For the general public stock holders the Stock Market is a disaster, yet for billionaires who are going to buy up those dropping stocks. Then when they come back up, those billionaires will make a bundle...
So, who wins?
Why aren't the general public citizens protesting en masse?
Dems need to learn to stop using these images of the stock market dropping. The average American does not give a fuck about the stock market. They have nothing invested in it. They care about the cost of rent, gas and groceries. You're not changing minds with a graph about the DOW.
Why does Trump take personal credit when a market is good (even before he takes office) and blame others when it is bad?
Clearly Republicans think it is important, so why can't we mention it too?
(and inflation is up)
You CAN mention it I just don't think it's going to be very effective. I just think there aren't many Americans who find stock market graphs convincing. Stock numbers are so abstract to the average person they mean nothing. Whereas the prices of goods and services is something they care about.
Hey BTC, you’ve had Jared Moskowitz on your show (I believe), please find out why he decided to censure Al Green?
He seemed to be level headed in the past.
It's full on fascism and should be treated as such. Too many Americans don't know what is happening. Share everywhere, especially on conservative social media. Even our words for freedoms and rights are disappearing.
This is a terrible time to sell, and money markets are a terrible place to store large amounts of cash. Who knows what they're invested in to get you that yield? I don't. It ain't 30-year treasuries.
No offense, but no one's financial advisor should be saying any of that. He is one of the most unpredictable presidents we have ever had and they should be making sure your assets are diversified and protected.
But yeah, I wasn't happy w/ the convo. I've always trusted my FA completely but that day left me feeling like she really didn't take my concerns seriously.
I'm deeply invested with her so making a break at this turbulent time may not be the best move.
I'm certainly not saying you need to make a break, but I would voice my concern. They need to be aware of what's going on and make sure their clients are prepared for it. Some others might not be as forgiving
It's as though this is a completely different president. 1.0 was ultra right, but not anything like this. I guess that was just laying the foundation. That's why he refused to accept defeat. There were plans . . .
Who the heck has that anyway? You think this is the '90s?
Seriously, the middle class was so strong in the Bill Clinton era. He caved to power regarding the poor and racial inequity, but for the middle class, including minorities, he was incredible.
You're right; the socioeconomic gap is the widest it's ever been right now, and a lot of people don't have the resources to save for the future. What's worse is the little people do have has to endure another 4 years of uncertainty.
Same here. I kept saying the he would tank the market and asked her to rebalance to much more conservative holdings. With MMs I was worried about FDIC threats from dump.
He started a global trade war. And he dismantled your usual ability to rebound during global conflict by encouraging Europe to build their own military equipment.
He is literally a sadistic destroyer. Not just the economy, he is destroying our national parks, public lands and all the improvements we've made for clean air/energy. He must be stopped.
It’s part of a plan.
They are destroying the economy & all the safety nets to make people desperate enough to live in their “freedom cities” and get rations for labor.
Anyone who can’t work is expendable.
Tech authoritarianism that gives billionaires maximum freedom.
I think Trump & Phony Stark will create a crypto replacement for the USD after they crash it. They will hold more than half of the float, making them instant multi-trillionaires.
The FDIC Board took six deregulatory actions that endanger depositors. Causing a run on the banks is a good way to devalue USD. Phony Stark suggested doing this to reduce federal debt obligations.
If you're smart, you'll move your cash and equities offshore. Putting your cash in EUR is safer.
i once had a really good conversation with a texas gun shop owner about this. they conceded that one person with guns would be flattened by the govt, but claimed 10,000 people with guns would not. i told them that that only works if the leader can be shamed by the rest of the world…
…& w/ that in mind, they should be less focused on the 2nd amend. & more concerned w/ voting rights & educating the electorate.
sadly, we elected a morally bankrupt 🍊& congress agreed to put his loyalists in charge of the military & fbi, so there’s a good chance our guns won’t do us a lick of good.
Don't dismiss the loss of trust or respect at international level. We are all pivoting away from US and realizing how easy it to close the door. Yes there will be bumps and challenges but we will be stronger for it🇨🇦
It's a MAFIA BUST OUT! Tony Soprano style--but no one calls it what it is because we're in denial that US Democracy+government could fall apart by IDIOCRACY: voters choice of the dumbest, most vile, corrupt liar & incompetent POTUS ever! He even wants to sell + clearcut swaths of old growth timber!
If your version of "great" is "cis white, rich men control society and all our assets while the rest of us yell at each other about shit that doesn't matter," then we're well on our way.
