Snopes debunked the “maid printed classified documents” story. The rumor started with a NY Post story, which strongly suggested a maid had access to classified documents, but never actually alleged that.
I recommend the Post article as a lesson in careful reading.
This chaos must stop…we are fast tracking the destruction of our country by those who could CARE LESS about Americans or anyone else unless it is to benefit themselves. Good luck getting any information out of allies now!
Europe has reminders all around them. They weren’t given the option to forget.
Other parts of the world they haven’t known a days peace.
In this part of the world it’s uncharted territory. I can only hope that it doesn’t come to it. We’ve got do what we believe is right, & what we’re able ☮️
Gee, will the Dems finally get it together and use this as an outright attack on the incompetency of this regime? I want to see this plastered all over the media with our representatives going after them MERCILESSLY. It can't just be journalists - our reps HAVE to hammer on the hypocrisy of this!
Unfortunately my Senators are Schumer and Gillibrand. They won't do jack shit. Schumer made one of his BS statements on C-SPAN. We need a Jamie Raskin or AOC or Crockett to make statements. Thank God Buttigieg did.
Completely agree. Double standards, rules, laws.. all of it don’t apply to them. Because they said so and we, collectively, as a country failed to vote for people who make them apply.
I believe they're encouraged to use this platform so they don't have to properly log info & won't be subject to FOIA. So they definitely will not be fired because you're the only ones willing to break the law to do it
“Goldberg, if you’re listening — I hope you release the entirety of the texts that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens.”
What’s alarming isn’t that Hegseth sent these messages. What’s MOST alarming is that ALL of our nations security heads were on this text and NOT ONE said “gee maybe we shouldn’t talk here”.
They can't keep it together
I recommend the Post article as a lesson in careful reading.
himself on his own petard. Brilliant, Pete! Keep up the good work!
The struggle for Americans is an internal one. That’s where the fight needs to start.
Other parts of the world they haven’t known a days peace.
In this part of the world it’s uncharted territory. I can only hope that it doesn’t come to it. We’ve got do what we believe is right, & what we’re able ☮️
You were told but you believed Fox News.
I dare say you have learned nothing.
Trump won’t fire them …
that would make it clear to everyone he used terrible judgment.
What a Lush!
Fuck ups
But Trumps more worried about that Painting in Colorado.
Where is the dem leaders outrage😶😶😶
Find your balls, you do nothings.
Pete's on the record.