"I know the Washington Post’s motto has become a punching bag—but it is horrifying that the instant “Democracy Dies in Darkness” was challenged, our media gave way and rolled over for Trump, delivering exactly what he and his repressive government want: submission, cash, and control."
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I’m curious to see how they align themselves in ‘25.
Will they stand for truth and freedom of press?
We shall see.
We cannot just roll over and acquiesce to tyranny. Not happening.
it makes me want to ask them to
blink twice,
if they are okay
* Free press
* Free speech
* Congress
* Courts
* Intelligence agencies
* Law enforcement
* Military
* Education
* Health care
* Banks
* Social Security
* Taxes
* Women, workers, minorities, consumers, LGBTQ, & YOU!
Do NOT obey in advance. Commit to resist!
Information flow was already partly blocked and it's gotten a massive beating with all the knee bending.
(sorry for repeating myself, but also in this blue universe the big fish are heard "We, the others" are jumping just as high )
Thank you Brian for being our voice out there and bring us the news we can count on without white washing it.
I blame the Politicians who made it legal.
I'll try: Control, Cash, Cruelty
Just wanted to clarify they weren't threatened and rolled over, they were bribed.
To win a war there must be sacrifice!
In passing the new budget, Dems have killed Americans whose lives will be sacrificed in the new cuts.
Elon wins!
Dems have blood on their hands not repubs! IDIOTS!
Make sacrifices that count towards Dem wins!
This CR vote was a disturbing submissive posture by Jefferies and crew.
They made heartfelt promises, then broke them in 24 hours.
"More light. More Democracy"
"Unbent. Unbroken. Unvarnished truth."
Democracy dies in darkness,
and legacy media is turning out the lights.