As an opposition spokesperson, Jacinta Price is paid between $280,000 & $292,054 a year, along with various allowances & super.
But that didn’t stop her being investigated for 14 breaches of misuses of expenses, 13 of which she was found to have improperly have claimed from the Tax payer.
But that didn’t stop her being investigated for 14 breaches of misuses of expenses, 13 of which she was found to have improperly have claimed from the Tax payer.
That is the only way to stop the grifting.
Coin operated by Gina.
She's on the nose in a big way
Weird the SMH gives a shit, except that it takes some of the heat off Dutton.
Both need to be voted out.
That was before I knew better.
About everything 🙁
It’s the Public servants’ fault
Either way, I guess we’re all paying.
Honesty by Price from the start would be the best approach.
Anything else is a diversion from her issues.
Believe in 3 strikes & your out. Not when you are spending our money!!
Regulations must be in place - greedy biased politicians won’t do the right thing. Decorum is a myth. Regulate ethics & consequences NOW!!
At what point does the Opposition Leader demand her resignation? #integrity and #competence do actually matter to Aussies,
The lies, grift, corruption is always OK for Dutton.
Seems it means you can lie and cheat even if you get caught
The duopoly are happy to let the rot, theft & corruption continue.
This would not be acceptable in any work environment I know of.
But I understand your passion
I think it’s atlas and advance propaganda
It is a myth
There is progressive Labor
and then there is a Coalition of minor conservative parties plus other minor conservative parties/independents who support a conservative agenda
The Coalition is 4 minor parties right now LPA, NPA, LNP, CLP plus Kapper, ONA, UAP
She’s just fully invested in the Trump way.
Get Dutton, get Trump. And as a bonus, Putin.
The entire LNP and much of Federal politics is corrupt.
I am so sick of the rorting of allowances. claim allowances after producing receipts for costs/ trip details. Should be scrutinised before payment.