It's easy to fall into a sense of learned helplessness in today's political climate.
We may not be able to change the past or even get a chance to feel peace, but we are here. Though it sucks, bad times come to an end. Reality isn't as skewed as we think. Have hope.
His voters are in the #FO phase of #FAFO and loudly stating so. The farmers that voted for him are really really loud because now China is buying their soy beans from Brazil & Russia w/Brazil being number one now. It will be #GrifterTrump's own people that take him down via impeachment this time.
Dems lost by a clear margin. To go MAGA on the election results us not very "...for Democracy". Maybe Dems should look at their policies or is everything OK?
Yeah. I hate to say see another Trump white house, but the maps showing how much of the country shifted to the right tell a pretty clear story about the Democratic platform
I think until we recognize the systematic and intentional destruction of public education results in a largely uninformed and confused society, which leads to things like the Maga clan, we won't get anywhere anyway. It's war time now. Talking is not going to fix this.
Could not agree more. I have been reminding people of this—Trump barely won, so he hardly has a mandate or landslide victory. Let’s just try to survive the next 4 years with a lame duck, barely elected president.
That's gotta be one of the most contra-factual statements I've ever seen. He won everything. This is straight back to Kellyannes "we have alternatives facts". It seems that fact doesn't matter as long as the statment reflects the speakers values or party alignment. Wish it was true though...
312-266 with only a 2 mil pop difference is a win, but def not a landslide. Just like 2020 or 2016 wasnt a landslide.
even 12 was barely a landslide. 08 was the last real big difference.
But it matters by how much. He does not have the support of a majority of the country. A majority of the country did not vote or voted for Harris. And his extremely narrow margin in the house will make it hard to pass anything; same with the Senate. Sure, he technically “won” but what can he do?
He didn't win everything when he can't even get a pedo confirmed. What kind of super villain can't even get a pedo into the govt? The fact is, the prez has very little actual power and the actual govt laughs Maga out, if you've ever watched cspan. They're a complete joke. Maga won't "win" in reality
The Democrats gained seats in the house but not enough to create a majority. Trump's "win" was the 3rd smallest in the history of elections. What are YOU talking about?
The problem is, not that trump lies. It's that the majority of his supporters just don't care that he lies. Like every populist throughout history, he tells them what they want to hear to make them feel better, doesn't matter if it is true or not.
I get your point. But on this one, I have to say nope. Mehdi held the power to lead and he missed his moment with that both sides snit. I don't think I can forgive him for this.
I see what your saying.. and he was a bit biased on this so i see your point but he is typically good at hitting the right pretty hard and the corporate Democrats.
Then there was #GeorgeStephanoupulus getting caught off mic bad mouthing Biden. Even our comedian news presenter, #JonStewart's #DailyShow kept saying repeated nasty crap about Kamala, Biden, Beyonce, and Democrats in general -- both siding everything or proclaiming Trump's going to win.
I feel like a lot of the voices in media have betrayed us. Look at Chuck Todd who we got rid of using the #FireChuckTodd hashtag. His commentary was always negative on #Democrats. Now that his stank butt has been fired, he's doing a media tour on how "selfish" Biden was to run for POTUS (and win!!)
True. and Mehdi Hasan didn't lift a finger to help the people of Michigan decide correctly. Instead, he trashed Kamala Harris. I have no respect for him any longer because of that.
He won all the swing states and both chambers of Congress. Given how close things have been for the last 2 decades...that is a landslide. A few years ago we were having debates about electoral college vs pop vote. That's how close it was. Now? He walked away with it.
I keep reading this, and I keep asking: "who cares"? Trump will claim he won a landslide, and Republicans in Congress will act as if he did. What does disputing the point accomplish?
Any acknowledgment, no matter how minor, of this man winning anything without a forensic investigation or recount is a clear case of journalist malpractice.
If we are not going to use the intelligence we have gathered about Trump's compromised relationship with Putin right now to defend our nation, when are we going to use it? Never?
There's reasons they aren't. 1. They're all on the same side. Govt experiment vs. us rats. Or, Russia is literally holding the US hostage with trump. It has to be one of the two. No way he won that election.
I agree with this. We can’t make the same mistakes we made during the last trump administration. Stop talking about the lies and talk about what they’re actually fucking doing!! Dammit 🤬
We may not be able to change the past or even get a chance to feel peace, but we are here. Though it sucks, bad times come to an end. Reality isn't as skewed as we think. Have hope.
#hope #journalismsaves
He's so tiresome
Both sides equally represented, fair and balanced.
Actually... could Trump pronounce defenestration?
Yeah probably a roof.
But hey, I'm sure it's the electorates fault, not the fact that the Democrats squandered a once in a generation opportunity to help working people.
Trump won by 2.4 million votes .. our of 153 million
Context matters
even 12 was barely a landslide. 08 was the last real big difference.
It won. Arguing about one of 1000 lies won't change anything.
It was Obama in 2012 not 2016
Make Biden #DeclassifyTrump, so we can force the Congress to #ImpeachTrumpNow.
Something similar is likely to happen here unless Labour go back to standing for something.