Many Australians seem to miss a salient fact, our own navy conducts freedom of navigation operations in the waters of the South China Sea whenever we want to show that these waters are international thoroughfares for trade & the all navies.
We also conduct live firing exercises at sea.
We also conduct live firing exercises at sea.
But they then did tell the ADF.
50 minutes before the NZ Nazy which was shadowing them told the Australian Navy.
Great hey … 😳😳😳
But we are crying because our invisible subs are no where to be found.
The cognitive dissonance by the Australian media is astounding really.
It’s like a Christmas sale to Murdoch and that IPA Hitlerjugend freak LNP Senator James Paterson.
Dutton and the LNP along with MSM are on an anti Chinese fear mongering propaganda campaign just before the election.
We love it, except when they do it to us.
If we want to compete defensively we need a population the size of the USA & an economy the size of China.
Yet, we don’t even make cars anymore.
The moment any world power tries to invade and hold Australia is the moment other world powers act to defend us.
China does the same to us quite regularly.
How do I know this?
I trained for my amateur 'ham' radio licence at
The Signallers told me clearly that "China and Russia regularly land interception planes at many Australian airports."
"Don't worry, we do the same in return," the Signallers told me.
That was 1999.
Striaght from the mouth of our Signals
If we want to compete defensively we need a population the size of the USA & an economy the size of China.
Yet, we don’t even make cars anymore.
Everyone appears to have forgotten this. Apparently The Govt. of the time knew of it, but we were all like WTF?
So diplomacy is the only solution.
My thoughts.
The war hawks gotta war.
And as Marles has stated, the Chinese did not break any international rules and gave notice.
It’s just that the RAN didn’t know about it, until informed by a Virgin Pilot.
But I will check it out.
And based on our actions, who could blame them.
^Definitely not made in China.
Total BS.
China is just doing what it's always done and US and Australian excerises like this all the time.
This is just politics at play!
its only news just before an election though 👇
Surely the Chinese govt. realises that the sabre rattling isn't due to start until after the election is called.
Then, of course, we are all in for a dose of zenophobic rabid nationalism.
We all know that that is a surefire vote winner.
We've been hearing about the freedom of navigation journeys for years.