted conversation that normally comes from the MAGA supporters you claim to be against. Why don't you crawl back to X?
I'm obviously with the wrong woman. I'm Scots and refuse to put the heating on. She's German, and has it turned up high. I sleep all year round with an Ikea summer duvet, when we lived in Scotland, she had a winter duvet, long socks, leggings, long sleeved t-shirt and a hoodie.
It's only been 11 Yr.
You know at first blush this sounds like it's being cheeky and comical
... but I've spoken to enough couples who have been married a long time that this thermostat issue is a common one
It's only been 11 Yr.
... but I've spoken to enough couples who have been married a long time that this thermostat issue is a common one