How President Biden must feel after working so hard for 4 years to undo what the antichrist did before now within 1.5 mos completely undo his great record President Biden was blessed he was doing so much for the American people how can they not understand oh Lord help us
I. Want. To. Kick. Trump's. Ass. In fact, I might make a replica of his rear and put it at the local pub with a Kick Trump's Ass sign for $1 and make up the losses. I may be a millionaire overnight. #politics
🇺🇸 🗣️ MARCH TODAY for Women’s Rights, 3/8 International Women’s Day - cities across the country. Get information online at
In NYC, the march begins in Washington Square Park at 11am ET.
is it possible he thinks if he crashes the market that will inspire more investment in crypto, or will make it easier to sink massive govt money into crypto, raising the value of his crypto portfolio?
and can someone please explain to me how crypto isn’t a pyramid scheme?
it’s the only reason you’d purposely tank the stock market, right? the only other thing i can think of is wiping out people’s retirement funds to force them to stay in the workforce longer for lower wages, but i can’t imagine anyone would want embittered 70 year olds working for them.
So much winning. But that’s exactly what he wants. He’s spreading chaos domestically and internationally making everybody’s head spin in order for us not to notice that he’s changing the US into an dictatorship and redefining the worldmorder. Soon the US will be aligned with Russia and China instead
That's what they voted on.. and taking away transgender rights... you know cuz all those scary transgender people in drag queens are going into bathrooms oh my God I'm so scared
Stunning Timeline of Felon47/fElon normalizing Brazen Corruption. Firing and gutting of any and all regularory oversight protecting the rest of us-all at a dizzying rate. Daily shock and awe, just like Hitler. WAKE UP, AMERICA.🤬
I'm no economist, but that doesn't look too good! It's like no one in the government knows what the hell they're doing!
But then again, I'm just a silly Canadian. What do I know?
If you believe, based on public actions, that Trump is a RUSSIAN ASSET.
Then using the same logic it is hard not to conclude that the ineffectual actions of so many elected Dems suggests that they are GOP ASSETS.
Face it, digest it, deal with it in your own way.
But don’t deny the evidence.
Worlds largest econmoy and military, etc. I dont get how MAGA were convinced the US is broke and needs a moron to fix it. I supect they really didnt care to look at facts as long as their orange messiah said he was going after the people they hate.
It’s really isn’t deep for them. They live in coddled in culture wars and greed & feel marginalized as they cling to outdated (&offensive) beliefs. Trump is their abusive bully who is going to hurt all the people they want to see hurt, restoring the ‘good old [boy]’ days’ racism, sexism, & bigotry
I mean, it was broken, just not in the ways they thought it was. Money still funneled into the pockets of millionaires and billionaires. The poor were continually getting poorer. Which meant it was easier to fool the poor into believing that it was other poor people robbing them instead of the rich.
The truth is that chump doesnt really want to fix that. Money is finite and if you have more you can make more, leaving less for the people at the bottom.
In th UK immigrants are often blamed for money problems too.
Trump never intended to fix anything. His intentions were always to avoid jail and burn it all down. Remember he said he was going to be their retribution. The idiots didn’t think the flames would hit them
My exact sentiments on my sign I made to go to the protest the other day. Unfortunately media is hiding every time we go out and protest, we get a five min clip on news tucked between two God awful commercials, or after a segment no one wants to hear about it's disgusting. Censoring at all time high
The stock market crash is due to envious "globalists" who are trying to rip off the US. When the market goes up on Trump's watch, it's patriots rallying behind their heroic President.
A decline is due to evil, amorphous, imaginary enemies trying to sabotage him.
Call in the shrinks.
It was for the most part... the 2022 bear market rather sucked. Can't really hang it on a president when we were coming out of a bunch of pandemic weirdness, though.
This is the greatest opposite-of-great that's ever happened, perhaps, ever. So many people are going to talk about it for generations, so many, so many people.
By Golden Era I'm pretty sure Trump meant y'all gonna get a golden shower by the oligarchy.
I'm saying that it's being manipulated intentionally and should be handled similarly to the game stop stock manipulation of 2021, except at a broader scale.
The SEC is manipulating the market? I'm just asking because I don't think it's possible for any single entity, or even a coordinated group of entities, to manipulate a $30T market. Now, a lot of people often make the same *choices* at the same time, based on data at hand, but that's much different.
