Everything he is doing is a direct attack on the Kennedys, Bidens, and Obamas. His policies are designed to humiliate and erase people of color. He is a bitter, envious old white man.
Well the legacy of Trump will be as the absolute worst president of our entire history. Him and his family will be pariah’s when this is all over. Broken and bankrupt as well.
The revenge is all consuming and appears to include life long grievances no matter how slight. Truly amazing his thirst for retribution x10. Fogs his brain to anything else.
He’s been threatening to do this for a while, and it’s a convenient distraction from whatever else he’s trying to do. A ripple effect, with the garden in the center; it matters because it’s another erasure of history and a jab at the New York high society that shuns him as crass and uncouth.
He delegates the dismantling of the government while he spends his time blabbing about renovating the Kennedy Center and making the Rose Garden a patio. Because he has such a great design sense? 😏
Reasonable point, but the symbolism of it is so egregious and makes it much more. Destroying something lovely that is natural--a rose garden--in order to pave it over w/something gaudy is just a bit too on the nose. Also it is meant--no doubt--as an insult to Jackie Kennedy for whom it is named.
Impeach this goddamned psychopath already. You have ample reason. Quit selling out, grow a fucking spine and put this asshole out along with his entire corrupt regime.
For Christ's sake, can he just stop with the revenge on all things Kennedy? Honestly the place has looked awful since Melania screwed around with it the first time, but doesn't Elon have some coloring books or something to keep him busy? More draconian edicts that will kill more seniors and babies?
Thankfully once he's dead a sane President can have all this fixed. As gross as this move is...it's really trivial in light of everything else going on.
Oh, I'm worried about that, too. And whether they'll drill near Yosemite and set off that super volcano that's been overdue for a million years. And my Social Security not showing up so my kids will have to take up a collection to buy my meds and feed me.
This cunt is going to have the most desecrated burial site in all of history. It’ll have to be marked a superfund site from all the human waste. He’s destroying history like this because seeing it reminds him that he’ll never be a fraction of what the people residing there before him were.
He has to kill everything… he thinks he will be in the White House forever. Maybe he knows something we don’t. Hate what he is doing there. Discussing!
He is a piece of shit and the Supreme Court has created a monster. Yes that’s correct by giving him immunity he thinks he is untouchable. Meanwhile we are all suffering at the hands of his childish retribution and the other buffoon who cares only about himself.
fuck this orange monster! the garden that will be replanted once he is gone will be larger, greater, brighter, and more diverse it will be beautiful! but fuck him and his patio right now.
Seriously the least of our problems. Make it a mickie D, we have bigger fish to fry. But, yeah for FOTUS every day is a good day to trash a Kennedy for some reason.
JFK made the soviets dismantle all their offensive weapons in Cuba during the Cuba Missile Crisis. Maybe Putin still holds a grudge since he seems to be telling Trump to shit all over anything JFK touched.
Glad to see this at the top. While this sucks, I ain't wasting any more time than writing this comment on it. It's all distraction with the hope of pissing people off.
Exactly. So it would be much better to not even acknowledge shit like this. Because it doesn’t really matter given all the real shit going on and it’s what he wants
I agree, he wants people to be up in arms about him doing dumb shit because he is addicted to the attention. Its really tragic he is paving over so much United States history, but that is his problem, he doesn't give a shit about US history if he cant use it politically.
Of course not, what American do you know with the name Drumpf? Even Mexicans with Texas ties are more American! I guess ppl can just change there name and that let them play as whatever.
My husband was born and grew up in Brooklyn and Queens. EVERYONE hated the trumps and knew they were corrupt trash to the core from old man fred down through dementia don’s spawn. 🤬
It’s just the queens aesthetic nowadays to cover up grass with pavers. Ironically the old Trump Dump on Midland was an overgrown wasteland last time I drove by.
So, let me get this right. You release the JFK investigation files…and then you decide you want to pave over his wife’s rose garden.
Don’t let this man’s blatant disrespect for American history, distract us from all of the lies, corruption, and blatant racism that is happening right in front of us
First it was the immigrant Melania removing all of the Jackie Kennedy Roses in the Garden- now he is black topping it for the Mar-a-lago escorts wearing their stilettos 🙄
Nothing about the history of The People’s House registers with him because he’s a malignant narcissist. This also tells me he has no intention of leaving office.
Supreme Court should be pressured to reverse their Presidential Immunity Declaration. This is our only chance to survive a dictatorship. Without this reversal no one will be able to stop the Felon.
No one has ever walked on grass before, it’s never been done. People have been trying to successfully walk on grass for eons, but it’s the one thing we can’t wrap our heads around to find a solution for.
I cannot wait until Trump dies of natural causes and then I will rest easy knowing that people will travel to his grave site to desecrate it in the most horrific of fashions for all eternity
My dad used to live under a dictator in the Dominican Republic. He used to tell me that a dictator never leaves office willingly... always in a bag. Hopefully one that gets kicked a few times.
Hopefully, it won't be during his presidency only because if that were to happen, Vance would take his place, and even tho Trump is horrible, Vance would be even worse. But I agree with you.
And we are going to just stand by and allow it to happen? This is all bullshit! Trump is NOT a king. And even kings don’t do stupid things like that!!!
Hard to accept that as diverse as the USA is - blending so many beautiful cultures from around the world - that there is this unique and odd group of hateful and dark minded species living amongst us. This election had to be rigged because there are more of us than them.
Well there are a lot more apparently than I ever understood, but I think they were just added to the regular GQP who just want low taxes. Then on the other side a bunch of ppl did not vote. And here we are.
Something these two will NEVER have.
Looks a tacky as he is
I mean, no, he doesn’t.
But at least do, I don’t know… something?
Like pretend to not be not working?
All I’m saying is that your golfing is expensive.
Just a distraction tactic while he disappears some more innocent people to fuck knows where,
Your military should have arrested and removed him and his equally unconstitutional cabal by now,
For all the guns and talk, why no one has done anything is beyond me.
His next reno will be to paint the White House similar to Mar-a-Lago.
He is undoing earth.
Who goes to a garden and thinks, this should be a patio…
It’s just the queens aesthetic nowadays to cover up grass with pavers. Ironically the old Trump Dump on Midland was an overgrown wasteland last time I drove by.
Don’t let this man’s blatant disrespect for American history, distract us from all of the lies, corruption, and blatant racism that is happening right in front of us
Fox news may be the most profitable propaganda department in history. A private propaganda machine
What they don’t realise is that it is too late.
Do your press conferences elsewhere.
Or itll just be a used car lot for teslas