Completely agree! I just felt like I didn't want to spread a fake like the traitor'n thief. In contrast to the vicious narcissus, I'm honest and tried to defuse the post. 🤔😉
So sad but you're right. Shaun Usher, the man behind the Letters Of Note website and book, posted a screenshot of what looked like a textbook Trump tweet. But anyway it was that precise, that it became a viral hit.
10% of my income went into a retirement fund. We were given choices where our money went. I chose funds that supported people in emerging markets. If my nest goes down to zero, I know where the feathers are. Creating jobs and improving lives…priceless. Investing is a choice, so is theft.
Wow so considerate. I’d rather invest in high yield and then donate, as I am doing now. Seems like a better option and you get to be very precise as to where your money goes.
THIS may be what saves us since the ONLY thing oligarchs care about is money. Boycott every corporation that supports the p2025 #GuardiansOfPestilence!
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
🫶 🎯Trump’s chaos is not just a geopolitical danger but an economic threat. Europe must quickly cut dependence on the US, focus on self-reliance, and strengthen what we control. With growing threats, we must stand on our own two feet. Goodbye, former friends.
So, who wins?
Why aren't the general public citizens protesting en masse?
A king and his fellow kleptocrats governing a country that used to be for the people.
Clearly Republicans think it is important, so why can't we mention it too?
(and inflation is up)
He seemed to be level headed in the past.
When he tanks it intentionally.
And for whom?
No social security.
No medicare
No investment income.
Pensions wiped out.
My financial advisor said 47 would never do tariffs, never end social security. Would be political suicide.
I managed to get 30% into money markets before the markets tanked.
But yeah, I wasn't happy w/ the convo. I've always trusted my FA completely but that day left me feeling like she really didn't take my concerns seriously.
I'm deeply invested with her so making a break at this turbulent time may not be the best move.
Seriously, the middle class was so strong in the Bill Clinton era. He caved to power regarding the poor and racial inequity, but for the middle class, including minorities, he was incredible.
Bonds too.
Fucking pisses me off. Record profits just months ago.
These a$$h*l*s will push us to revolution. What's that JFK said about those who make peaceful revolution impossible. . . ?
(Man, the young president at the time was changing into a firebrand!)
He started a global trade war. And he dismantled your usual ability to rebound during global conflict by encouraging Europe to build their own military equipment.
The art of the deal!
Win-win is like drinking poison for him.
They are destroying the economy & all the safety nets to make people desperate enough to live in their “freedom cities” and get rations for labor.
Anyone who can’t work is expendable.
Tech authoritarianism that gives billionaires maximum freedom.
I think Trump & Phony Stark will create a crypto replacement for the USD after they crash it. They will hold more than half of the float, making them instant multi-trillionaires.
If you're smart, you'll move your cash and equities offshore. Putting your cash in EUR is safer.
sadly, we elected a morally bankrupt 🍊& congress agreed to put his loyalists in charge of the military & fbi, so there’s a good chance our guns won’t do us a lick of good.
Our alliances, carefully curated over 70 years.
Democracy around the world.
The rule of law.
🇺🇸 🗣️ MARCH TODAY for Women’s Rights, 3/8 International Women’s Day - cities across the country. Get information online at
In NYC, the march begins in Washington Square Park at 11am ET.
and can someone please explain to me how crypto isn’t a pyramid scheme?
Go with Sam Jackson
This is how democracies die.
But then again, I'm just a silly Canadian. What do I know?
Then using the same logic it is hard not to conclude that the ineffectual actions of so many elected Dems suggests that they are GOP ASSETS.
Face it, digest it, deal with it in your own way.
But don’t deny the evidence.
In th UK immigrants are often blamed for money problems too.
Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.
A decline is due to evil, amorphous, imaginary enemies trying to sabotage him.
Call in the shrinks.
And then the collective "We" picked this disaster instead. Apparently because the price of eggs was 25% of what they cost now.
@sunomusic The tracks are still glitching So, two songs until they fix it...
They're like, "we have to suffer for success," now.
Which, I mean, is wonderful....let em be homeless and love it.
By Golden Era I'm pretty sure Trump meant y'all gonna get a golden shower by the oligarchy.
Why are you asking?
I'm not sure if you genuinely want to know and don't know how to Google, or trying to prove a point, or....?
Put him in one of Elon's rockets. 🤷♀️
Diversity is our greatest strength
We now elect leaders that aren’t white supremacists, so they’re desperate ~ they know it’s over
As diverse leaders are elected, we the people have VOICE. Get on board
The house always wins.
I don’t think it’s great.